Tuesday, January 19, 2016

ALPHA 0.5.11: "Daily Routine"

I have no set benchmark for the release of an update. In this case, enough minor content additions, recoding, and bugfixes have accumulated that there's an update's worth. Updates of this kind are going to become more common as FC moves from rapid addition of new mechanics to filling out, improving, and debugging existing mechanics. Unlike updates that added things like corporate management or societal manipulation, 0.5.11 is simply a slightly faster, less buggy, and more complete experience. The latter is what really absorbs an immense amount of my dev time, and fortunately, it's a lot of fun. For example, there are certain comments a slave can now make that the vast majority of players will never see: little touches to make the rare girl that qualifies seem a little more alive.

The core of 0.5.11 is a comprehensive recode of all facilities and most assignments. A contributor reorganized the existing facility code to cut down on the number of loops the game has to run in order to generate facility and assignment reports. The need for me to review this work line by line before including it meant that this was a good time to make balance changes and minor content additions to the facilities, too.

There are several intended behaviours being reported as bugs. Some event options will only appear for appropriate slaves; if you see the same event for different slaves, it's entirely possible that you won't have the same options both times. I try to make this clear when it happens, but in places it would give away undiscovered fetishes to do so.

Download: DropboxMegaPrevious saves will not work. If you have not started a new game with a fresh download, please do not report bugs. Latest hotfix,, at 1945 PST. Addresses collection facility assignment and report bugs.

0.5.11 Changelog

Major updates:
  • Complete review and recode of all facilities and many assignments. This should reduce end of week lag. Based on coding by bob22smith2000.
New events:
  • High-reputation event that gives a glimpse into the life of a female arcology owner.
  • Three new dilemma events.
  • Event for a busy master suite with a concubine, that involves sex with, and calls out, every single slave in the suite.
  • Individual event for slaves who hate oral. Written by anon, coded by Boney M.
Significant balance changes:
  • Heavily reduced on-the-job skills gains to encourage use of other training methods.
  • Comprehensive facility balance changes, generally to reduce (but not eliminate) the advantage of a facility with a good leader over work under the PC's direct supervision.
Minor updates:
  • Many more possible topics for slaves asked about their feelings.
  • Additional options for preexisting events.
  • Increased the minimum obedience requirement to work in the collection facility and dairy.
  • Eliminated the obedience requirement for amputees to work in the collection facility and dairy.
  • Upgrades for the collection facility and dairy which eliminate the obedience requirement for working there.
  • More fetish changes in leadership positions, preventable with smart piercings.
  • Improved relative recruitment system. Based on coding by Boney M.
  • Recruiters' effectiveness is now affected by entertainment skill.
  • Improved job-related injury system: some upgrades and skills now give a chance that customers who hurt the girls will have to pay; this system can be affected by certain future society choices.
  • Societal slave renaming can be turned off from the new options menu, or can be mass-applied from the future society menu.
  • New nationalities: Malians, Tunisians, Jordanians, Lebanese, Emiratis, Omanis, and Libyans.
  • Added natural and implanted statuses to main menu slave summaries.
  • New encyclopedia entries on requested topics.
  • Autosaving can be turned off from the new options menu, accessible from the sidebar.
  • Bugfixes.


  1. First for praise dev, for he has returned to us!

    Great work as always.

    1. I never left. Reviewing twenty facility and assignment passages takes time. Also, 0.5.10 recieved ~200 comments, most of which reported bugs.

    2. We know, it's just you spoil us with your frequent updates and really commendable work ethic.

  2. Can't use the 'back' button to return tp the slave screen after entering the arcology it seems

  3. *Praises Dev for updates*

    Possible bug: The summary said my slaves had 15 vanilla encounters, even though I only had 1 slave and she was a virgin.

    She was on break her will training which implies all her holes are used. Yet she remained a virgin.

  4. My initial slave is showing two "Lactating naturally" status on the homepage:

    Early twenties. Pretty face. Big lips. Heeled. Huge T&A. Implants. Lactating naturally. Lactating naturally. Average intelligence. Sexually skilled. Normal sexuality.

    1. Well, she has two boobs, presumably. Worry if you see more.

      Related: http://f3.to/mbap/

  5. Collection facility screen is giving a bad conditional error where the slaves names should be.

  6. The new "slave school fraud" dilemma event starts with:

    "Double-click this passage to edit it."

    Not a link or anything, just a regular sentence before the first sentence of the event proper.

    1. Also, the slaves from this event come with pre-slavery job backgrounds, even though the event specifies they were raised within a slave school.

  7. Tried the game out this week and loved it. Looking forward to see the form it'll take when evolving further.

    One feature I'm curious if you're planning on implementing: Statistics on gold earned/spent on individual slave. What I mean would be something in the vein of a new info page for the slave where you could find how much overall resources you've spent on the slave thus far, from purchase costs to medicine to implants and piercings to living expenses, etc. and how much the slave has earned you in coin and reputation while you've owned her, things like that. Maybe in addition to that a the same information in a shorter time frame like a month or two.

    This would help with finding out how cost effectively you're being, which is somewhat hard to figure out at the moment. It would also help with finding underperforming slaves to sell off when you need to thin the herd.

    Would something like that be too cumbersome to code?

    Anyway, bang up job thus far. All the best in the future.

  8. Asking a rebellious slave about their feelings produces the same sentence as last patch:

    She declares angrily that it's wrong to keep her a slave, and that you should free her.

    The game then tacks on the sentences introduced this patch:

    I don't feel good, but I can almost feel the curatives fixing me. Thank you, Master. (etc.)

    The new sentences are first-person conversation, so the two parts are obviously not in agreement. This is made worse by a lack of transition between the two. There's also a closing quotation mark for the end of direct speech, but no opening one - I guess it was assumed to be included in the first part, but rebellious/resistant slave conversations did not follow that pattern last patch.

  9. TYPO

    Weekly update, double virgin fucktoy:

    "Since you haven't yet decided to sell or take her tight little anus, you let her confine her efforts to her mouth and pussy . She is duly grateful you let her put off taking it up the butt another week."

    Extra space between the end of the first sentence and the period.

  10. BUG

    Pregnant slave chose her own job to be fucktoy, "in the hope of getting pregnant". Problem? She's already pregnant, and the weekly update assumes her vagina isn't accessible for impregnation because of a chastity belt (and outputs a sentence to that effect).

  11. BUG

    Herm slave generates a "you catch a slave fucking another slave" event. She was a double virgin, but a prior instance of this event took her vaginal virginity via the third choice ("slave has a pussy, use that").

    Current event shows both choice 2 ("fuck the slave giving it") and choice 3 ("use the giving slave's pussy") as taking virginity, but choice 3 does NOT remove anal virginity when selected.

    This is probably a DISPLAY ISSUE - since choice 3 is specifically for vaginal virginity, it should not display "this choice will take virginity" when the slave only has anal virginity available.

    On the other hand, if the game is supposed to take ANY ONE remaining virginity through choice 3 if vaginal has already been lost, this is a BUG.

  12. You might consider renaming Entertainment to something like Charisma if you want it to apply to more things.

  13. awsome game love every bit of it. though im reporting a bug: the bug is when you set a girl as your head girl thir pregnacy just stops progressing and its the same for the concubine.

  14. BUG

    awsome game love every bit of it. though im reporting a bug: the bug is when you set a girl as your head girl thir pregnacy just stops progressing and its the same for the concubine.

  15. BUG

    Latest version (, the "vanilla slave asks to be given another slave's fetish" event is still not working properly for breast fetish.

    Instead of the slave's name (for the slave who should gain the fetish), the game shows a link to a non-existent "active slavename" page. Choosing to inflict fetish results in no changes among the slave roster, because I guess the event doesn't know which slave to point at.

    The event seems to be working fine for other fetishes, but boobs just don't spread because of this bug.

  16. TYPO

    The "should have had the 'virgin' part in writing" dilemma event refers to the buyer as PUNTATIVE at the start of its third paragraph. This should likely be PUTATIVE.

    Also, choice 3 for the event (side with buyer) is "Settle the dispute in favor of the slave trader". The buyer is not mentioned as a slave trader anywhere before that point, only as a "less prominent citizen". The choice should be changed to reference "buyer" or "less prominent citizen" to avoid confusion.

    (That's probably a copy/paste leftover since a bunch of these events got added this patch.)

  17. Awesome game love every bit of it. Though I got this bug error when press end of week after buy semen collection
    Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <> Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <> Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <> Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <> Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <> Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <> Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <> Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <> Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <> Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <> Your collection facility is empty.

  18. Just thinking should head girls mention how they appreciate being your head girl when you ask about their feelings and thank you for adding non penetration option to slave sex request event

  19. Bug ??

    after i bought semen collection and after that error all my slave become Hermaphrodite, kinda strange

  20. Bug can't send slave to semen collection

    Send a slave to the Collection Facility: Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <>
    clause: missing ) in parenthetical Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: missing ) in parenthetical Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: missing ) in parenthetical Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: missing ) in parenthetical Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: missing ) in parenthetical

  21. Assistant applied permanent makeup tattoo doesn't apply correctly, it's unmentioned in the description and shows up in the body mod menu as $activeSlave.lipsTat.

  22. Did the head girl devotion gain get turned off?

    The gain seems minimal, compared to a similar slave with all things equal, where in previous versions the head girl would quickly reach Worshipful.

  23. JE virginity deal: "he should have gotten the part about the virginity in writing and guarunteed" - should be 'guaranteed'.

    'JE indenture deal' can generate hermaphrodites, is this intended?

    'RE female arcology owner' is so cute I don't even want an option to enslave her. I think this counts as a bug.

    If it's new in this version, 'RE mindbroken morning' was left out of the changelog.

    'Masochist' in the smart piercing settings isn't capitalized.


    The text for a slave that can masturbate and has a boob fetish is broke. The lisping option talks about being clipped: "I don't mind being clipped. Between that and my boobth I feel like a nice little thlave girl." and the non-lisping one talks about anal.

    Many of the fetish-specific text chunks require lips gte 1 for no reason I can see.

    The text for gelded boob fetishists talks about the slave's appreciation of her own boobs even if she's flat-chested. Same for ones limp due to hormones.

    Pregnancy fetishists don't have any special text for boob growth injections.

    "I try to conform to your vision for the future" shows up even before FS are unlocked.

    "Being a sex slave is hard work." shows up on girls who are resting, and not on ones who are fucktoys.

    Slaves who should be too rebellious to say anything except object to being a slave still say a bunch of things after their objections.

    The 'thanks for letting me talk' chunks are before the speech marks that are part of the sexuality topics that open the longest part of the speech.

    "I wish I understood my own sexuality better." doesn't have a lisped version.

  24. Any chance of a "sandbox" start option that cuts out the non-random events? I always wind up feeling obligated not only to totally optimize everything in the early game to ensure I have the money for the best results, but also to focus my time and effort far more on the slaves from those events (for instance, the herm from the lab event pretty much ALWAYS winds up as my HG; I almost never sell captured soldiers or refugees, etc).

    Basically, the "story" events and their resulting slaves cut down on my enjoyment of the more freeform aspects of the game. Maybe I'm totally alone in this, I dunno. I just know I'd at least like to have the option to toggle those events off, and just mess around without that feeling of pressure

    1. And unrelated, but it would be weirdly hot if highly-devoted sadists winning lethal duels got off on the execution... maybe turning the act itself into some sort of twisted sex act. Conversely, high-devotion masochists could find the same sort of bizarre pleasure in *losing* said duels.

      Not sure if that's the kinda thing you'd be up for writing, of course. Hell, I'd feel strange writing it, and I'm the one suggesting it, heh. If you are though, it'd be a very... interesting bit of flavor.

      Another suggestion (fairly minor, I *think*, seems largely copy-paste to me): a higher-renown, or significantly higher-cost (or both!) variant of the custom slave order screen that has all the options of the game-start slave creation screen. Didn't know just how much I wanted this until I spent half an hour trying to get a slave with a tiny dick and huge balls (to use for particularly humiliating cockmilking), and discovered that such is pretty much impossible to get via hormones. HGH grows both fairly evenly, and female hormones don't seem capable of shrinking dicks past small. Anyway, an expanded ordering system would make that and many other odd physical combinations so much easier to get.

      (Also pisswhore fetish when)

    2. 'Any chance of a "sandbox" start option that cuts out the non-random events?'

      Two handed / one handed mode in the start screen does exactly this.

    3. Heh, my bad. I thought it only removed non-sexual *random* events.

      Well, disregard that entire post then! The second still stands though (unless there's even more I've missed...)

  25. Will there ever be some way for us to get a previously-male slave to fit within a pregnancy-focused arcology, or is the general idea to just boot them out as soon as possible?

    Like a pregnancy implant or some kind of padded clothing?

    1. They're still useful for breeding with your XX slaves.

      Would be entertaining if a gelded XY slave would give up her interest in knocking up other girls and instead start envying your XX girls' ability to *be* impregnated. I'm picturing an event where she tells you just how desperately she wants to be able to have a child, followed by you fucking her ass and talking like you're going to knock her up... and then a few days later you have her use a pregnancy test and insult/mock (/punish/whatever) her when it obviously comes back negative.

      Man, I'm having a lot of cruel ideas tonight

    2. there's actually an even where male slaves with artificial vagina's come to ask you to be impregnated, and you can basically use them or abuse them. Though you have to have actively pregnant slaves, or fertile slaves available for it to pop it seems.

  26. BUG

    I think the take classes script probabilities are set wrong.

    Below Average Intelligence slaves will learn faster then average and above average intelligence slaves.

    Also fearful slaves will learn faster then obedient and devoted slaves.

  27. suggestions
    -add a 'sex' option to be nursed by lactating slaves.
    -add animal ears and tail plugs(common bro everybody want it.)
    -add a option to select what you will teach to the slaves.

    -make possible to use the school to teach slave related skills.

  28. BUG: When you enter the Options screen from the Manage Arcology Screen you get trapped on the Manage Arcology Screen as the "Back" button only takes you back to the Manage Arcology screen. Had to reload an old save to get out.

  29. You've created a bug where you cannot exit the arcology screen if you use the options menu-once you exit the options menu, hitting the "Back" button just infinitely loops you to the arcology screen.

  30. BUG: Assigned a Stewardess to the Servant's quarters. Next day, at the head of the page between the Dairy report and the Servant's report, I get three instances of ! Error: <>: bad evaluation: stewardessBonus is not defined

  31. Question; is it too difficult to adapt the slave physical characteristics system to "your" character? (I'd really like to have an arcology owner with an expressly-defined body)

  32. BUG: Seems to be a random event: ! Error: <>: error within contents (Error: <>: bad evaluation: undefined)

    NOTE: I had to change a word to sript or I got a Tag is not allowed error from the BBS software

  33. BUG: in the end week first page, all her holes fucktoys are described as using chastity belts, yet have none set on the slave's accessories description.

    i'd also like to echo alex's request -add a 'sex' option to be nursed by lactating slaves.

  34. Error: << set >>: bad evaluation: stewardessBonus is not defined
    is showing up in the end of week summary for EVERY slave in the servant's quarters.

  35. Small bug bodyguard room upgrade lacks price.

  36. BUG: I set the slaves to get a smart piercing in the body mod rules assistant and this happened;

    Helga's clit has been pierced. Error: <>: bad evaluation: Unexpected token <<
    Jessica's frenulum has been pierced. Error: <>: bad evaluation: Unexpected token <<
    Tania's frenulum has been pierced. Error: <>: bad evaluation: Unexpected token <<

    It happened in 5.10 as well. It did not effect function at all, just the message is what kept popping up everytime i activated rules assistant.

  37. TYPO

    The "Pillows" nickname for big-lipped slaves is being added without the closing apostrophe. It appears as

    'Pillows NAME

    rather than

    'Pillows' NAME.


    Hey, remember that major exploit with the upkeep screen? The one where, if the player navigated from it via a link somewhere else, the game would re-roll the upkeep costs and ADD them to the total it previously generated?

    Well, it's back, thanks to the 'Options' link. 'Options' needs to be disabled on the upkeep page.

  39. Request:

    Can facility workers have a chance to pop up with nicknaming, maybe with a facility-related choice but by no means necessarily? Facility overseers already enjoy this perk, and I'd be happy even with just a simple eligibility for enabled nicknames, even without special ones depending on facility (though that'd be cool!).

    1. whoops, didn't mean to reply, sorry DrPill!

  40. Request:

    Can facility workers have a chance to pop up with nicknaming, maybe with a facility-related choice but by no means necessarily? Facility overseers already enjoy this perk, and I'd be happy even with just a simple eligibility for enabled nicknames, even without special ones depending on facility (though that'd be cool!).

  41. bugs:

    -the schoolroom upgrade seems to have not been implemented (it does nothing)
    -there are some unexpected rewards in the pit-fights (50 cash where you would expect 500)

  42. BUG:

    The "transformation fetishist" option for Future Society doesn't seem to work. The week after I activate it, it's gone from the menu and I'm down one "direction point" with nothing to show for it.

  43. Bug:

    Herm slaves from shotgun event that are Latina appear to only come with 'pale' skin now. This could just be poor luck, but I've had 5 now (Colombian, Argentinian, Mexican, Venezuelan and Cuban) all with this exact same color. Should be some brown/light brown/olive mixed in at least.

    1. actually all herm servants from that shotgun event are coming out with 'pale' skin for me...

  44. Inconsistency:
    The headgirl nickname list contains "Bottom Bitch" as one possibility, e.g.

    "Ali occupies a place in the hierarchy of your penthouse that is certainly one which encourages nicknaming. Your other slaves view her with mixed envy, adoration, emulation, and apprehension. She is someone to curry favor with, to offer sexual favors, and at times someone to avoid. To the devoted slave her closeness to you is enviable; to the rebellious slave her alliance with you is traitorous. You begin to overhear your other slaves refer to her as 'Bottom Bitch' Ali."


    This might be changed to "Top Bitch" or something similar. I believe that Bottom Bitch appears in the submissive and black nickname lists as well.

  45. Some more suggestions for your consideration:

    Let's see if I can inundate you with more ideas you like. :P

    The ability to assign slaves to work in pairs. Primarily the ability to force bickering slaves to do assignments together as a way to make them get along. Or at the very least the ability confine bickering slaves together.

    Decorative options for buttplugs for various tail options for those people who want their slaves to have animal tails. This would complement the animal ears hearwear options I suggested in my previous post.

    Make the corset a separate option for clothing so a slave can be corset trained while wearing whatever outfit a slave owner wants over the corset. Maintain whatever mental/behavioral effects it currently has on slaves if it is made a separate option.

    Add a smart corset training option to the rules assistant so that slaves can be corset trained and then have the corset removed once they reach a narrow waist.

    Add the conservative clothing to the rules assistant.

    Geisha make-up as an option in the auto salon with corresponding option in automatic rules assistant.

    Shimada hair style as an option in the auto salon to compliment the geisha make-up with corresponding option in the automatic rules assistant.

    Tabi socks as a shoe option to complete the geisha look.

    Some sort of pseudo-Japanese cultural direction similar to the Egyptian and Roman versions in the Future Society page to support the prostitute geisha concept.

    Normal socks as a shoe option.
    Knee socks as a shoe option.
    Sneakers as a shoe option.
    Knee high boots as a shoe option. Similar in style to the thigh boots, just shorter.
    Cowboy boots as a shoe option.
    Ballet shoes as a shoe option.

    Ballerina outfit as a clothing option.
    Tuxedo or nice evening gown as a clothing option.
    "Nice" version of the battle dress as a clothing option.
    Nice version of the Nurse outfit as a clothing option.
    A nice version of the nun outfit which does not have the effects of the penitent nun outfit as a clothing option.
    A nice schoolgirl uniform as a clothing option to counter point the default schoolgirl outfit already in game.

    If you implement the headwear option I suggested before, have an option to put beautifying masks on slaves with ugly, unattractive faces that hide their faces and make them look pretty. There could be various types of masks for various effects. But this is primarily suggested as a cheap way to beautify ugly slaves until a slave owner can get around to giving ugly slaves facial work to make them pretty or as a way to keep ugly slaves natural. Have an option in the rules assistant to automatically put beautifying masks on ugly slaves.

    Remove build muscle as a sub option of diet and add a new category under "Diet" called "Exercise Regimen" with options that range from maintaining current muscle level to building muscle with other options in between.

    1. I agree with literally all of this except the weeb crap. Even if FCA *did* add a Japanese version (which he really shouldn't, the whole idea behind the revivals is ancient cultures - China is the only Eastern possibility worth mentioning), why should it be a special snowflake that gets four times as many appearance options as the other revivals? Especially a *hairstyle and makeup*, both of which you can already do via custom fields.

      Anyhow. Yeah. The rest of it's cool, especially the new clothing suggestions. Cowboy would totally fit the outfit Pastoralism unlocks, and I've been hoping to see another heeled-boots option - perhaps the knee-highs could be leather, and the thigh-highs could be switched to latex, so they could "combine" with the latex and nurse outfits? I like the idea of having "normal" and "revealing" variants of most options, as well... at some point though the clothing menu is going to either need to be collapsible or its own sub-menu (collapsible would be best I think, so you can still immediately see the description changes).

  46. Found a coding error while I was digging around from modding in results of my own special set of quirks. Which I might actually complete compared to all the other unfinished projects I have built up, due to simplicity.

    <<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk is "arrogant")>>
    She receives less ¤ because she treats clients like they are beneath her dignity.
    <<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk is "bitchy")>>
    She receives less ¤ because she makes cutting remarks to clients.
    <<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk is "quirky")>>
    She receives less ¤ because clients are annoyed by her quirky behavior.

    quirky is a behaviouralQuirk not sexualQuirk

    1. I have nothing more to say besides it's in the public servant section too, BUT.

      Outfit suggestions:

      Naked Apron. Ideally registered as 'bad clothes' but it depends on how you throw it, it's not as revealing as lingerie, but does have the veritable mix of servitude and readiness for a good pounding. Also of which I'd prefer this on the 'buttslut' head girl ruleset instead of bangles... Plus, it'll save me the trouble of manually swapping out straps to aprons since I like to thematically upgrade girls into ever more convervative maid clothing.

      Casino Bunny/Club Bunny/Bunny Girl/Playboy Bunny or whatever name you feel best fits it.

      Club Bunny seemingly the shortest and most ideal to the general playboy bunny outfit, minus copyrighted title.

      I'm actually curious if you plan on adding all the outfits people keep coming to you with, or you just pretend you don't read them and hope they're never brought up.

    2. I read everything and I add clothing in batches every 3-5 updates.

  47. TYPO

    The word "receive" is misspelled "recieve" in

    RE female arcology owner

    The new nationalities have not been added to the custom order and custom start slave selections

  48. Can name and career randomize buttons be added to the custom start slave creation menu?

    1. Careers can already be randomized. The link is at the very bottom of the start screen, below the fetish/quirk options.

  49. "Heavily reduced on-the-job skills gains to encourage use of other training methods."

    ...Why? What other methods are there? Personal attention? Head Girl? Education? Other limited or finite methods? This change makes zero sense.

  50. For some reason, anytime I add a girl as my fucktoy, it says she has a chastity belt, even when she does not have one.

  51. Been playing the new patch. Seems you need some event with muted slaves; the initial slave I got(Anna) has been getting a good amount of placeholder events, besides nicknames(thus the "Pure" part).

    VERSION: 0.5.11.
    slaveName: "'Pure' Anna", birthName: "Anna", weekAcquired: 1, origin: 0, career: 0, ID: 900071, prestige: 0, prestigeDesc: "0", recruiter: 0, relation: 0, relationTarget: 0, relationship: 0, relationshipTarget: 0, rivalry: 0, rivalryTarget: 0, subTarget: 0, choosesOwnAssignment: 0, assignment: "rest", assignmentVisible: 1, sentence: 0, toyHole: "all her holes", age: 21, ageImplant: 0, health: 2, minorInjury: 0, devotion: 19.6, oldDevotion: 19.6, weight: 0, muscles: 0, height: 1, heightImplant: 0, nationality: "0", race: "white", eyes: "brown", hcolor: "brown", pubicHColor: "brown", skin: "white", hlength: "short", pubicHLength: "waxed", waist: 0, amp: 0, heels: 0, mute: 1, boobs: 800, boobsImplant: 0, nipples: 0, nipplesPiercing: 0, areolae: 0, boobsTat: "0", lactation: 0, milk: 0, cum: 0, butt: 3, buttImplant: 0, buttTat: "0", face: 0, faceImplant: 0, lips: 0, lipsImplant: 0, lipsPiercing: 0, lipsTat: "0", teeth: 0, tonguePiercing: 0, vagina: 0, vaginaPiercing: 0, vaginaTat: "0", preg: -1, births: 0, labia: 0, clit: 0, clitPiercing: 0, clitSetting: "off", anus: 0, dick: 0, dickPiercing: 0, dickTat: "0", balls: 0, ovaries: 1, anusPiercing: 0, anusTat: "0", makeup: 0, nails: 0, brand: 0, brandLocation: 0, earPiercing: 0, nosePiercing: 0, eyebrowPiercing: 0, navelPiercing: 0, cosmeticPiercings: 0, shouldersTat: "0", armsTat: "0", legsTat: "0", stampTat: "0", vaginalSkill: 1, oralSkill: 2, analSkill: 1, whoreSkill: 1, entertainSkill: 1, combatSkill: 0, livingRules: "luxurious", speechRules: "restrictive", releaseRules: "permissive", relationshipRules: "permissive", useRulesAssistant: 1, diet: "healthy", tired: 0, hormones: 0, drugs: "no drugs", addict: 0, choosesOwnClothes: 0, clothes: "a nice maid outfit", collar: "pretty jewelry", shoes: "flats", vaginalAccessory: "none", buttplug: "none", intelligence: 1, intelligenceImplant: 1, fetish: "none", fetishDiscovered: 1, behavioralQuirk: "none", sexualQuirk: "none", oralCount: 0, vaginalCount: 0, analCount: 0, mammaryCount: 0, penetrativeCount: 0, pitKills: 0, customTat: " ", customLabel: " ", customDesc: " "


    Do slave degradationist societies negate the arcade reputation penalty? They should.

  53. BUG
    One of my slaves prompted me to buy her mother when I already had her sister. When I bought her both the mother and the sister displayed as the mother in game. It looked like I had 2 of the mother and the sister went away.

  54. My Worshipful Bodygard just killed me, game over. Maybe fun to program, not than fun on the receiving end lol (0.5.10 version)

    1. That happens if you abuse her. Don't abuse your bodyguards.

    2. The question is, is there any other way to get killed ?

      Because if the only way to get killed is by my bodygard, I'm not sure I'll hire one.

  55. how do you get relative recruitment to proc?

  56. bug:

    When creating a slave at game start, decreasing breast size from 'healthy' (c cup) to 'flat' results in a price *increase* which seems entirely backwards. I've also witnessed this effect seemingly swap (same results) with butt size from 'healthy' to 'flat'.

    1. Flat slaves get the Girlish Figure bonus, so they should cost more to reflect that benefit.

  57. bug: slaves still showing up on main screen with 'mid-twenties' on occasion when they are either early or late twenties in description screen and mid-twenties age group was eliminated from the game some time ago.

  58. bug: upkeep change from stewardess stats has message "Error: <>: bad evaluation: stewardessBonus is not defined"

  59. Older confined rebellious slaves that are given nypho through smart piercing are hilarious.
    She declares angrily that it's wrong to keep her a slave, and that you should free her. I can almost feel the curatives working. They make me feel so young! Thank you, Master. Being a sex slave is hard work. I wish I were better at sex, sometimes all I can think to do is just lie there. I try to conform to your vision for the future. So, Master," she concludes, "Please fuck me. Please."

  60. 'SA please you': "//elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion gt 10)// (...) //elseif ($slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory isnot "chastity belt")// / mouth and, since her pussy is covered by her chastity belt, asshole" - the isnot should be is.

    'P citizens and civilians': The Knights of the Blood have 'The mercenaries - no, the Asgardians' in their passage.

    'RE obedient addict': The paragraph starting 'She mutters' is on a new line and indented further in than the rest of the text, as is the line starting 'she sobs' in the 'have sex with her before she takes the pill' option. Might just be the non-lisping version.

    "The hard labor of constant sex left her with a sore muscles" - should be 'a sore muscle' or 'sore muscles' without the 'a'.

    For the sake of my neuroses, please change "//set $secondSlave.boobs += random (-100, 100)//" in 'Mother Daughter Workaround' to "//set $secondSlave.boobs += either (-100, -50, 0, 50, 100)//".

    The 'UseFSNames' option isn't checked in the workarounds for the Household Liquidator. On the other side of things, the second slave in the mother/daughter and matched pair recruitment scenes doesn't acquire a FS name when they should.

    If you don't have any slaves on curatives, 'P bad curatives' says that $activeSlave.slaveName is sick.

    The descriptions for active dairies and collection facilities don't fit with the possibility of captive cows and collectees. Similarly, the 'Walk Past' scenes for collection facility and dairy slaves don't fit with amputee or disobedient slaves.

    'REM merger': When acquiring the mercenaries: "and some powerful of slave capture assets."

    Rebellious slaves with non-minimal labia have their labia described as moist/sheen-y/dripping with arousal.

    Already-dominant slaves can become doms all over again from having a submissive FWB/lover/slave wife, and vice versa. Also, it seems odd that there's no equivalent fetish-sharing from sadists and masochists.

    "Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>" in 'RE FSEgyptianRevivalist acquisition workaround'.

    'SA relationships': "$slaves[$i].slaveName is thankful that you've preserved the incestuous relationship between her and her sibling." - the 'thankful' should be @@hotpink.

    1. On the topic of the sore muscles debuff we have this line: "She is sporting a sore muscles, covered by makeup."

  61. Can already pregnant slaves stop asking to be bred when you talk to them if they are impregnation fetishists?

    1. Also XY slaves. They've been fixed to specifically mention knocking up other girls, yet they still ask you to knock them up two sentences later

  62. Can we have a 'torture' option for the 'fucktoy' assignment? Make it provide devotion boost for devoted+ slaves, and a large devotion boost to slaves with masochism, all the while resulting in loss of health.

  63. Hey, I really appreciate your rapid update schedule and your dedication to writing this game. It's shaping out to be really good game, not only just for porn purposes, but also it actually keeps my interest otherwise. Keep up the great work. You might want to put a link to your patreon in to your actual game... ? I mean, I know it's a tip-jar but why not make sure you get paid for providing the "masses" with this piece of gameplay? It might increase the number of patrons. Or not. Just a thought.

  64. TYPO
    Might be a TYPO, might be Grammar

    stating a disclaimer first, English is not my first language, but within the slave description (menu), on Worshipful slaves, the text reads "x is not her original name; she adores her slave name and -affects- to have forgotten that she was ever called z"
    If i am correct, which i think i am (again English is not my first language) should it not be "appears" in stead of "affects"?

    i feel like "affects" is wrong, the sentence gives a better meaning with the use of "appears", here's the the text:

    "x is not her original name; she adores her slave name and affects to have forgotten that she was ever called z"
    "x is not her original name; she adores her slave name and appears to have forgotten that she was ever called z"

    found on ALPHA 0.5.11

    and again, do pitch in on what you believe is correct, since my english is not perfect.

    1. This is, in fact, an obscure use of the word 'affects'. In this context, it means pretending not to know something. If a mannerism is affected, for example, it's false and put on for the benefit of others. Much the same applies here :) .

      Nicely spotted, though; it's an unusual usage!

    2. Ok, since it's technically correct, either disregard my first post.
      As mentions by "Unknown" ^ as it's a unusual usage of the word, maybe change it to another that fits the sentence.

  65. A barren slave was sent to the dairy and got pregnant.

  66. Will there be an option for female arcology owner? When do you expect to implement it?

  67. The answer to these questions are "No" and "Never" due to the astronomical amount of rewriting for events necessary for it to be of equal quality to what's already there. He's said as much in the "Planned content, known bugs and omissions, and content that will not be added" link near the top of this page.

  68. There are many random events that do not have a 'Sell Her Immediately' option available, despite the fact that the description states that 'Enslavement will cost (X amount of money), Selling her Immediately will bring in (X amount of money)" Unless this is intended so that the player can 'enslave' and then 'sell', I think this is a bug.

    After looking through the code, it seems that most of the events do not have them, except the new events added to the slaves that the recruiter brings in. I'll make notes of them as I come across them...

    To start with, both the 'Male Debtor' and 'Female Debtor' events are problematic in this regard.

    1. "Unless this is intended so that the player can 'enslave' and then 'sell'"
      I'm pretty sure it is. An option to sell immediately would still be convenient though.

    2. I didn't know if it was intended functionality or not, because the slaves that are offered as part of recruiter events allow you to sell the slave immediately instead of having to 'enslave then sell'...

  69. Found another bug, a male debtor that I forced to become female, switched back to male after the event: I was confronted with a random event to enslave a Male Debtor. I proceeded to enslave him/her, which was supposed to remove her dick and replace it with a vagina, and the text said it did so. I applied my rules assistant, attended to her medical needs. When I got back to the main screen, and opened up her page, it said that she still had her cock. She is now acting simply like a shemale slave, despite having supposedly been surgically altered.

    1. "You could enslave him and immediately force him into the remote surgery for cosmetic alteration to look more female."

      "where there was once a young man there is now a slim, flat-chested sex slave with a vague, androgynous appearance and a flaccid dick."

      It's not a sex-change, it's just tweaking the former him to be prettier. It's the surgery addict event that inflicts a sex change operation on the new slave.

  70. BUG?

    Two slaves - a genetic female and a transfem (originally male, genitals converted to a vagina) - are on the same hormonal setup (workouts + steroids, with the genetic female receiving a small dose of male hormones to balance out the ovaries). Both have max size muscles and clits, but the transfem keeps triggering the "clit size increase" weekly report message.

    1. Correction, this is actually triggering for both slaves. So the issue isn't inconsistency between the two, but the fact that I'm seeing clit growth messages without clit grows (while clit is on "pseudophallus" max size in the slave description).

  71. TYPO

    Brazilian name "Milena" is spelled with a capital I - "MIlena".

  72. BUG:
    This Slave
    VERSION: 0.5.11.
    slaveName: "Aoife", birthName: "Aoife", weekAcquired: 1, origin: "You acquired her in the last stages of your career as a noted private military contractor.", career: "a doctor", ID: 2, prestige: 0, prestigeDesc: "0", recruiter: 0, relation: 0, relationTarget: 0, relationship: 0, relationshipTarget: 0, rivalry: 0, rivalryTarget: 0, subTarget: 0, choosesOwnAssignment: 0, assignment: "rest", assignmentVisible: 1, sentence: 0, toyHole: "all her holes", age: 43, ageImplant: 1, health: 6.2, minorInjury: 0, devotion: 30, oldDevotion: 30, weight: 0, muscles: 0, height: 2, heightImplant: 0, nationality: "Irish", race: "white", eyes: "green", hcolor: "black", pubicHColor: "black", skin: "fair", hlength: "long", pubicHLength: "waxed", waist: 0, amp: 0, heels: 0, mute: 0, boobs: 500, boobsImplant: 0, nipples: 1, nipplesPiercing: 1, areolae: 0, boobsTat: "0", lactation: 0, milk: 0, cum: 0, butt: 3, buttImplant: 0, buttTat: "0", face: 2, faceImplant: 0, lips: 1, lipsImplant: 0, lipsPiercing: 0, lipsTat: "0", teeth: 0, tonguePiercing: 1, vagina: 1, vaginaPiercing: 1, vaginaTat: "0", preg: -1, births: 0, labia: 0, clit: 0, clitPiercing: 3, clitSetting: "all", anus: 1, dick: 4, dickPiercing: 1, dickTat: "0", balls: 4, ovaries: 1, anusPiercing: 1, anusTat: "0", makeup: 0, nails: 0, brand: "your initials ", brandLocation: "back", earPiercing: 1, nosePiercing: 0, eyebrowPiercing: 0, navelPiercing: 1, cosmeticPiercings: 0, shouldersTat: "0", armsTat: "0", legsTat: "0", stampTat: "0", vaginalSkill: 2, oralSkill: 2, analSkill: 2, whoreSkill: 2, entertainSkill: 2, combatSkill: 1, livingRules: "luxurious", speechRules: "permissive", releaseRules: "sapphic", relationshipRules: "permissive", useRulesAssistant: 1, diet: "muscle building", tired: 0, hormones: 0, drugs: "curatives", addict: 0, choosesOwnClothes: 0, clothes: "a nice maid outfit", collar: "pretty jewelry", shoes: "boots", vaginalAccessory: "none", buttplug: "none", intelligence: 2, intelligenceImplant: 1, fetish: "nympho", fetishDiscovered: 1, behavioralQuirk: "none", sexualQuirk: "none", oralCount: 0, vaginalCount: 0, analCount: 0, mammaryCount: 0, penetrativeCount: 0, pitKills: 0, customTat: "She has a small tattoo of a private military company's coat of arms on the nape of her neck.", customLabel: " ", customDesc: " "
    set as Stewardess causes
    Error: <>: bad evaluation: stewardessBonus is not defined Error: <>: bad evaluation: stewardessBonus is not defined Error: <>: bad evaluation: stewardessBonus is not defined Error: <>: bad evaluation: stewardessBonus is not defined Error: <>: bad evaluation: stewardessBonus is not defined
    as soon as I go to the next week, this
    <> is what appears when I mouse over the above error.

    1. set$cash+=stewardessBonus is what appears when moused over. Sorry for the double post but I only just realized that the stuff between < and > disappears.

  73. I think there should be a mindbroken response when you ask a mind broken slave to share their feelings.


    Giving obedient slaves degrading names a second time DOES increase their devotion, even though the resultant text is gray and claims no devotion gains will be obtained due to the slave having already had a name forced on her.

  75. Suggestion: No idea how feasible this would be, but what about adding some unique continental bonuses? Something like...

    North America: Skilled Labor - Facilities come fully upgraded with initial purchase.
    South America: Adept Cosmetology - Slave body modification costs reduced by 50%.
    Australia: Isolation - Slave devotion degrades 15% slower.
    Asia: Pharmaceutical Experts - Drug regimen costs reduced by 15%.
    Africa: Anonymous Benefactor - Start game with ¤15,000 additional funding, earn ¤250 additional funding each following week.
    Europe: The Art of Diplomacy - +25% reputation gains from all sources.
    Mid East: Slave Traders - 15% Public/Pre-owned slave market discount.

    Additional suggestion + minor bug report:

    Flight Attendant profession?
    Currently says 'Drug Regime' in slave screen instead of 'Drug Regimen'.

    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regime#Medicine

  76. BUG

    Had a pair of slaves (generated by the Liberty defeat) go from Lover to Wife.

    First one, a shemale, has the status WIFE on the general screen, but her slave page shows NO name of the slave she's attached to, or the relationship status.

    Second one, a female, has the status LOVER on both the main screen and her slave page, and points at the first slave.

    I've seen the slave marriage event dozens of times before. The only things special about this one are a) that the female was a virgin (unlikely to matter), and b) that both slaves were given auto-generated degrading names, and the female was assigned a nickname by an event before the marriage.

    My guess would be that the problem is somehow caused by the new names implemented in this patch.

    1. Well, the weird thing is that, somehow, the relationship was advanced for only one slave out of the pair. Putting the two of them on restricted rules moved each of them two steps down, so that the WIFE is now FWB but the LOVER is now a FRIEND - but at least each slave's page is pointing to the right relationship target.

    2. I've had their relationship lowered as far as it can go, to the point that each slave's individual page shows no name of a relationship target. On the main screen, however, each is listed as FRIEND.

  77. TYPO

    Talking to a slave who isn't allowed to speak generates the following (quotation marks preserved from in-game text):

    "You're my beloved Master, and you know what's best for me," she says. Thank you so much for a chance to talk a little, Master. It's hard, never speaking. "I love fucking the other girls.

    Quotation marks should open a second time at "Thank you so much..." rather than at "I love fucking..."

  78. Is head girl training supposed to appear in the weekly update twice? Because giving HG her own suite and then a slave has literally doubled the HG's ability to train up other slaves.

    Not complaining, just wondering if that's intended (and if so, whether it's explained anywhere in-game).

    1. looking at the code, giving the headgirl a personal slave gives her 1 additional action per week. Seems to be intended.

  79. I just noticed the "one-handed" option blocks a few events which really should be included, since they directly and significantly affect future erotic random events: Personal Assistant voice change, Personal Assistant piercing upgrade, and future society "unlock" event are all blocked off. The lack of FS ability in particular makes one-handed mode far less awesome.

    Can the option be tweaked to allow those specific events to still fire?

  80. BUG?

    In this version, buying the aphrodisiac withdrawal upgrade for the pharmaceutical fabricator prevents slaves from losing the "Addict" status. There are no adverse effects from withdrawal, but the status itself remains attached to slaves.

    In previous versions, the "Addict" status (including for addicts generated by the mother/daughter event) was eventually removed from the slave. Was this change intended?

    1. Actually, the weekly update does occasionally spit out a penis shrinkage due to "long term effects of aphrodisiac use" for such slaves - ones who are not currently on aphrodisiacs and should not be addicted due to the fabricated replacement. So I'm guessing the "Addict" status sticking is a BUG.

  81. BUG

    The rival arcology owner enslavement event shows a "Let the public impregnate her" choice even for male rivals on "max shemale content" setting.

    If this is connected to several recruitment events generating herms rather than shemales on the same setting, the issue is probably with the female/shemale flags somewhere.

  82. Here's a weird interaction:

    My head girl is a customized slave from the game's start. She's a herm, but was generated with a fertile womb.
    My head girl's personal slave is a transfem (originally male, genitals converted to female) from the "surgery addicted tenant" event.
    My head girl was impregnated multiple weeks ago. The pregnancy has NOT advanced beyond "may be pregnant".
    My head girl has finally hit a pregnancy fetish trigger in the weekly update.
    Her slave immediately "contracted" the pregnancy fetish.
    The game then told me HG's slave is unhappy "that she is on contraceptives".

    So, take your pick:

    a) Pre-game slave generation allows for fertile herms (bug or feature depending on whom you ask);
    b) Head Girl's pregnancy is not advancing, despite HG appearing in every single weekly update;
    c) Barren female complaining she's on contraceptives after contracting preg fetish from partner.


      The reprodcution fetish for transfem slaves appears as the following sentence:

      "Her sexuality focuses on reproduction; she gets aroused by the mere thought of blowing her load in a fertile pussy."

      For obvious reasons (as in, due to having their genitalia transformed into pussies) transfem slaves are no longer capable of blowing loads into the pussies of other slaves. There needs to be some sort of compromise solution for them - maybe inflicting breast fetish so they can feed the progeny, a-la sympathetic pregnancy?

    2. Another note - former HG's pregnancy is advancing fine now that she isn't HG. So I guess it's the facility code that's preventing pregnancy advancement, not presence/absence of HG's status details in the weekly update.

  83. Amazing game, I love the idea and gameplay. Thank you so much for the updates!

    Here are my Suggestions:

    I know we can't have a female archology owner because it would be a major rewrite, but maybe we could have a character creation on the startup? I think you could get away with a bunch of stuff if you do. Maybe you where born female and transitioned or got penis implants? You could also use it to explain some game lore, like the archology, the gender redefinition, etc.

    Could we have psycostimulators? In reverse of the supressants, maybe act slower, but there's currently no way to make a slave smarter (and of course more expensive)

    I would imagine the porn industry would take a hit with the adquisition of sex being so easy. Would it be viable to have a porn studio? It could have like a bazillion cheap/small upgrades and there could be some interesting RE there.

    Is there any way to have RE like the nickname/slave asks for drugs/asks for sex, not trigger again for some time after you reject them? I said to my bodyguard she can't have butt injections and she kept asking every week (for about 10-12 weeks) until I gave up and just gave them to her... and she asked for them again like 2 weeks after that.

    1. It would be cool if we could have the "no nicknames ever" to apply to a single slave.

      I also believe that there should be a slave maximum, determined by your FS and arcology upgrades (don't know if there's a current maximum). I say this because at the later stages of the game, it becomes less "personal", specially if you have all your girls in facilities, since they are not eligible for RE.

      Im kinda confused by the role of the concubine, it just seems too similar to the head girl (besides the obvious training of slaves). I feel like the entire master suite could be a head girl room upgrade. (Or maybe I'm just dumb and the difference is lost on me)

      It seems vaginal virginity has no real value in the game, there's no RE event (or it didn't trigger for me) and when sold at the brothel it gives just a small gain. Maybe have a facility or event specially made for defloration?

      On the auto salon, theres the option for cosmetic contact lenses, wich makes the eye color just change. I think it would be cool if the lenses were just lenses (indicated as such on the descrption) and the actual (permanent) color change should be done in the body mod (by chemicals) or surgery.

      Could we have more enemies? I loved the "Sisters" and it would be cool to have some more people like them, maybe even have some random enemies appear as RE to stick around and be eliminated easily. And more powerfull ones to have their own storyline.

      Since the Egyptian FS, I think we need some more incest RE and descriptions. Specially when the family members are also friends/fwb/lovers/married. (On the fuck her with... option of the slave descrption)

    2. I would love it if the head slaves on each facility would be eligible for RE. Also the desciptions on the end week report could be made thru their point of view (similar to the head girl's slave description)

      Chastity belt only guards vag virginity should it also guard anal virginity? Or maybe have more than one choice?

      Would be cool to have a kitchen girl, with all sort of food kinkiness going on there. Maybe even a nurse/tatooist/salon girl?

      Once your slaves are at worshipful level you constantly get the "master may you fuck me"/"I love you master" events. I think at this level we could have some events where she goes against your will because of how much she loves you, specially if they are young or dumb.

      For those of us that television ruined our imagination and our ability to write as good as you, could we have some more tattoo and hair options?

      I think the rename and tag option should be on the slave description, currently is kinda hidden and you sorta forget is there. On the same vein, the custom hair option should be on the salon.

      I think the recruiter girl needs some love, I don't understand why I would pay a bunch of money a week to get a chance at slaves that I still have to pay for and are not as good as the ones from schools. Maybe our options could increase with our reputation like the buy slaves area? Would also be cool to have RE with the recruiter, something like she trying to "steal" a slave from another owner or school. Or maybe a fight against another recruiter for a prominent/expensive slave.

      Ideas for the naming of mercenary company:

      The Archangels (for religious FS).
      Skull-fuckers (for degrationism).
      The Phallanx (for roman FS).
      The Klan (for racial supremacy).
      The Prefects (for paternalism)
      The Cowboys (for pastoralism)

      FS: Ancient Japan revival: would center on prostitution, girlish figures, bussines? and concubine/fucktoys.

      I know my slaves are primarily sex slaves, but it would be cool to have like a training room or a sports team (maybe sex sports?) Just another way of making money, by losing some money each week and gaining some each month if your slaves are fit/healthy.

      Love the "use as furniture" choice on the slave aquisition, could this be a job? Maybe even get some statues/living art/museum only for highly obedient/worshipful slaves. This could of course be the exact oposite and be used (as in the "use as furniture") for punishment, but I think the sex arcade does this better.

      These are all ideas I got during gameplay, if they are impossible, dumb or just annoying plz disregard this post.

      Sorry about the multiƱle replies, posting from phone is annoying.

    3. >Ancient Japan revival

      Don't you try to suggest this weeb crap too. *China* is the only ancient far-eastern civilization anywhere *near* comparable to Rome or Egypt. Japan's history is a laughably pale shadow in comparison

    4. Fine, China revival, it still applies, just some ideas dude no need to be weird about it. We also don't have aztec, mayan, nordic, celtic or even greek, spartan etc. cultures.

    5. I smell tentacle arcology attack event for Japanese revival! Maybe also a new surgery to give slaves Anime eyes?

    6. Furniture job and sex sports are great ideas i second them.

    7. There is no reason for Han Chinese chauvinism! We can all want different future societies, including Japan. There is no reason to be rude about it.

    8. Just my thoughts, it's not like I have last word (or any for that matter) on content. BTW the more I think about sex sports, the more I like the idea.

    9. I mentioned this in a previous update post, But i think a more general 'Far Eastern Revivalism' would help cover all the little niche tastes... Covering Japan, China, and Korea for their relatively similar cultures.

    10. That's a cool idea, and it sounds much easier to write/code.

  84. Suggestion:

    Can we get a gaged earring option for slaves? It could replace the higher tier, which is currently just more ear piercings or run alongside as an alternative option going with small to larger gauge sizes.

  85. Do not know if it is already reported but:

    SA please you

    there are several entries:
    $slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory isnot "chastity belt";

    which should be
    $slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory is "chastity belt";

    because for now, if the slave wears not a chastity belt it is describes as if she does.

    There are three or for entries, all with the same logic flaw.


    1. This is the only thing killing this version for me. Can I fix this on my own? I tried changing all the 'is' to 'isnot', but it didn't do anything.

  86. bug:

    -the collection-facility milking-upgrade does not work, because its named collectionFacilityMilkers, but collectionFacilityUpgrade2 is checked.
    -when using servant's quarters with an assigned stewardess in the weekly report I get (as many as slaves are assigned to it) messages that the variable stewardessbonus is not set. Looking at the code I am not sure why this is the case, might be the scope of the variable or a typo Ive missed.

  87. If there was a way to create your own slaves in the cheat/playtesting mode that would be awesome. I like what you put in so far, but I'd like to be able to pick their ethnicity, original name, etc.

  88. Random Event error as follows

    ! Error: <>: bad evaluation: missing ) after argument list Plautilla is Lebanese. The slave trade is truly international, and no nation is unrepresented among the masses of sex slaves passed from hand to hand like the chattel they are. Most of the old nations are struggling, and even those still in great shape often find their citizens emigrating to the Free Cities. Some of these emigres do well, and others become human livestock. You begin to overhear your other slaves refer to her as nationality Plautilla.

    Encourage use of the nickname
    Disapprove, but encourage the other slaves to come up with a better nickname
    Put a stop to it
    No nicknames, now or ever

  89. BUG

    Attendant, the Spa leadership position, can "downgrade" a Nympho to a Submissive.

    I believe this is not intended, as Nympho has been previously stated to be "the best" fetish which triggers the benefits of all others.

    1. looking at the code, the spa seems to be the one place where nympho is not optimal. The bonus is only given to submissive attendants afaik.

  90. TYPO

    In the "it can wait" Concubine event, clicking on one of the choices turns the slave name link gray, as it's supposed to, but also inserts a space after the name. The text goes from:

    "...X's nice, nude rear..."


    "...X 's nice, nude rear..."

  91. BUG: Future societies still break permanently if you make progress and then drop back below the level of prestige needed to unlock them

    1. And by "break" I mean the FS screen shows literally nothing except your weekly funding, and you no longer get any progress in or effects from the focus you had selected.

      I think I'm gonna take a break for a few versions, I've just been getting so pissed off having this happen in one game after another, often completely invalidating my reason for starting that playthrough to begin with

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. possible bug:

    "SA long term effect" calls "SA hormone effects", but at multiple points (for example facilities) both are called for each slave, which causes "SA hormone effects" do be called 2 times.

  93. Copy-paste mistake in FResult :

    set $slim += 1
    if $FSSlimnessEnthusiast gt 0
    set $FResult += Math.trunc($FSAssetExpansionist/20)

  94. in "SA take classes" the + learning chances (70 and 30) are switched (or you should use lte)
    The same mistake can be found some lines under this in the devotion section.

    if ($slaves[$i].intelligence gte 2)
    She is highly intelligent
    set $learning += 1
    elseif ($slaves[$i].intelligence gte 1)
    She is of above average intelligence
    if (random(1,100) gt 70)
    set $learning += 1
    elseif ($slaves[$i].intelligence gte 0)
    She is of average intelligence
    if (random(1,100) gt 50)
    set $learning += 1
    elseif ($slaves[$i].intelligence gte -1)
    She is of below average intelligence
    if (random(1,100) gt 30)
    set $learning += 1
    She is quite stupid

  95. One thing that would be really great is if you could edit relationships between starting slaves.

  96. The below slave did not qualify for any events.

    VERSION: 0.5.11.
    slaveName: "Sofia", birthName: "Sofia", weekAcquired: 1, origin: "She sold herself into slavery to escape life on the streets.", career: "a journalist", ID: 7, prestige: 0, prestigeDesc: "0", recruiter: 0, relation: 0, relationTarget: 0, relationship: 0, relationshipTarget: 0, rivalry: 0, rivalryTarget: 0, subTarget: 0, choosesOwnAssignment: 0, assignment: "rest", assignmentVisible: 1, sentence: 0, toyHole: "all her holes", age: 34, ageImplant: 0, health: 4.5, minorInjury: 0, devotion: -1.1, oldDevotion: -1.1, weight: -1, muscles: 0.6000000000000001, height: -1, heightImplant: 0, nationality: "Russian", race: "white", eyes: "brown", hcolor: "brown", pubicHColor: "brown", skin: "pale", hlength: "shoulder-length", pubicHLength: "waxed", waist: 0, amp: 0, heels: 0, mute: 0, boobs: 750, boobsImplant: 0, nipples: 0, nipplesPiercing: 0, areolae: 0, boobsTat: "0", lactation: 0, milk: 0, cum: 0, butt: 3, buttImplant: 0, buttTat: "0", face: 1, faceImplant: 0, lips: 1, lipsImplant: 0, lipsPiercing: 0, lipsTat: "0", teeth: 0, tonguePiercing: 0, vagina: 1, vaginaPiercing: 0, vaginaTat: "0", preg: -1, births: 0, labia: 1, clit: 0, clitPiercing: 0, clitSetting: "vanilla", anus: 1, dick: 0, dickPiercing: 0, dickTat: "0", balls: 0, ovaries: 1, anusPiercing: 0, anusTat: "0", makeup: 1, nails: 0, brand: 0, brandLocation: 0, earPiercing: 0, nosePiercing: 1, eyebrowPiercing: 1, navelPiercing: 0, cosmeticPiercings: 0, shouldersTat: "0", armsTat: "0", legsTat: "0", stampTat: "0", vaginalSkill: 1, oralSkill: 0, analSkill: 0, whoreSkill: 1, entertainSkill: 1, combatSkill: 0, livingRules: "spare", speechRules: "restrictive", releaseRules: "restrictive", relationshipRules: "permissive", useRulesAssistant: 1, diet: "muscle building", tired: 0, hormones: 0, drugs: "curatives", addict: 0, choosesOwnClothes: 0, clothes: "uncomfortable straps", collar: "tight steel", shoes: "heels", vaginalAccessory: "none", buttplug: "none", intelligence: 0, intelligenceImplant: 1, fetish: "masochist", fetishDiscovered: 1, behavioralQuirk: "none", sexualQuirk: "none", oralCount: 0, vaginalCount: 0, analCount: 0, mammaryCount: 0, penetrativeCount: 0, pitKills: 0, customTat: " ", customLabel: " ", customDesc: " "

  97. Would it be possible to make it so intelligent slaves will have a reaction to the impregnation option for initiating new slaves? Have them figure out what is happening, and have a positive or negative reaction based upon obedience and fetishes (namely, pregnancy fetish).
