Monday, April 18, 2016

ALPHA 0.6.9: Familiar Faces

This update adds a simple but significant playability improvement: New Game Plus. When it's activated, the game restarts, reloading everything except up to five slaves selected for importation and most settings. New Game Plus will also migrate most settings, including the Rules Assistant, and will treat the old player character as the default during character creation. This should reduce frustration for players who dislike laboriously recreating the same starting slaves and the same Rules Assistant every time they start a new game. In addition, this function can serve to migrate five slaves across game versions. At present, only saves from 0.6.8+ will import properly, but this function should provide at least some minimal save compatibility going forward. Speaking of usability, assignment shortcuts for the simple jobs can now be toggled on for the main menu. They're on by default for now.

Since I rarely take my playtest runs out beyond the final plot events, I've been attentive to feedback about gameplay between the 75 and 100 turn marks. (Going past 100 turns is of course fine, but it takes the game past design scope.) I hadn't considered that the mercenaries become a dead weight when the final plot event string completes before getting feedback to that effect. So, there's now a capstone event for the mercenaries after they become irrelevant for events that allows them to defray their upkeep costs.

There's an increasing amount of modding activity going on out there. While that's cool, I've also gotten a couple of bug reports from players who are obviously using mods. If you are using a modded version of FC, do not report bugs here. If you do, you're probably going to waste a great deal of developer time and energy as I hunt for a bug that I can't find and can't fix. Any version of FC from anywhere except here or TFGames is modded.

Download: DropboxMegaPrevious saves will not work for standard gameplay, but saves from 0.6.8 can be used for the New Game Plus function. Latest hotfix is, posted at 1915 PST. Fixes rep/cash bug (twice), femcum overflow bug, pregType error, feelings error, assignment conflicts, and NGP event flag resetting. Compatible with 0.6.9 saves.

0.6.9 Changelog

New Game Plus
  • Added an experimental New Game Plus option, activated from the Options menu from the sidebar.
  • New Game Plus should be capable of successfully migrating saves across game versions that do not add slave stats (at present, only saves from 0.6.8+ are compatible).
  • The function has several minor limitations: it will default all slaves' assignments to Rest, and it will reduce breasts over 10,000cc to that value.
  • Using the New Game Plus option will severely limit the resources awarded at game start.
Event updates
  • New midgame plot event involving a plea for help from one of five possible old world groups. Abusing them can make the invasion event happen early.
  • Spaced out plot events slightly to allow more to be added before the current endgame.
  • Added shortcuts to events which award many slaves to immediately sell all of them or give them all away to meritorious citizens for a reputation boost.
  • Lategame plot event triggered by satisfaction of all mercenary-related objectives that allows the mercs to contribute to the corporation's enslavement efforts.
  • Revised several preexisting events to leverage stat additions from 0.6.7 and 0.6.8.
Other changes
  • Slaves and funds left behind by the previous owner of the arcology will now total a value of exactly ¤25000 when starting a game normally. The most valuable hardcoded slaves will no longer appear at start as a result, but do remain available for purchase.
  • Added sanity checks to starting slave customization to curtail some of the most nonsensical combinations of stats.
  • Added common assignment shortcuts to slaves' entries on the main menu, and an option to toggle them off to the description menu.
  • Pushed back the onset of severe weather slightly.
  • Added a preferred refreshment option to player character customization: this has no gameplay effect, but will appear as flavor in several events.
  • The hormonal balancing upgrade for the penthouse kitchen will now prevent a slave's natural hormones from changing her body.
  • Better descriptive support for hermaphrodites with ovaries.
  • Paternalist renaming will now properly exclude slaves who have already received titles.
  • Gender Fundamentalism and not Gender Radicalism will now remove balls from most randomly generated slaves if dick content is enabled.
  • Edo slave names.
  • Improved some fetish acquisition logic.
  • Rebalanced prosperity cap upgrades, and added another upgrade at the high end.
  • Better settings compliance for some events to eliminate appearances of dicks with dick content disabled.
  • Event check revisions for better performance.
  • Bugfixes.


  1. First for hail Dev. Keep up the good work.

  2. The subordinate servant assignment has no main screen shortcut.

    1. Week 4 - no "house servant" shortcuts anywhere.

      Week 5 - "house servant" shortcut for every slave.

      What is this sorcery? Did you just hack into my computer and patch the game without a new download? Is this the 90s internet?

    2. SUGGESTION - can we get a "choose her own" job shortcut?

    3. Looks like the shortcuts are not overriding the "choose her own job" selection from the slave's individual page.

  3. BUG: So on week 7, playing as a Younger, Fully Female slave owner, my rep score changed to "($rep)" and the Reputation section of the business screen only says "On formal occasions, you are announced as Zoey, owner of the arcology. Most prominent slaveowners are male, and your obviously feminine appearance makes it harder for you to maintain your reputation."

    I think something like this happened to me a couple updates ago as well, tho that was at the time that we couldn't see the actuall rep score so I can't be certain. If it is the same deal, I was also playing the Young, fully female version of the slave owner at that time as well.

    If it helps, My rep right before beginning the week was 1655. I have the save file and everything from right before I hit end week.

    1. That save would be useful, if you'd email it to me or upload it wherever.

    2. Sure, but I'm not sure where the saves go. Mind walking me to the file location? Also, I JUST had it happen again, this time with a normal aged woman. It was week 16. I can send that one as well if you like

    3. If you've exported the save, then it should be in your downloads file or document folder or wherever you saved your saves. Unless I'm mistaken, I believe that the normal saves in the save slots are saved in the browser cache?

    4. You'd have to export the save.

    5. Just sent them to If they don't get through or if you need them sent elsewhere just say so :)

    6. I sent you a save with that bug to your email.

  4. Replies
    1. If you could send me a save just before this happens, that would be very helpful.

  5. My cash imploded on week 8; one of my girls was sent out to whore (I had only been sending them to classes or public service prior to that, and relying on rent) and then this happened:

    "Feri obediently sells her body. Her appearance attracted $beauty customers ( a day). They paid ¤$FResult on average. The drugs she's on protect her from the wear of whoring. As an experienced prostitute, she gets a little more money out of customers. With experience as a hooker she gets better at steering clients to more lucrative sex acts. She's afraid of you, so she works hard to please customers. She receives extra ¤ for having a sleek, girlish figure. Some discerning customers appreciate her all-natural, implant free appearance. Many customers prefer white girls like Feri. She receives extra ¤ for her eagerness to be humiliated by customers. In total, you were paid ¤ for the use of Feri's body this week."

    When it got to the start of the next week, my cash total had actually disappeared, replaced by just a red icon with empty parentheses below it where the amount change usually is. When I reloaded the weekly autosave to see if that would make a difference, it showed my total amount as 0, with an income of negative exactly what I previously had as assets.

    So that's something I haven't run into before.

  6. Where are these modded games, I would like to see them, are people posting them somewhere.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. No direct linking mods that include underage content, please.

    3. There is a thread over on the /hgg/ board on that has a lot of modding discussion.

    4. Highly suggest adding in events involving the execution/enslavement of pedophiles.

    5. @AspiringShame starting from you.
      no one give you right to judge.

    6. Actually this makes a interesting RP perspective. With events about enslaving rapists, murderers, pedophiles etc a player could actually be a slave master without being a total monster(if he only enslaves those people and doesn't buy any other slaves). It's not my style of playing but it might appeal to some.

    7. Seconded


    8. Hate to be that guy but pedophile does not mean rapist. Its a fetish and as such many times its pretty unavoidable for the person that has it. There is a difference between having a fetish and acting on it however and anything that touches or thinks that touching a child is ok should be removed from the gene pool.

      Thought crimes however are not crimes. If they were we would all be in jail from the contents of the base game alone.

      This is however far from the place to discuss these things but remember to keep an open mind.

    9. I'd rather not keep an open mind about pedophiles. That being said I'm a little disappointed that the only mod that I could find was the under aged one. I mean this game has so much potential I thought there were at least some other mod out there.

    10. I'm also firmly on the not keeping an open mind about pedophiles side of things. If someone fantasized about stabbing people and fucking the wounds I'd tell them to get therapy because there is a very big difference between a fetish and a seriously unhealthy sexual obsession. Same goes for diddling kids, because no matter how much you might fantasize the kid in question "wants it", the truth is that they never do and never would, and would likely seriously fuck up the child in question emotionally and mentally.

      The whole reason I'm ok with most of the motifs in this game is because enslavement, domination/submission, feminization, and all that jazz are just basically themes already present in a lot of BDSM and general domination based sexual themes and are it just so happens are quite legal pretty much all over the world with the only exceptions being the more highly conservative nations. Child porn and pedophilia however is pretty much illegal everywhere always for what should be obvious reasons.

      This all being said, I don't see what this has to do with putting in in-game events into the game punishing fictional child molesters.

  7. I think I kind of saw it as part of the "challenge" to remember all the settings and recreate previous runs (if so desired).
    I didn't even know how much I wanted a "New Game+" until this version.
    Screw challenges. This update is great. =^-^=

  8. Good idea about the mercenaries. I always picked the mercenary background since it helped reduce upkeep in the long term.

    1. To be clear, this update doesn't devalue that background at all. The two mechanisms work completely independently - the merc background directly reduces mercenary upkeep while the new mechanic uses your total merc strength to make money.

    2. I wouldn't mind the occasional late game event involving putting down riots, dealing with refugees, and maybe the occasional raid on imported good shipments by abolitionists/desperate ex-military refugee types to give the mercs and your drones some action. Would also help deal with the otherwise smooth sailing you get once the final attack occurs. Not to mention it would help accentuate that whole "Civilization is collapsing" feel to the game.

  9. week 26
    one slave in dairy and one in quarters
    There is 1 cow in the Dairy. The dairy produced 42 liters of milk this week. These products sell for ¤378.
    Error: <>: error within contents (Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: State.variables.toSearch.indexOf is not a function) There is one slave working out of the servants' quarters. She works to reduce your household expenses; having a well-staffed house slightly increases your reputation.

    only one in dairy last week and before worked fine
    also every slave since week 1: ask for feelings:

    Error: cannot find a closing tag for macro <> She declares angrily that it's wrong to keep her a slave, and that you should free her. Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <> She mutters hestitantly that she does not like being a slave, and then falls silent. Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <> She says earnestly that she will do whatever you order her to. Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <> "You're my Master, ...

    1. Where did the slave in the servant's quarters come from, and what (if anything) does she display as an origin?

    2. devote slave choose to go there, was the starting free slave, no origin displayed
      VERSION: 0.6.9.
      slaveName: "'Submissive' Jennifer", birthName: "Jennifer", weekAcquired: 1, origin: 0, career: 0, ID: 900034

  10. Something funny happened. Of course, I had to test out Newgame+ immediately.
    After week 1, I get a lab slave delivered to my doorstep. =^-^=
    Totally forgot that I used a save from week 26. =^-^=
    As fun as it is, I guess it's still a bit unbalanced to get a free lab slave in the first week. =^-^=

  11. A simple random event for the Mercs in the endgame is that you have a contract/bounty from an acrology owner in the area brought to your attention by your assistant. You then send them out to stop the robin hood type bandit that was trying to free slaves and sabatoge weaker acrologies. You then get a three options. Turn the target in to the client for free for a Rep Gain, sell them for Cash, or enslave them for a random slave like the ones that attack your acrology. With a Merc background you get a small bonus to the cash or rep options or maybe an option for both.

  12. You add a really cool favourite beverage thing to the game (which adds a cool little bit of depth) but don't have fresh milk as a base option? Seems like a large number of players will be customing that option in every time. Maybe there are future plans though...

  13. Since you made NG+ option could you make an option to import only summary/assistant settings?

  14. This happens in end of the week screen. Changing slaves assigned to facilities sometimes fixes it and sometimes causes different facility to report that error.

    Error: silently: error within contents (Error: if: bad conditional expression in if clause: State.variables.toSearch.indexOf is not a function)

    Also, reputation bug is back.

  15. I think you left in an oversight for radicalism's law check, radicalist law is disabled for when extreme content is also disabled, but fundamentalist is the one that implies gelding instead due to recent change.

    Although at this point you may feel like you can't win to appease the dickgirl crowd...

    Lost my face-buff again due to a lack of mirror equivalent to fundamentalist from you switching it over. Much sad. In the case of feminizing and wanting to remain semi-unique from fundament, you could do a face/hourglass/voice buff chance instead of butt/breasts to imply specific efforts to make them more girly instead of a drug transformative regime. I still much desire that face buff though. even if it's 1/2 chance and I still won't ever get (unmodded) gorgeous household liquidator shemales.

    "The hormonal balancing upgrade for the penthouse kitchen will now prevent a slave's natural hormones from changing her body." Ah yus, less reason to fuck with the game's code because I was discontent with a singular distinct function of the game. In fact, I've been bitching about this highly specific feature ever since I first saw your tfgamessite thread.

  16. Bug! So I selected the 'do not enslave the shelter inspector' option, the event seemed to fire normally (she was upset because my girl was still fearful and hateful, not my fault the human burrito felt that resting completely unmolested was terrifying. I had profitable girls to deal with.) Then at the end of the event I notice I have a new slave. The Shelter inspector chick. ???

    Plz fix.

    1. I noticed the same issue. I played long enough to get 3 inspections, and all 3 times chose to allow the inspection. All 3 times I ended up with the inspector as a slave when the week ended.

  17. is there a list of mods out there? are they just posted randomly in the comment threads or what

  18. being able to customize some of the clothing would be nice, like collars with specific words on them or things written on the t-shirts and cheerleader outfits. being able to choose the colors on the club netting and what flower they get with the bikini would be nice too, i'd like to be able to have a slave with a blue outfit without needing her to be an aphrodisiac addict

  19. Bugreport: (v

    First Screen after "Next Week"-Click, Over Cellblock overview:
    Error: <>: error within contents (Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: State.variables.toSearch.indexOf is not a function)

  20. So we're no longer allowed to take in ANY of the many slaves granted by those events; the refugee raid, the invasion, etc? Or is it an oversight that we can't?

    1. To keep the slaves you need to hit 'Continue' in the sidebar.

    2. Ah, such a simple solution led to my oversight.


  21. TYPO - Slovak nickname "Bzdocha" is appears with an extra space: 'Bzdocha '

  22. BUG - the "soften her flaws" personal assignment occasionally does not default to devotion building.

    I think this is happening when the slave might pick up a flaw in the following week. It still looks weird, because the assignment makes the player think there's an invisible flaw on the slave.

  23. I'd like to point out that events awarding reputation are mostly useless, as the decay mechanic quickly shaves you back to the point where your reputation generation and loss are in balance. By the same token, reputation losses (passing laws, for example) aren't really felt, either.

    I don't really know what would be a good solution. Maybe a multiplier to reputation gain that's affected by the occasional things that now give or take flat reputation.

    1. I feel like a reduction of rep decay rate or boosting the threshold before rep begins decaying would be a sufficient reputation based reward in lieu of a temporary rep bonus.

  24. >when taking the 'do not enslave shelter inspector' option, you get her anyway
    >not enough variety for slaves acquired at game start-by refreshing, i had a selection of about twenty slaves that were cycled through, while its a new feature it might be worth creating a bunch more hardcoded low-value slaves

  25. Very happy with the new improvements to the starting slave customizations, saved me a lot of time when starting fresh games.

    One thing that really annoys me in-game though is the "experienced prostitute" trait that seems to be randomly attached to slaves with no real connection to anything else. Too many times have I came across slaves that are virgins across the board but somehow experienced prostitutes. While I'd never ask for removal of this content as I'm sure there are fans of it, I would like some way of removing such traits from slaves.

    Anyway, as always, thanks for the great game!

    - RC

    1. Maybe they just sucked/jerked lots of cocks for cash. To be fair you are right, it does seem strange.

  26. Bug report (v

    Sorting slaves based on seniority is not working, ascending or descending.

  27. I still can't seem to get my starter created shemale slave to impregnate anyone, regardless of if the female has fertility drugs or not, unless I manually use the 'use another slave to impregnate her' option. While I'd enjoy using it, it breaks in my shemale slave's ass if both have high enough devotion/trust. So either could you please make it a bit easier to do so, make rng hate me (specifically) less, or give us an option in the high devotion/trust slave on slave impregnation variant to not anally fuck the shemale slave? Please and thank you!

  28. BUG

    During the big tits in shower event the first option takes the girl's virginity even though it doesn't say so. Also, even with a 20 20 Worshipful Trusting slave they still "hate" and "fear" you for sexy shower times.

  29. BUG: In the aid result plot event.
    In any case, you've enslaved a fine group. The expectant mothers vary widely; the only thing they have in common is their gravid bellies. None of them is in really serious condition, either, and they should bear the transition to slave life reasonably well despite their pregnancies.
    Error: set: bad evaluation: missing ) after argument list.
    'set $activeSlave.nipples to either("cute", "puffy", "partially inverted", "inverted"'

  30. BUG

    During the Future Society aquisition event, if you choose to enslave her:
    Error: (if): bad conditional expression in (elseif) clause (#12): unterminated string literal
    (if $FSAcquisition is "Pastoralist"'

    If it's helpful, I was following the Chattel Religionist future society.

  31. FCDev, what kinds of slaves does the Shelter give you?

    I have only stumbled upon overused MILFs, I assume it also has mindbroken girls. How about quadamps? Terminal aphrodisiac addicts?

    Can it be done so that we can get girls that have either been abused so much or have been in intense drug regimes and end up with chronic problems, such as getting night terrors dailly? That could open up the possibility of some nice adorable events with the player helping them get over it.

  32. Started play with a mindbroken slave, assigned her to rest.

    Whore takes the week off. Her health recovers with rest. Being allowed to rest reduces her fear of you. She is mentally broken so none of the rules have any impact. The lovely collar she wears fills her with confidence. Her unhappiness with her life, suppresses her sexual interests. Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: State.variables.toSearch.indexOf is not a function
    Whore's idiotic mind naturally accepts slavery, and she's stupid enough to instinctively trust you to know what's best. Whore's regard for you dropped and her fear increased this week.

  33. Built a servant's quarters (only) assigned two slaves to it. Started getting

    Error: <>: error within contents (Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: State.variables.toSearch.indexOf is not a function) There are 2 slaves working out of the servants' quarters. They work to reduce your household expenses; having a well-staffed house slightly increases your reputation.

  34. Bug report (v
    while customizing 1st slave (or any): "briliant" with "educated" option nerfed entertainig "unskilled" option; and adds "reasonbly entertaining"
    P.S. hope you get what I taped, my Eng writing is terrible

    1. I believe this is an intentional feature. From the changelog: 'Added sanity checks to starting slave customization to curtail some of the most nonsensical combinations of stats.'.

      Any girl who's smart and educated should be at least reasonably entertaining.

  35. Is it required to sell an slave to the mercenary, who ask you about one?
    Maybe it would be good to reduce the chance that he picks an wor(e)shipfully slave or at least the chance that he picks your wor(e)shipful headgirl, because they don't show enough interest to him, becausethey have you. That dude always choose my important slaves. I can't let him take an piece of my plan.

    1. And I forgot to ask. Do you aim to switch to the beta when you hit update 0.9.+ or will you switch when you think it's ready, so an version 0.+11.0 could be possible?

      Last but not least thanks for that great game. I'm always very happy when I see an new version especially when I read something about a lot and/or cute/nice events. *happy hum*

    2. Was also wondering the same thing.

    3. The logic of which slave the "mercenary in love" event picks has changed a couple of times in the past. Presently, the merc picks the most devoted slave assigned to a "public use" position, such as whoring. If you want him to take a specific slave off your hands, make sure all slaves more devoted than that one are doing something else the week after the arcology gets attacked.

      Example: you have a Worshipful slave who whores. You have a Devoted slave you want to get rid of. Make the Worshipful slave a subordinate servant/fucktoy/etc. Assign the Devoted slave to whore. The rest of the slaves, below the Devoted one, can be assigned to whatever - the merc will see the Devoted one and pick her.

      If you plan for this event by building up a specific slave via surgery/hormones/training and/or manage to have her become prestigious (such as via Head Girl service), you can net over 100k from this event. I know selling slaves on the market can give a higher and more frequent profit, but this is one of the few ways a "nice" owner can make bank.

    4. It's always a big plus to me. I've gotten aroud 200K before from the guy. I pay my mercs well apparently.

  36. Bug (?): You enslave the Shelter inspector regardless of the choice you make. I chose to let the inspection happen, did not quite get the shelter slave to a happy enough level, inspector makes some notes, storms out and such, but I look at my slave list afterwards, and there she is. Is this a feature, or is this really a bug? If it is to enslave her to keep the report from going out, it makes sense. Otherwise, it seems out of place and strange.

  37. Does the merc. event still fire if you decide not to pursue your rival? i.e. selecting continue when the event pops up with the choice of devoting funds to track them down.

    1. The mercenary event only procs if you've enslaved your rival.

  38. At around week 145 i ran into a bug where my money gets continuously set to 0. I unfortunately don't know why it happened or how to reproduce it, but i can get you the save if you want it.

  39. The cellblock doesn't seem to allow for anyone to be sent there. I just built it after gaining a few slaves, and there are no names under the "Send a resistant slave to be broken in the cellblock"

    There is not even a "There are no slaves to be broken" message there. Just empty space

  40. I lost two of my slaves around week 15


    Could we maybe get some random attacks on our arcology from different groups? Something like raiders, organized slaves, unruly mobs, etc.

    That way the bodyguard and the mercenaries would make more sense.

    Also, the Recruiter needs some love, I don't think there's any RE for her (exclusively) and we need some more options for slave acquisition from her. Otherwise there is no real reason to have her, since the school's slaves cover our needs.

    Lastly, maybe some events for worshipful slaves? There's almost nothing for them, other than the (almost annpying at some point) "Master would you fuck me" event.

    1. Well they are cheaper than school slaves and available at all rep levels, but I do get what you are saying. I would like the ability to send them after more prestigious slaves. Like say I'd want her to concentrate on getting nobility, albinos, and twins but it's much slower and cost a lot more.

      Maybe a scene where she has you talk to a perspective client or where she tricks them into thinking that she is secretly taping you for them to get a look into your "true" nature?

    2. Are they really that cheaper? You have to take into account that we have to give her money every week and a luxurious room so she gets slaves.

  42. So...I figured out why the Shelter Inspection event always gives a new slave. I checked in Twine, and it seems that the slave is generated before the player makes a choice, since there is a slave-generation block of code before the choice-making code. Also, the value shelterabuse is also set to +1 just before slave generation, so getting the event at all will increase that value.

  43. Is there any way we can get 2 head girls? Since we can have related slaves from the start it would be kinda cool if I could make them both my head girls.

  44. A quick Bug: The assignments placed on the main screen regularly drop various options. House Servant and milking among them. Basically only the jobs everyone has access to no matter what are always present. The moment you enter any slave screen they seem to just go away.

    It's also worth mentioning that having the job assignments on the main screen won't help me that much. Most of the time that I need to reassign a girl to a new job it's because she's just left the spa for health recovery. The spa always resets any slave sent there's living conditions to "Spare" so I regularly have to manually enter their slave screen to give them back their old living conditions again. Which is a little bit of a pain, and makes having the assignments on the main page superfluous since I need to head into the individual slave screen anyway.

    1. You could always use the Rules Assistant to set their living conditions.

  45. It'd be nice if the Choose her own assignment subroutine was more fleshed out. I'm thinking specifically of outcomes based on relationships or friendships like "She decides to work at the brothel where she can stay with her sister."

    1. That's a good idea. I would assume it would prioritize lover over sister, but how would it work if both are choosing where they work? Decide by total number of quirks that give devotion to a specific job?

  46. A couple of bugs.

    There is an event where over-sexed slaves need to masturbate before they can sleep. This is happening for slaves with an average sex-drive, rather than just nymphos. I seem to get it with my Head Girl most weeks.

    After the event where your mercenaries attack the refugees, the sell/give-away options do not work. You still have some of the slaves (and presumably not all the cash/reputation you were entitled to).

    1. Same problems here. The masturbate in bed bug even happened for a frigid slave. And the option to trick the people into slavery from the old world also was bugged.

  47. There's a strange bug where I can't see the event that triggers. The Guide at the bottom reads "Enslaving people" but that's it. Just a blank screen.

  48. You can buy another man's former trophy wife as a prestigious slave. Your concubine isn't in that different a position, wouldn't it make sense to have a highly devoted, smart, beautiful and skillful concubine become prestigious after a long, long time, just as your head girls does?

  49. Bug - smart piercing - when it resets because it has maxed its current job.

    She is now aroused by men. Her clit piercing has achieved its set conditioning goals, and has defaulted to activate during $slaves[$i].clitSetting sexual encounters.

  50. The birthday event seems bugged. It adds 1 to age, but since age is stored as a string you end up with your slave going from 35 to 351 instead of 36.

  51. Is there any way we can get another option added to the arrogant bedroll event? I'd prefer to use the girl's smart piercing to buzz her active but I'll honestly take anything that doesn't make me decide between taking her virginity or watersports.

  52. I am getting this error

    Error: <>: error within contents (Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: State.variables.toSearch.indexOf is not a function)

    There are 2 slaves working out of the servants' quarters. They work to reduce your household expenses; having a well-staffed house slightly increases your reputation.
    The schoolroom is empty except for Harriet, the schoolteacher. Since she doesn't have anyone to teach, she teaches citizens' slaves, earning ¤760.
    Error: <>: error within contents (Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: State.variables.toSearch.indexOf is not a function)
    The spa is empty except for Apple, the attendant. Since she doesn't have anyone to help, she takes in citizens' slaves, earning ¤856.
    The cellblock is empty except for Amanda, the wardeness. Since she doesn't have anyone to break, she works on citizens' slaves, earning ¤782.

  53. BUG: So my Head Girl can no longer train any skills. She fits all the relevant criteria (Very Smart, Devoted, Forties, etc) and was doing fine for a while, then she tried to soften the flaws of a reluctant slave and failed for a while so I told her to stop and just focus on skills. And now she's been trying and failing to teach slaves oral skills for about 30 weeks now.

  54. BUG: in airlift to slavehood event

    You watch on the feeds from your VTOL craft as it settles onto the roof of the mansion of the leader of the group of housewives you promised to rescue. Its side doors retract, allowing the escapees to hustle aboard with their bundles of personal possessions. Once they're on board and strapped into their seats, the turbofans howl and the craft peels smoothly off the roof, the hot jetwash setting it alight. Once it transitions fully into level flight, the true plan goes into operation. At a carefully selected moment, injectors concealed within each seat lance into the passengers' buttocks, knocking them out. It works flawlessly, the drugs precisely calibrated to each body based on the weight added to the VTOL as each climbed aboard. This avoids the potential for over- or under-dosage present when using gas or darts to subdue groups. In perfect unison, the passengers slump against the harnesses holding them against the seats.

    When the aircraft lands at your penthouse pad, the would-be escapees are still unconscious. This makes putting them through enslavement physically laborious, though it does cut down on the usual whining; fortunately, you reserved the credits necessary to obscure their questionably legitimate enslavement. By the time they awake, they'll be indistinguishable from any other new slave in the arcology. The possibility remains, however that rumor of the incident will leak out. Your VTOL bird's entry and exit from the capital city was likely noticed and remarked upon.

    In any case, you've enslaved a fine group. The women seem to have banded together when they were left to fend for themselves in their suburban neighborhood. They're older than many slaves, but they seem to have had rich husbands; they're conventionally pretty, and have lived soft lives that have left them healthy.
    Error: <>: bad evaluation: ranodom is not defined
    Error: <>: bad evaluation: ranodom is not defined
    Error: <>: bad evaluation: ranodom is not defined
    Error: <>: bad evaluation: ranodom is not defined

    Sell your captures immediately

  55. Shouldn't chains (from the degredationist FS) increase fear or something? Right now they don't seem to be doing anything.

  56. How long does a slave have to be milked before they can be able to get the Legendary Balls event? My slave has max devotion/trust, is perfectly healthy, produces over 22 deciliters of cum per week, has max size penis/balls, has a powerful sex drive, and has been milked for over 10 weeks, yet even with cheat mode enabled I can't get the ability to make the event appear. If it isn't based upon how many times they've been milked, then I'd like to report this as a bug.

    1. Has that slave been picked to do events while you were using cheat mode? You can't pick which slave gets events with cheat mode anymore, but you can choose which event they get. It could be that slave just hasn't been picked. The RNG is a cruel god.

    2. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by saying that you can't pick which slave gets events in cheat mode, just hit continue until the slave you want pops up. And yes, I make sure I'm on the specific slave's event page, I get a list of devoted and big dicked events, but no Legendary Balls event, which is what I want.

    3. I didn't know you could do that. I rarely use cheat code. Well then yup it sounds like a bug unless 22 deciliters isn't enough. I don't cock milk so I have no idea if that's a lot or not.

  57. Any chance we could get non-linear arcology upgrades? I'm talking about putting all the current upgrades, and arraying them as a full list. Instead of each one being progressively more expensive, it would be choosing each upgrade out of the list. Ideally it would involve each upgrade having two or three tiers. For example when you build power plants it could start with solar panels, then the next tier could be wind turbines, and the final could maybe be a geothermal plant.

    Another thing relating to the first would be a progressive upgrade system for the weather cladding. Maybe make it so that you can upgrade it over time, so that the first weather cladding installation mitigates the effects of low level extreme weather, and the cost and level of protection could increase each time. You could also make a time related limit between upgrades before the populace is willing to accept the next tier of upgrade without discontent much like it is now so as to prevent people from just rushing it.

    Also, I'd like to ask for more body part related sizes. Right now when a slave gets "dick sucking lips" they get a speech impediment. Personally I'd prefer my slaves to have hot lips without sounding like Mike Tyson. Ideally there would be one or two larger levels of lip size and the lisp would occur on the more unnatural lip sizes. In regards to cock and balls I'm ok with the current sizes available, but would it be possible to make growing them separately a possibility?

    A somewhat related request I'd humbly ask is the capability to replace a female slaves vagina with a penis, or at the very least the option to give her a penis and then an option to remove her vagina while she's a hermaphrodite.

    Lastly I'd like to have an option to kiss slaves or force them to kiss another slave. I know it sounds super tame but for some reason the idea of forcing a "Hateful" slave to engage in what is otherwise an innocent form of affection seems especially delightful.

    1. Kiss Rape/Cuddle Rape is one of my hyped up interests. Although we're lacking a lot of misc. sex options in general, mainly due to them not being a main focus in the game. It would provably just be better just to outsource the efforts to someone else so we can get kissing/cuddling/rimming/riding.

    2. >Also, I'd like to ask for more body part related sizes. Right now when a slave gets "dick sucking lips" they get a speech impediment. Personally I'd prefer my slaves to have hot lips without sounding like Mike Tyson. Ideally there would be one or two larger levels of lip size and the lisp would occur on the more unnatural lip sizes. In regards to cock and balls I'm ok with the current sizes available, but would it be possible to make growing them separately a possibility?

      Seconding all of this.

    3. Make "No Sex" an option in the "Fucktoy" job where you keep them as your constant companion for physical affection but don't fuck them. Make it raise trust and affection for disobedient girls but make it not satisfy them sexually, so the no masturbating rule still forces them to come to you. Love this idea.

  58. SUGGESTION - since it isn't currently possible to take an oversized cow out of the dairy, please add a warning to the settings that lock a slave down inside.

    I was under the impression that breasts over the 10k cap were locked behind the Industrial milking setting, rather than the Active one. A buttslut volunteered to go get milked in the collection facility one week, and I obliged. Next thing I know, she wins a cow contest - but she's being spit-roasted by drug-feeding tubes and can't leave the dairy for me to take advantage of her newfound prestige afterwards.

    So please at least insert a warning next to the Active setting to indicate that it may lock a slave inside the facility.

    1. Found out oversize breast reductions don't drain health (despite the red "health was affected" message), which makes it possible to surgically reduce breasts to the point that a formerly oversized slave can be moved out of the dairy.

      It still takes a lot of clicks and cash (-200cc and 300cash per operation). A warning to prevent the issue would be most welcome.

  59. Relative recruitment events for the industrialized cows will also have 10000+ breasts even though that isn't the cows starting point.

    1. Relative recruitment events duplicate a lot of things they maybe shouldn't, like custom labels.

  60. The intro says Free Cities are 'on undeveloped land, in remote areas, or even afloat.' Is there any possibility that in addition to the continent choices, we could get ocean choices? Would love to have my arcology in the Atlantic Ocean.

    1. With the "regional" slaves being "the continents that border this ocean"? I like it.

    2. A man chooses, a slave obeys?

    3. I feel like living on the ocean during a time of climate upheaval would be a very short lived venture given the absolute severity and frequency of extreme weather. Not to mention the FCNN keeps mentioning cities being evacuated along coastlines as water levels continuously rise. Granted a floating city or your own personal island nation would be awesome, it just sadly doesn't fit very well with the narrative without deus ex machina saving the arcology somehow.

    4. I your city was essentially a boat you could just move out of the way of storms and if sea levels rise you rise along with them. I honestly think a city you could move would be safer than a city that had to stay in one place.

    5. Something like a seastead would indeed be a nice idea, though it would require a bit of adjustment, as mentioned by others. It is not exactly a thing that requires deus ex machina, considering that similar constructions have numerous groups studying how to make them work and trying to build funding to create them at the moment.

    6. "It is not exactly a thing that requires deus ex machina"
      He was talking about the extreme weather, not just the construction in general.

    7. > arcology in the ocean
      > mercenary background
      > mute bodyguard

      Make it happen, FC Dev.

    8. I typically place my arcology in Australia because the desert interior seems like it would be one of the more isolated spot on the planet (not only do you have to cross the desert, you have to get across an ocean after that).

      But I would solidly second an option for a self-contained floating arcology off in the Pacific or Atlantic, far from any landmass. Nothing says decadence like creating your own damn land.

    9. Living in the remote areas of Australia would make it so any attempts to escape on foot from the arcology would effectively be a death sentence since nearly every living thing there seems to be made for murder.

  61. I'm consistently getting an error after constructing the brothel, I wasn't able to figure out what combination of girls that was causing it.

    Error: <>: error within contents (Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: State.variables.toSearch.indexOf is not a function) Error: <>: error within contents (Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: State.variables.toSearch.indexOf is not a function)

  62. "Saanvi comes before you naked for a routine inspection. You take particular care to examine her massive breasts; since they've grown so large it's necessary to check for unsightly veins, stretch marks, and the like. You note her big nipples with appreciation. Since her breasts are so enormous and completely free of implants, they're quite saggy. When she stands, her nipples face out and down. As you inspect her with your hands, she murmurs, "That feels really nice, Mistress."

    You bring her out onto the promenade, still nude, her huge bare udders attracting open stares as her every movement sets them in motion. She blushes a little, but tips her chin up and follows you obediently. When you reach a good spot, you grab her skinny ass and pull her up on tiptoe for standing sex. She cocks her hips and takes your cock compliantly, and after a few thrusts you reach down, seize her behind each knee, and hoist her legs up so she's pinned against your boobs, helpless to do anything but let you hold her in midair and fuck her. Her pussy can take a hard pounding, so you give it to her. She loses all composure, gasping and panting as the massive weight of her chest bounces up and down, making an audible clap with each stroke as her huge tits slap painfully together. Despite this, or perhaps partly because of it, she begins to orgasm, her pregnant belly adding to her near-total discomfiture. The crowd that surrounds you during this noisy spectactle is suitably impressed."

    My slave has a huge rear end, so it feels kind of odd that the game says that I grab her by her skinny ass.

  63. Got this error message with the sadistic description event right after I got the plush older slave from the first slave tagging and bagging event:

    "You look in on your slaves as a group of them heads for bed. Marceline finds Fatin blocking the way to hers. Poor Marceline cringes at Fatin's predatory expression, but the horny slave doesn't pounce at once. Instead, she starts to walk around Marceline, whose pale body is nude for bed, groping and prodding her as Marceline shivers with fear. Finally Fatin sidles up behind Marceline, snaking her arms around Marceline's chubby waist to cup her cock possessively with one hand. Marceline closes her brown eyes.

    Fatin chuckles into Marceline's ear, crooning, "You useless little bitch. Your pathetic cock is so small, no wonder you're a slave." She grinds against the wilting $, and then continues, "I felt your big butt clench just now." She gives Marceline's balls a gentle squeeze. "She hasn't fucked you back there yet, has she? It's going to hurt, you little bitch. she's going to hold you down and shove her huge cockhead right up against this tight little hole." She gropes the quivering slave's virgin anus, careful not to penetrate it. "You're going to do your best to relax like a good little girl. But it's going to be so big. It's going to burn. And then you're going to panic, and struggle, and she's going to hold you down and rape your butt while you scream and cry."

    Marceline keeps her eyes clamped shut and her hands down at her sides, balled into fists, but her self-control finally cracks and she lets out a great gasping sob before bursting into tears."

  64. great game, would love more body hair though

    1. Considering armpits are never referred too, why not merely asssume it's the case? Unless you mean leg/chest hair...

  65. I have an idea for a future society option. Rather than being a new one, however, this one would let the player adopt 2 revivalist societies, but would be unable to pass a law for either one, though this *could* be restricted to only those that would have issues with this, such as the law for Edo Revivalism clashing with literally all the others, at least as I understand "old world influence" to mean, that is, including cultures.

    1. What the hell are you talking about?

  66. One thing that really sticks out to me is how society adjustments don't have enough bearing on your slave offerings. I've made a body purist, DFC paradise and yet I keep getting slaves with tons of implants trying to sell themselves to me on a regular basis.

  67. TYPO - "pushing lovers into marriage" event.

    1) "I'm sorry, Master, she lisps, biting her lip.

    Direct speech ends after "Master", quotations need to close. Also, "lisps" isn't accurate - there is no direct speech with any distortion except for stutter (see below)

    SUGGESTION: "I'm sorry, Master," she lets out, biting her lip.

    2) "N-no, MMaster, it's just -"

    "N-n" and "MM" are both used to portray nervous stutter, which is inconsistent. Personally, I would prefer the first rendition.

    SUGGESTION: "N-no, M-master, it's just -"

    3) Comprehension dawning, you ask her if she wants to make an honest woman out of [other slave in the relationship] .

    There's an extra space between the name of the other slave in the relationship and the period.

    Also, I don't like the way the first part of the sentence is constructed, but that is more of a personal preference.

    SUGGESTION: As comprehension dawns, you ask her if she wants to make an honest woman out of [other slave in the relationship].

  68. BUG - "with nymphomania comes narcissism" Head Girl activity.

    A redheaded HG is dying her personal slave's hair blonde - "just like her own" - as part of the weekly report's nymphomania/narcissism message. Happened for a second week in a row too, after the personal slave already had her hair dyed blonde.

    1. Despite the above message, the personal slave is now showing up as a redhead as well. No idea what happened there.

  69. Loving the game! I've been away for awhile so there's several updates worth of new content I'm experiencing. One suggestion about descriptions, though: could you rename 'flat, disappointing ass' to just 'flat ass' or maybe 'slim, tight ass'? My personal preference is for slim, toned slaves and that extends to flat butts, but it's distracting when every one of my slim slaves is described as having a disappointing ass. It's basically the only time the game actively insults the size of a body part, and it doesn't fit with how every other preference is customized to the player.

  70. I just got this hardcoded slave called Ervona that had a custom description saying that her nipples are inverted.
    Now that we have a system for that I think this should be changed.

  71. I started a new game as I wanted to check out what the game would be like if I was a cruel master. I noticed that even if I set myself to soften flaws, often there is no mention of me doing anything. I have yet to set a head girl so I don't know if that somehow impacts me.

    Also, when I started the new game, I decided not to not go for buying any new slaves. I ended up with four slaves waiting for me, left behind by the old owner. (This is not through New Game +)The update before this, gave me two slaves with the arcology. Did I miss an announcement saying you had increased the amount of slaves we start off with or did you add them without telling us? Or did I get one heck of a glitch? o_O

    1. By the way, I am not complaining about the amount of slaves. That's actually a great deal useful as I can set 2 as public servants and the other two into gloryhole or whores.

      By the way, is there any way to make make the slaves like the gloryhole? I would have thought that humiliation or masochist slaves would enjoy it. But I see that they don't.

    2. As far as I'm aware nobody likes it, but since appearance and skill don't have any factor in determining income for this job, the best slave for the glory holes would be mindbroken slaves since they don't give a fuck about anything.

  72. Thoughts on v0.6.9.4 so far:

    I think it'd be nice if a low $slaves[$i].energy stat (for example, if using the new sex inhibiting SP mode) resulted in XX/XY attraction decreasing (or 'increasing' in the case of revulsion) and normalizing at 'indifferent'. Right now, AFAIK, it's only possible for attraction scores to go up, not down.

    Perhaps a sufficiently-devoted slave shouldn't be upset at her SP inhibiting her sex drive? Maybe at Devoted+ they're okay with it if that's how their owner wants to use them?

    Consider Bodyguard for another position where a low/frigid sex drive would be beneficial. They'd do their job better if not distracted by sexytime thoughts.

    The Arcade being redone to work like the new dairy would be awesome (not so much the upgrades and settings, necessarily, but the way slaves forget skills and lose intelligence over time before eventually becoming meat puppets, instead of instantly flipping over to mindbroken).

    Small QoL request: It would be nice to have a line in the Upkeep screen that displays how much money we're saving each week (from slaves set to subordinate service/Servants' Quarters, etc).

    The code block in 'SA long term effects' for Body Purism keeps slaves from getting the 'unblemished skin' rep bonus even if they have no piercings or tattoos other than a bleached anus. Seems like the intent is to block the bonus if they have an anal tattoo, but it's also catching simple bleaching.

    Instead of mindbroken slaves displaying 'Mindbroken/MB' in the spot where devotion/trust normally is in the slave summary and showing 'Very slow' for intelligence, I'd like to suggest that for mindbroken slaves the summary should just not show devotion/trust at all (since they're irrelevant if mindbroken) and the intelligence listing should be replaced with 'Mindbroken' or 'MB' (depending on display settings).

    Should the fetish/sex drive/attraction to men/women data points in the slave listing be hidden for mindbroken slaves? From what I can tell they don't actually do anything/can't be modified for meat puppets. They just clutter up the screen.

    I'd actually extend the last two points to the long slave description as well; you could just not display devotion/trust/fetish/sex drive/attraction if mindbroken and instead of describing her intelligence in "Her ___ eyes are dull; she is quite stupid and ignorant" have the back half be 'she is mindbroken'.

    Possible bug: When generating slaves at the beginning of a game, there's no mention of piercings in their description. However, after finalizing and starting the game proper, slaves sometimes have a random selection of piercings already.

    Slave generation QoL request: on the 'more customization' screen it would be nice to have a box to manually set skin tone (pale, light, dark, brown, etc).

    Having the encyclopedia accessible while generating slaves would be useful; right now you have to get into the main game if you want to check the effects of a certain flaw/quirk/etc.

    Slave generation request: It seems like we can customize nearly everything there other than areola size. Would be nice if that was also an option.

  73. BUG - "big tit slave slipped and fell in the shower" event, "fuck her while she's down" option

    The second choice option for the above event is available even when the slave that triggers it is using vaginal chastity. The choice properly indicates an incoming virginity loss, but the slave remains a vaginal virgin after the fact - even though the resolution paragraph mentions the owner "leave a load of cum inside EACH of her holes before helping her up."

    Vaginal chastity should either prevent the "fuck her while she's down" choice from showing up, or the choice should incorporate no virginity loss due to worn chastity (both in the pre-choice indicator and the resolution paragraph), or everything should work as it does now but actually take virginity (as indicated by the pre-choice warning).

  74. inconsistency: If you put up the weather shielding after the weather starts becoming really nasty, but catch a break in the weather; there is a desrciption about how the population is unsure as to what you are worried about.

    Side note, that reputation loss for a young arcology owner is staggering. I somehow managed to lose (as a total male with the weather shield no bad weather to boost it at all) almost 2100 reputation in one game week. Is it supposed to be that powerful of a drop, or am I just unlucky?

  75. BUG - asset expansionism recruitment event (I think)

    Just hit a female version of this event, where the slave volunteer talked about "Where I'm from, now that I'm legal I'm gonna get enslaved one way or another, so I'd rather go with you." Choosing the "sell her immediately" option produced no recruitment paragraph - both options disappeared, but nothing else appeared below the slave's description. Slave count did not go up either.

    1. Looks like Asset Expansionism recruitment "sell her immediately" option is broken for both initially male and female slaves.

      (This is definitely the FS recruitment event, because refreshing the page triggers various FS-based volunteer slaves.)

  76. Would you be willing to consider less effective lactation implants/lactation drugs that don't increase breast size? I'm a fan of lactation, but I would prefer my slaves to not have continually growing breasts. And of course, I mean the less effective lactation implants as an addition to the ones we already have, not as a replacement.

    1. Lactation caused by pregnancy does not increase breast size. Lactation implants only increase size to a 3000cc cap.

      That said, I'd also like an "induce lactation" drug option, perhaps as a possible random weekly trigger of the high female hormone dosage.

    2. Actually, if what you mean is that you'd like lactation content outside of the dairy itself, I too would be partial to that. Something like a line about whoring/public service customers appreciating a lactating slave to generate a bit more more income would be welcome - there is a mention that lactation advances pastoralism in a slave's weekly summary, but nothing aside from that (even if pastoralism is law). I would even enjoy "throwaway" lactation mentions alongside other kinks without an earnings increase.

    3. Now that we have the Dairy that automagically increases breast size (well, we've had it for a long while, but before the facility was a thing lactation implants were the only option for 'free' growth) why can't lactation implants go back to how they were waaaaaay back in the v0.2ish days?

      What if lactation implants didn't induce breast growth, just (enhanced) milk production for their current size, and you could then use the 'normal' breast injection mechanic to get them to whatever size you wanted? And just leave the dairy as an option if you want ever-growing boobs?

      Frankly, I rarely use breast injections now (it's at least partially due to how they work, giving +150cc at small sizes making it hard to hit numbers like 400cc or 600cc), it's just easier and simpler to spend $300 and 1 point of health to implant milk drugs, then wait for them to embiggen the boobs to the desired size before pulling them back out.

      If lactation implants didn't cause growth on their own the utility of breast injections would go back up (for me, at least).

    4. I agree with Ryllynyth. I prefer breast sizes up to a certain amount. I also don't use the breast injections because lactation implants increase boob size, so I think why not choose that option since I get a two-for-one.

      It would be really lovely if we were able to induce natural lactation after a prolonged use of lactation implants.

  77. anybody willing to give some advice on the slimness appreciation? i'm not exactly sure what constitutes the ideal .

    1. Breasts smaller than 450cc (400cc max), butt smaller than 'level 3' (so either 'flat and unimpressive' or 'small, rounded/sleek'), muscles not at maximum ('ripped' is okay but not superfreak muscles) and, IIRC, weight lower than 'plush'.

  78. Found this error
    Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause (#12): Unexpected token ILLEGAL

  79. I just wanted to make sure you (FC Author) were aware, but it seems that there are several slave buyers that do not actually have an entry in the story box "Sell Slave," though this only becomes apparent after examining "Slave Sold." Among them are "Short Breeder," "Milky Herm," "Butt Bury," and "Amazon Hunter," to name those that I know for certain are missing.

  80. Unique training. I just got this idea. What about if you also could bet different additions to your free city for further training certain slaves. Like ones that you could train to be an elite personal combat slave for missions of your choise like going into Wild country to capture slaves that either more wild or due to something like maybe some kind of mutation or something due to all those weird weather patterns is different from other slaves.

    Or another which you can train certain slaves to act as spies, Agents, Sabotours, assasins and so on. Like choose what kind of Agent you want a sneaking around ninja spy or a seducer who seduces people to gain information which can change what the Agent looks like. This could gain new depth for Free cities wars while your engaged in a economic war your also engaged in an information war as well as one for sabotage and so on.

  81. BUG - "prestigious cow" event is overriding the "Liberty sponsor post-enslavement" event (the one with the options of public humiliation or making the former owner subordinate to the player's slaves). Hitting "continue" on the cowshow event page makes the game load next week's main screen.

  82. I don't know if it's a bug or if you meant it to do as such, but base Reputation loss is now insane. I'm losing 1000 Reputation per week (albeit still in very early game).

    1. i had the same thing in rather late game (arround week 150 and again arround 250) it solved itself with no actions on my part strangelly. the second time was when i more or less emptied my club of old (30+ in age) lactating slaves to see if they were gonna go in the dairy (most did) i was loosing hell a lot of reputation up to teh time i could replace them with fresh 18 year old slaves from highschool.

  83. Any chance you could include an event where mindbroken slaves on aphrodisiacs become walking rape machines?

  84. Bug to report. Fascinating event as well. (Ironic moment as slave Elise is a shelter slave, which if I may is a neat idea)

    You look in on your slaves as a group of them heads for bed. Liza finds Elise blocking the way to hers. Poor Liza cringes at Elise's predatory expression, but the horny slave doesn't pounce at once. Instead, she starts to walk around Liza, whose dark body is nude for bed, groping and prodding her as Liza shivers with fear. Finally Elise sidles up behind Liza, snaking her arms around Liza's skinny waist to cup her pussy possessively with one hand. Liza closes her brown eyes.

    Elise chuckles into Liza's ear, crooning, "You useless little bitch. Your pathetic cock is so small, no wonder you're a slave." She grinds against the wilting $, and then continues, "I felt your big butt clench just now." She gives Liza's pussylips a gentle massage. "He hasn't fucked you back there yet, has he? It's going to hurt, you little bitch. He's going to hold you down and shove his huge cockhead right up against this tight little hole." She gropes the quivering slave's virgin anus, careful not to penetrate it. "You're going to do your best to relax like a good little girl. But it's going to be so big. It's going to burn. And then you're going to panic, and struggle, and he's going to hold you down and rape your butt while you scream and cry."

    Liza keeps her eyes clamped shut and her hands down at her sides, balled into fists, but her self-control finally cracks and she lets out a great gasping sob before bursting into tears.

    1. Damn I can't believe I never seen this one. It's great.

  85. Loving the update. Being able to see my actual reputation number helps a lot. I'm also enjoying new game plus. But a question and idea.

    first, the question. Is there any way to increase a slaves intelligence? I am sick of all the stupid slaves I get.

    As for the idea. How about having reputation have an effect on new game plus? For example, if you have a low/high reputation when you restart, you will be able to take less/more slaves with you. Or recieve other bonuses. Perhaps a screen where you spend reputation for bonuses. Thus encouraging better play before switching to new game plus.

    1. Intelligence can be improved by one point with education, but it really isn't worth it for dumb slaves. When you unlock better quality markets it's easier to get brainy girls.

    2. I would recommend against NG+ limitations, it would only annoy players that want to immediately switch over to a new version in the case of theirs being horridly broken or the next being greatly desired.

      If it were a matter of requiring the completion of the main plot at least after final invasion survival confirmation then yeah makes sense.

      Currently though, I'm glad I can even take atleast 4 slaves with me, I've gone through roundabout means of including my custom slaves before and it's extremely bothersome to do. Plus I can load my 4 incest-slaves up with level 1 prestige along with my level 3 prestige former arc owner and still have unfairly great bonuses. In fact, we should only really be able to take 2-3 with us and only 2000 credits to cover paltry costs.

      Just to note, there are easier ways to cheat than having a bunch of fodder slaves to sell for a quick buck.

  86. TYPO - weekly update drug toxicity message

    "She suffers a series of severe headaches. THEY PASSES with a minor dose of medication..."

    Should be "It (the series) passes" or "They pass" instead. If you're looking for a neutral phrase to fit multiple conditions, consider "The issues is resolved by a minor dose of medication..."

    1. Amazing - the correction has a typo in it and no one called me on it. "The ISSUES is resolved by a minor dose of medication..." should be "The issue is..." or "The issues are..."

  87. BUG - high cash + max rep seems to fool the game into thinking the owner's rep is impeding business growth, rather than maxed:

    "This week, rents from your arcology came to ¤20193. Since your arcology can support more citizens and more activity, its prosperity improved this week. Your low reputation relative to your arcology's prosperity seriously impedes business growth."

    I noticed the issue after putting up the second-to-last upgrade (not the spire, the one before it). I had over 800k at the time, and rep had been holding at max for many weeks by this point.

  88. BUG - the "phantom quirk removal" issue reported earlier is tripping up head girls set to remove/fix quirks.

    Basically, the game treats the chance that a given slave might develop a quirk in the following week as a fact that the slave has a quirk. If the slave does not develop a quirk, the game does not adjust for this - HG stays assigned to the slave for the task of quirk removal, and the weekly outputs something to the effect of "despite HG actions, the slave remains the same".

    However the game is detecting that there's room for a slave to develop a quirk, it needs to stop and only allow quirk removal/fixing once the slave actually acquires a quirk.

    1. On a side note, the above bug can be abused to quickly raise a slave out of a hateful disposition. Simply put a shock collar on a slave, and suddenly the game will allow the owner to remove a quirk - the "odd" quirk that wearing a shock collar will generate during the weekly summary.

      The shock collar itself will raise devotion, and removing the "odd" quirk in the same week it appears will do the same. Without any adjustments, the game will go through the same motions again the following week - the owner will keep trying to fix quirks even though the slave has none present on the main screen; the slave will acquire "odd" from wearing a shock collar; the owner will immediately remove a quirk that the slave possesses (because owner actions happen at the bottom of the slave's summary).

      Whether or not this is working as intended, it's definitely open to abuse.

  89. INCONSISTENCY - glossary

    1) There is no generic "Leadership" or "Leadership positions" entry in the left sidebar that would list/link to all of them. In order to get to a list, the player needs to click on one of the leadership positions (Attendant, Bodyguard, etc.) and then follow the links to other positions from that page. This may frustrate people looking for a page with a list, especially if new or returning players don't remember exactly what each position is called.

    2) Most individual leadership position pages all link to each other, but "Madam" does not.

  90. Is there a possibility for the glasses part of the school girl outfit to be optional?

    1. An eye accessory slot in general would be great - you could also add blindfolds and goggles as options.

  91. Suggestion: add a counter about how many times a slave has given birth while in your possession. I imagine it's possible a slave has given birth before she was your slave and that might be hard to add.

    Also, I have to say the industrial dairy is a nice addition to the game and works well with the degradationist FS.

    1. That's already part of the slave descriptions.
      'She has also given birth in your arcology 4 times.'

  92. Loving the update. Being able to see my actual reputation number helps a lot. I'm also enjoying new game plus. But a question and idea.

    first, the question. Is there any way to increase a slaves intelligence? I am sick of all the stupid slaves I get.

    As for the idea. How about having reputation have an effect on new game plus? For example, if you have a low/high reputation when you restart, you will be able to take less/more slaves with you. Or recieve other bonuses. Perhaps a screen where you spend reputation for bonuses. Thus encouraging better play before switching to new game plus.

    1. Having them take classes raises their intelligence by one level.

  93. Your game is amazing! I just got it and I played it for about 7 hours straight. This game is everything and more!

  94. I think I finally tracked down the cause of the bug that makes mindbroken slaves spontaneously gain level 1 in almost every skill.

    At the top of 'SA devotion' there's a code block handling mindbroken slaves (it's the one that prints 'since she's mindbroken she forgets any skills she learned this week), however the actual code in that block is setting skills to 1 ('skilled') rather than 0. After making that change locally in twine my mindbroken slaves stopped magically learning skills.

    The only skill not appearing in that block is the Combat one; I'd probably add it just to avoid any similar wackiness in the future for people who lobotomize gladiators or liberatrixes and such.

  95. BUG - the main menu job shortcuts allow amputees to be assigned to the maid (house servant) job.

  96. It's possible but very unlikely as FCDev apparently zero personal interest in writing scenes involving the PC being penetrated in any fashion. So either someone writes/codes scenes of it for him, or it probably won't happen.

  97. Two issues with the airlift events:

    1. One instance of "random" being spelled "ranodom" for the housewives event.

    2. A missing parenthesis in the nipple setting for the maternity event.

  98. Bugs -

    1. pretty face and attractive face features are switched on the main menu
    2. After end week I get this error message: Error: <>: error within contents (Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: State.variables.toSearch.indexOf is not a function)

  99. QUESTION - are the herms' artificial vaginas supposed to have clits? Because they do, but I seem to recall a discussion where the answer was "no, the clit and the dick are the same thing, so no doubling up for herms."

  100. You can still get multiple Miss/Ms added to the slaves names if you have paternalist FS.

  101. Is it possible to specify what sexual services slaves assigned to whore or public service are available for? Like, in the same way you can choose to keep a fucktoy specifically for oral or anal or whatever your preference, could this be extended to any other roles?

    1. I would like this as well, and doing so would allow for the possibility of a malefactor event wherein someone breaks the rules you set and uses a slave whore or public servant in one of the restricted ways, and is punished in some way or another.

  102. Can you make it so slaves who are at accepting can whore in the brothel? Currently you have to abuse a slave that's accepting and careful into being terrified before they can whore. That seems very unintentional.

    1. I'd tie it to whoring skill + devotion.

      It is understandable when virgin slave with accepting\careful doesn't want to go to the brothel, but when I have a slave with high whoring skills and need to break her to send in brothel - It is very weird.

  103. It's just an oversight from when devotion was one stat. An accepting whore who loses her virginity gains devotion. Presumably "accepting" means they follow orders all the time and have conformed to their new life.

    Someone like that shouldn't need any discipline.

  104. Would it be possible to make non-degredationist societies accepting of the arcade for specific slaves? That is, slaves that have very low devotion or are mindbroken. Even paternalist societies don't consider slaves as equals in any sense, rather, they still recognize them as humans and allow them certain levels of human dignity. This being the case, a slave that has devotion less than -5, or worse than being resistant, would be seen as a disobedient slave that still thinks of themselves as equal to a free person; such disobedience would be a parallel to a citizen breaking the law and being punished for it, and as such, being sent to the arcade as punishment may make sense. As for mindbroken slaves, having them immured in the arcade wouldn't really be an issue for most in the in-game world, since mindbroken slaves are shown to just lay there and get fucked in other public sexual jobs; the difference with the arcade is that the citizen doesn't have to see the slave and be disappointed by the lack of "liveliness," if I would have to choose a word for it.
    On a slightly different note, could there be content regarding female citizens that make use of slaves assigned to be whores or sluts? I consider this especially in terms of slaves that have a functioning dick and are not cumsluts or buttsluts, gelded slaves or slaves with small penises that are submissives or masochists, and female slaves that are not cumsluts. Things like "Women [and optionally men] enjoyed riding her slave dick this week," and "The more dominant citizens she sees this week enjoy ridiculing her limp [or little/tiny] dick," and "Female citizens with a taste for feminine partners enjoyed her pussy." I know that this falls outside of author appeal for the most part, but it is not anywhere near to being as necessarily detailed as events and the like, especially for a female PC, and in my opinion, would make the in-game world more detailed and complete.

    1. It would be kind of cool to expand the clientele for public slaves (whores etc) to include women. Especially if you added a series of new random events. Johns (or Janes) who fall in love (or lust) and offer to buy a slave off you much like the Merc event, or alternatively, poor Johns (or Janes) who have fallen hopelessly in love with a girl and offer to be voluntarily enslaved to be with them. Maybe the new slave starts out with a relationship to the new slave. You could also have events where a patron of the brothel doesn't have the money for services rendered and so you can enslave them. This would be further reason to add female clients.

  105. I think it's already been suggested, but I'd like to add my voice to it: having a dedicated Rules Assistant for every facility would be great.

    1. I agree with this, I like to set a uniform for different facilities, as well as cosmetics/piercings/tattoos to sort of, set a theme for a specific facility.

      Also would it be possible to perhaps have multiple brothels/clubs so we can facilitate and advertise different fetishes specifically.

      I'm not sure if this has been suggested before but for the pit fights, how about adding some events that we could create, a royal rumble, a tournament, perhaps something to combine with the dairy, and have some cum/milk wrestling.

  106. Would there be a way to have mixed race girls have what race they are mixed with? White/latino, semitic/asian, ect ect.

  107. Odd bug to report: an overloaded Arcade with the Fuckdoll upgrade and no mindbroken slaves will consistently convert cows in the Dairy into Fuckdolls. Even non-mindbroken cows.

  108. It would be nice if paternalistic societies could get more free range alternatives to the industrial dairy. Some dairy upgrade that could boost cow acceptance/ devotion perhaps at the cost of much slower gains in breast size/ lactation. I'd like to run a dairy that prides itself on raising happy cows.

  109. It would be nice if paternalistic societies could get more free range alternatives to the industrial dairy. Some dairy upgrade that could boost cow acceptance/ devotion perhaps at the cost of much slower gains in breast size/ lactation. I'd like to run a dairy that prides itself on raising happy cows.

  110. Hi. Would it be possiable to put in an event, say every 8 weeks where you throw a massive archology wide week long party to boost rep? Depending on how many credits you spend to boost your rep by a relative amount... as an example: 500 creds gives you 250 rep (smallest party),1000 creds gives 500 rep (larger party), etc, etc... . I only ask coz I always seem to lose rep fairly fast since I usually play a younger character and this seems like an easy way to boost rep that fits into this setting without relying on random events to counteract rep loss.

  111. Two suggestions: "Squirter" as a possible trait for slaves with vaginas. Mostly just a flavour text thing but perhaps some prospective slave buyers would pay more for a squirter.

    And the other suggestion, an event for slaves that reach "Accepting" devotion in-which the player personally presents them with their new "Pretty" or "Gold" collar. I think such an event would add a personal touch for each slave that reaches "Accepting" after previously being "Resistant" or worse.
