Saturday, December 26, 2015

Modding FC

I've been asked about modding frequently enough elsewhere that it's worth setting my position down here. For the attention-challenged, the short version is this: attribute FC to me and link back to this blog when possible; let me know what you're up to; please respect the exclusion of underage content; otherwise, mod at will.

The idea that people would be interested in modding a game of mine would have been pretty inconceivable to me three months ago, and is really exciting to me now. As far as I know, Twine games are inherently open source. Even if I wanted to restrict modding, there's no way for a Twine author to do so that I'm aware of. If you're interested in modding FC or seeing my novice coding, download the GitHub repository and follow the included instructions. If anything isn't clear, email me and I'll explain.

Since I have no ability to control modding, my one hesitation has to be a request, not a demand. It's this: please respect the underage content restriction. Here's why. I like FC; I like writing it, coding it, and playing it, and I like seeing others enjoy it too. I'm doing this for fun. Even after 1.0 I intend to keep adding scenes to the game at a reduced rate for a long, long time. So, please leave FC's author appeal intact so I can keep doing that.

There are two things you can do to make my life easier. First, attribute FC to me, please, and backlink to here where you can. It's courtesy, and it will get people with questions about the base game to where they need to go. Second, let me know what you're up to! If your desired changes are small, I may just make them. If not, it's still fun for me to hear.

Finally, I'll link to good mods. In fact, I'd consider including good mods in the game, or making simple code accommodations for them. Several would-be modders have contacted me with plans for simple stat changes – unsurprisingly the TFGames stalwarts want more perfect MtF transitions – and once things stabilize, these could even be included as alternative start options.


  1. I would be wary of completely incorporating other people's mods. The whole copyright thing and all.

    1. Don't worry, I'm very aware of the issues. "I'd consider including good mods" is shorthand for "I'd have a very long conversation, including but not limited to copyright matters, with anyone interested in working on a merged mod .html." Most of the rights would have to be surrendered to me. It's not likely to happen, and in any case it certainly won't happen for a while.

    2. Viewed from a civil law stand point, there would be no judicial violation in incorporating user created content in a non-profit product, especially if their work is derivative of yours.
      The worst thing that could happen, also in common law (if you're from UK, US), would be you're ask to remove set content.
      The rule of thumb is = if you don't charge people per download (so Patreon is fine), the copyright 'thing' is not going to cause you trouble.

  2. "unsurprisingly the TFGames stalwarts want more perfect MtF transitions"


    1. lol an overwhelming majority of users on tfgamessite have a rule 63 fetish so when they think of a MtF transformation they want the whole transgender aspect eliminated as it doesn't correspond with their fetish. also, rule 63 stuff contradicts realism and because FCAuthor is going with a more realistic approach, they hate not having the transition from MtF be completely automatic.

      it's pretty ridiculous to me since FC is aiming for a more realistic approach, but whatever i guess, they can just incorporate it in their own mod.

    2. To note, I'm seemingly one of the few people actively digging through the code despite it being this early in an effort to break the realistic game balance.

      I'm not even fully unboard the MtF bit, I just have a deep hard-on for legit traps, something of which is super fucking rare on tfgamessite since they prefer women. While totally possible in RNG/time in some areas of the slave gen, dissolute sissies can sometimes spawn in as gorgeous, but family could only barely reach feminine, and it's become even harder with every new factor to get a perfect incest gen. From all of these the boundaries of realism were constricting my lust. As such, I've just been fucking with the establish methodology of balance as much as possible to suit my needs. Otherwise known as, hormones can't magically make perfect faces.

      I admit though, hormones MAGIC or not, shouldn't reach perfection, it degrades the value of the actual natural gens. I just hated the restriction in place so I couldn't even fix the shoddy household gens.

      When 1.0 rolls around I'll do what I can to wall my efforts behind an upgrade and then wait for someone else to do it better so I can just use theirs because I can't code for shit.

      Oh, bug report sort of, migrant women will always spawn as hermaphrodites, despite what I've noticed are efforts to prevent that from happening when in 'dicks only'

    3. The upgraded surgery will let you give their siblings gorgeous faces.

    4. I'm opposed to surgery though...

  3. Other than underage content, what is like your red line. What should a modder not put in the game? I know all you mentioned was underage content but perhaps maybe if someone comes out with a mod you might realize it's not something you want associated with FC. I'd just like to see if there's anything at all I should avoid ahead of time.

  4. Has anyone gotten Twine to work with CouchDB? It's theoretically possible, but Google isn't finding anything.

  5. I feel this information is vaguely useful, but there is something that anyone could merely mod into the game. It's also very light on the load to which is considered unbalance.

    Custom Starter Slaves: Considering you can RNG start with mild prestige slave that are worth a king's ransom, you can basically do whatever the fuck you want here without fucking over supposed balance.

    I've been abusing this too much though, goodness forbid by manipulating data I've given myself TWO custom mildly prestigious incest-ready slaves that are riddled with poor health, no valuable skills, sexual/behaviour quirks, and low obediance would spend them several turns as servants until they get the obediance to do my bidding. It is truly unfortunate that I've broken the game in such a way so I could have a somewhat easier start on normal start/hard eco by using them to farm reputation instead of being a real player and save-scumming for a Izzy/Dragon combo so I can sell them both for maximum arcology upgrades with 100k to spare.

    I've missed the point somewhere and I didn't actually intend to sound like a total dick.

    1. The starting options are extremely imbalanced; it is known. They've been up for a total redo for a while, but it'll take an entire update devoted to nothing but that at minimum.

    2. I'd say it's such a minor thing to go out of your way for, but the starter slaves determine the course of the rest of the game due to how crucial they are. And I'd REALLY enjoy having a standard or at least a price-range to work custom starters towards.

  6. To be clear, you're giving me permission to modify *and* redistribute, open source style, rather than more standard 'make a separate file and make the user merge them' modding?

    Also a question, how experienced a programmer are you? I've always been taught to comment code even if nobody else will read it, but I'm very much not an experienced programmer, and I'd just like to know if you have much experience telling you you can get away with that or are more self taught?

    1. Always fucking comment. Try writing some code, then going back three months later to debug it, without comments. Even better, write self-documenting code (good variable names etc). Using the variable $activeSlave like FCAuthor does for example. If you used $AS instead you'd need to use a comment to document what that means.

    2. I understand that comments are industry standard, but I am 100% self taught from the Sugarcube macro library and experimentation - so I learned that long after starting FC. I've been able to get away with it so far because I have an extremely good memory. On permissions, I'll write a better copyright paragraph in the intro at some point, but my basic approach is that modders can indeed modify and redistribute. This is mostly because of the single .html file, inherently open source nature of Twine games - that's the way it is, so I'm rolling with it.

  7. FCAuthor, is there any way you could setup a method to submit patches or at least view your current code? I assume you've already fixed RE nympho with assistant, but if you had a way we could access that we'd know where we could patch your code (leaving you more time to add stuff).

    1. Not until later in development. Let's work something out come beta.

  8. At some point this game will have all of the fetishes

    1. There are a fair amount already, but unless modding gets HYPED you won't get much more than what's vanilla.

      Obviously, all the fantasy fetishes will never be vanilla, I'm even going to need to make my own fetish implements which will end up being terrible, in more ways than one.

  9. >Even if I wanted to restrict modding, there's no way for a Twine author to do so that I'm aware of.
    There's no way to stop people modding their own copy, but you can DMCA unauthorised distribution just fine. Admittedly it would take some effort to find it and send the notice and so on.

    In any case, thanks for the permission, but I don't feel comfortable distributing mods without a standard license.
    I suggest CC-BY-SA, the BY part means attribution is required and the SA part means the modder has to give the same rights back so it makes integrating mods easier.

    1. Creative Commons is not a software license and unenforceable in spirit if applied. (IE, somebody could apply code obfuscation algorithms).

  10. I removed an unnecessarily tendentious comment string. For the record, I am aware of the legal morass that is online distribution; I will make my position clearer as 1.0 approaches; this post is to give a general idea as to where I am on the matter, not a final position.

  11. >Twine games are inherently open source
    If I may interject-- your source code being visible and downloadable is not the same as it being Open Source or Free Software. They are separate concepts; you still have the legal ability to say how your work may be distributed or modified.

  12. So maybe I'm missing something obvious, but how exactly do you run the story from twine? I've got a version imported just fine and can view and navigate and understand the code well enough but i cant figure out how to actually run it. Hitting play or test just brings up a white screen

    1. Sounds like you've got the story format in Harlowe instead of Sugarcube. Change that under the menu you get by clicking the story title at the bottom.

    2. Tried that and it worked, thanks!

  13. First off, this is awesome. I personally believe that, wherever possible, came creators should support modding of their games. I understand their are limits to what you will accept (At least for public distribution...someone can mod whatever the hell they want into the game as long as they don't distribute it), but it still allows for the players to dive in and see what they can accomplish. I know that I will... My first task will be seeing if I can put in bestiality...And Spanking content...because fuck yes on the spanking.

    Also, A question, if I may. I know you have explicitly stated that you are novice at coding, so i would assume you would warn me against copying any of your code. However, I am just starting out with Twine, and seeing what you are able to accomplish with it has gotten me inspired. So then I have to ask if you would mind if I were to use your coding as inspiration, or even use snippets of it in my own projects, especially if you have managed to accomplish something that I am looking for?

  14. Beutiful game! Got a question - how to mod game properly? I've got this problem - when I edit game in Twinery and publish it to file or even just download FC vanilla and publish it to file I get game working very slowly and also these messages in the beginning:

    Apologies! Your browser either lacks some of the capabilities required by this game or has disabled them, so this game is running in degraded mode. You may be able to continue but some parts may not work properly.
    The former may, probably, be solved by upgrading your browser. The latter may be solved by loosening its security restrictions or, perhaps, by playint this game via the HTTP protocol.

    Error [user-script-node-1] Cannot set property 'maxStates' of undefined.

    1. Might be this info will help to clarify problem - game name when opened in browser is weird and endless:

      Downloads/Free%20Cities.html#N4IgJgpgNgLghiAXAbVDAljKEknQO0xABoQA3OAJ3TgCNsBnJYAXxeLU2y..(more letters)

    2. Make sure you have downloaded and set up the latest version of sugarcube.

    3. Trying to mod the game and getting Twine 2.0.10 running with Sugarcube is a pain... Doesn't seem to work at all.

    4. Use these instructions:

      You download the Sugarcube 2 format and then you add it to Twine 2. The reason you need to do this is that FC uses Sugarcube 2, but Twine 2 only comes with Sugarcube 1 by default.

  15. how can you cheat with money?

    1. Use VC++ Express 2010(its free), for some reason, opening the file in Twine made the game unplayable...
      1. 'Ctrl+F'
      2. Find 'set $cash to 10000'
      3. Make sure the line above that which you are changing is 'set $PC to {title: 1, dick: 1, voiceImplant: 0, accent: 0, shoulders: 0, shouldersImplant: 0, boobs: 0, career: "capitalist", rumor: "wealth", indenture: -1, indentureRestrictions: 0, birthWeek: random(0,51), age: 2, sexualEnergy: 4, refreshment: "cigars"}>>'
      4. Change '<<set $cash to 10000>>' to '<<set $cash to (any numbers)'
      5. Save it...
      6. Play it!

      (the &lt and &gt became << and >> so i didn't put it in the reply)

      P.S.- Wish you luck ;)

  16. Wow, I am amazed at this accommodating creator. Thank you so much! :)

  17. Wanted to let you know there's an active thread going on.
    Someone has modded in underage content, but that was their own doing anyway. One of the minor modifications though, was having more than one type of fetish available at a time. It strikes me as a good idea however, might be something to consider adding.

  18. though i know you said no underage content, i was thinking of a new building to upgrade your arcology.
    name: orphanage
    bonuses: capability of producing a small steady flow of slaves with customisable attributes (educate or no the futur slave, default willbreaking policies, add implants to the teens before "release", etc.) and depending on your futur society policies would give ether a small (no more then 5 to 10% i'd advise) bonus or malus to your reputation.
    misc: would come with a set of events on its own like festivals (cultural and sports) that could ether benifit or hinder prosperity/reputation and every 3 or 4 months ingame probably, some sort of auction where you can get slaves from the unclaimed "graduates".
    the primary use would be for your own offsprings but you can make it "public" which would then fill the empty slots with system made orphans and reduce the bonus by say 30 or 40%.
    there would be the possibility of sending your slaves there as teachers and would be a possible attack target for the terrorrists and outsiders that attack your arcologywith massive reputation loss on orphan deaths in case of attack(probability of deaths being calculated the same way as damage to alcove on terrorist attack and orphanage sécurity policy).

    was saying at start i understould about the underage limit and this could probably be "rerouted" against that policy by some ill intention modders but still though would be a nice addition to the game. and would put a "late game" content making child bearing for slaves actualy matter.

    1. I need this like I need air, please.

      Alternately, it could be called a Nursery, and it could be staffed by a nursemaid. This could add a new job for a slave's background: stay at home mother. Other ideas I've had are multiple pregnancies, miscarriage, and the purchase of sperm from other slavers to inseminate your own slaves.

  19. I may have an idea for something that can be done with the newborns of slaves. Some of the players want free incest slaves as a reward for the patience of first 9 months, and then 18 years (probably 1000+ turns once you consider pregnancy from first trimester.) My idea won't accommodate them. Sorry, not that patient, but waiting nearly 40 turns to just give up my child seems a tad bit philanthropic for someone willing to keep a practice slavery, and crush the competition, on the conservative side.

    So I was thinking. 'Hey, I know of 5 orphanages, they probably need new stock. Let's see if we can cut a deal.' Okay, a one for one deal would be ridiculous, and they are going to sell their graduates, but can they make money on a dropout? A slavegirl student who is still idealistic about sex or from les ecoles enculees who really looks rather plain. What if the surgeons knife slipped?

    Not sure if you'll go for it, but it would be nice if the recruit expecting mothers option had a definite use rather than appealing to a fetish that most of the game penalizes. You could even use that profile of what the child may be like to determine which schools you can bargain with. Because obviously Les etc. Will not deal in your "daughters" unless they are sure the word belongs in quotation marks.

  20. where do i look if im trying to find these so called mods for fc :o

    1. you make them yourself. ftm, modded FCs are a complete new file.

    2. Is there actually made any mods yet? Because i haven't really found anything, and mods are always a good way to spice things up and completely wreck the game

  21. I cant mod this game at all, While I can import the HTML to twine and edit it both the play and test option return a blank white screen and publish to file does nothing.

    1. I fingered it out, just a case of the newb's on my part.

    2. I am ignorant, and would like the solution to this problem spoon fed to me please

    3. I'm in the same boat, how do you get it to load?

    4. Nevermind, you need the sugarcube format to export the file, the link is above.

  22. Hell if I know. I modded the nickname event to allow repeated nicknames for the same traits:!LVVy1L5K!Ns83H6mqS5qZ-b6SdKPAikMf6kmIO0GD1BybuoT396M

  23. Hey guys I made a mod based off the latest version
    The Dinner Party Mod.
    Have you always wanted to throw a dinner party at your arcology? Well here is your chance. With this mod you will find an option in the manage arcology menu (the very bottom) that will allow you to throw dinner parties. Guess what the main course is?
    Can you throw a successful party, or will your guests riot? Can you earn the title of Master of The Culinary Arts? Throwing a successful party will gain your rep. Screwing up on a dish and you will lose rep, and make enemies.
    This mod features a new system for rating the different dishes you can make from the meat you choose.
    WARNING: for this mod to work, you will need to turn on extreme content. If you are easily offended do not use this mod.
    I have also added a cheat mod that was intended to be used for debugging purposes. When you turn on cheat mod, you can edit the stats of your slaves in the interact with slave passage. The link to the cheat is right below the name of the slave. Use this cheat at your own risk.
    Leave a comment if you like this mod, or find bugs with it. I’m thinking my next mod will be a combat system, that involves your sending your army of slaves to raid other arcologies.!w05XQRgQ!uQ8NkVZarKuKZJ5GSf8-6YJfh_zJLBOpzGkHKp994sk

    1. new version of the mod is now available
      the old link will no longer work

  24. Most polite thanks! Though probably miss-using your mod a bad time to get rid of the frequenting pregnancy fetish I somehow can't quite tolerate, I think you have greatly helped me and probably many other folks as well. NOT blaming the other aspects in your mod or the game - on the contrary - just liking to tinker a bit more with the debug before trying the dinner party-feature properly.

    1. There could be issues when changing the slave's stats I haven't tested everything, so you might unintentionally bug the game. Use at your own risk.
      But yes originally I made that cheat mod because I wanted to cheat lol, but then I thought hey this could be a great jumping off point to make other mods, and create different systems in the game and not affect the original game play at all.

  25. Yeah, your kind warning was definitely noticed. As one who likes to mod games to hell and back (if possible) I am aware of the chance to find something different. So far everything's been very positive to me and along my childish wish to be as "nice" as possible to the slaves. While certainly making the game easier, I still find enough pleasurable challenge with the sexual aspects in the game.
    Using mods I'd not even dream about complaining to the FC Dev, a short mention about something in the mod to the modder would be thinkable - but there's been nothing negative so far. Every change compared with the original has been to MY likes, so thanks again.

  26. Dinner Party MOD v0.2

    It was always my intention to be able to add the mod to the original game seamlessly, and not having the mod to affect the core game play. the v0.1 of this mod some how separated the save files from the original. It has something to do with twine assigning different save values if you duplicate the story in twine.
    So to make up for this blunder, I updated the mod to v0.2 with pictures. Now you don't have to imagine the dish you made anymore, you can actually see it. (You can thank me or hate me depending on your preferences)
    Along with this mod bundle I have also included instructions on how to manually install the mod. It will give you an idea what are the parts of this mod, and who much code changes was made to the original. So you can easily install this mod into your own versions.!9xI0jKZZ!TUGI9LyaffYaKAkwxZGmxZVv7_yPdbs55pvtS-L0wv0

    Change Log:
    -Changed the stars required for culinary title from 25 to 20 because some players might have dicks turned off and will not have the material for 2 of the dishes.

    -Added pictures to the dishes.

    -Changed the position of the cheat link, now its on the very top of the slave interact page (this was done for ease of adding the mod to the next version of the core game)

    1. Note: for the pictures to show up correctly make sure the resources folder is in the same folder as the html file.

  27. Dinner Party MOD for v0.6.12.2 DP MOD v0.2!Y8JygApA!hrPB_OjqDW-_1y85g8dHERJYTFbWxRxL-g38ygb-buk
    unzip into the same folder as your free cities game and play by using the html file.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Introducing a new mod:
    Dinner Party: Revenge is a dish best served with hot lead. V1.0
    Based off FC v

    So you have reached week 100, you have millions of dollars, 100s of slaves. Now what? Well this mod is your answer. It is intended as end game content. With this mod you will be able to host a dinner party eat one of your slaves, and if you provide a good slave your guests will reward you with reputation and an achievement gain you a title the next time you are introduced in formal occasions. But if you mess up the party you will make enemies, and what good is an enemy if you can’t crush them?

    Well you can with the War Room. You can take your slaves and wage war against your enemies, and attack other arcologies. This is the battle mod people have been asking for.
    This mod features a detailed battle system, you can attack your enemies and take them as slaves, or you can lose the battle and be a slave yourself. It is up to you to manage your slaves and raise the most powerful slave army the world has ever seen.

    To use this mod you must have extreme content enabled. (Sorry vegetarians currently you can only make enemies by eating one of your slaves.) The dinner party and the war room can be accessed in the bottom of manage arcology section.

    Included in this mod is the cheat mod that will allow you to edit your slave’s stats. You must have cheat enabled. To access, interact with a slave, the cheat will appear on the very top.

    Please try this mod out and report any bugs in the comments on the Modding FC section.
    Also please excuse the clumsy writing. I’m not much of a writer, if someone wants to rewrite the scenes, it would be much appreciated, just post a pastebin link or something I would be happy to add it to the mod.!s04zXZCT!qjgP4Xijs-vyXm5inNlAZ1AXEQTKip7SDpWZ8F5jKRs

    1. Great mod! I haven't had the chance to try out the army feature yet, but I will at the soonest possible time.

      I find the events in regards to the dinner party to be extremely hot, I love the idea of cooking and then consuming a slave, especially if she submits to it willingly and loves the idea. However, I would love to see more options in regards to the dinner party, options such as:

      More choices of main dishes, requiring different types of slaves to get a good rating.

      A toggle able option deciding whether the slave is killed before cooking or cooked alive, including detailed descriptions of the cooking process.

      A toggle able option deciding whether guests are allowed to tenderise the meat before it is cooked, essentially meaning a brutal beating with fists and blunt instruments.

      A toggle able option deciding whether virginities are taken brutally before the cooking process, or not.

      Option that would include the slave's lovers, family relations, and rivals in the ordeal, such as a mother killing or cooking her daughter and then having to eat her along with the other guests, with varied reactions from the mother based on fetishes and libido, maybe having her furiously fuck herself with a dilldo as she eats her own daughter if she's a nympho and sadist.

      If you want me to write some stuff, I'd be happy to do so. :)

    2. Well some one have to write those scenes. Like I said, i'm not much of a writer ;)

    3. Nice mod, better than expected. The dinner party is not my thing but the events afterwards are definitely interesting and integrate well with the FC universe (especially the degradationist society).

      The battle module is good, wan't expecting something this advanced. There are some typos though. In the battle report you spelled enemies in very different ways.

      Also, I love how slaves get scars etc. Losing the vocal cords in battle is overdoing it I think. I would imagine the slave would be dead if the gets injured that bad to lose its vocal cords. But hey, it's fiction.

      TLDR: Very good mod, congrats and thanks for sharing.

  30. Bug: The birth counter doesn´t work anymore. "and have given birth 0 times" after 20 born kids

    1. that can't be a problem with the mod. The mod doesn't touch birth counters.

    2. unless you made the slave pregnant by cheating, and didn't click on the pregnant check box in the cheat.

  31. Does anyone plan to make a snuff mod? Maybe the person with the "Dinner party" mod, or someone else?
    Maybe a snuff show where a slave shows off her entertainment/sex skills and then gets snuffed as the highlight. High Devotion and trust, also humilation, masochist or submissive traits would give bonus points (you could even serve the slave as a dish to the guests after the show is over)

    Public snuff: A option to snuff criminals for their crimes (after some rape ofc)

    Private snuff: A option to snuff a slave yourself for your own amusement/stat boost for other slaves. It would give a extreme fear boost for all "normal" slaves below a certain devotion level (over the level no fear effect), slaves with masochist, submissive and dominant/sadist get a devotion boost instead

    1. It wouldn't even have to be guro snuff (with guro I mean blood/graphical damage and such), you could simply snuff them via asphyxiation (hanging, garroting, drowning, choking [hmm ring-gag and then let her choke on a cock till she dies] etc.).

      A modder may make graphic guro content like: Decapitation, stabbing, shooting, roasting/burning alive or the all time classic: A snuff machine
      (maybe take a look at for further ideas).

    2. Like I said someone has to write the scenes for those things. I wouldn't mind putting those scenes into a mod, but I can't write something from scratch when I don't have a clear idea of how the scene is going to go. I'm not much of a writer.

  32. Diner Party Mod update v1.1 – The enemy strikes back
    Based on FC v0.7.1.2

    Addition to the mod: bug fixes and a new feature.

    When you attack an enemy, now the other enemies will be triggered and they will attack you back in the beginning of the week. Each enemy is given a hostile meter. When that meter reaches 100% or more, there will be a chance that the enemy will attack your arcology. So basically the combat system that people are asking for is done. You can attack others, and others will attack you back. So after your first battle you will have to maintain an army or risk being caught with your pants down.

    New scenes are also added when enemies attack you. You can choose to defend your arcology or defend yourself only.!p1QzwawQ!2wnrQfzdFw1xRml3HKEczOKcgTFS0eZ0-RkFcUI0VyY

    For the next version of the mod I'm thinking of doing something like a walk feature where you take a walk outside of your arcology and random events will happen to you. That'll open up the opportunity of having different and interesting user triggerable events. I will also be adding some events that will give the player enemies to fight without eating one of your slaves.

    1. " I will also be adding some events that will give the player enemies to fight without eating one of your slaves."

      That would be great. In case you need ideas, you could implement making enemies of arcology owners who have future societies opposed to yours: supremacy laws of a certain race etc.

    2. Looking forward to it. ETA on when it will be out?

  33. Here is my mod updated to!iA4FGQTZ!OFqR7qSmntqnc045RlU_LsojSOKtf078UTHTjlCUSy8


    Added more hair colours, hairstyles and eye colours
    Added more branding options and locations
    Added two more clothing options
    Added the Personal Attention/Headgirl/Recruiter/Bodyguard/Buy Slaves options before the slave list on the main menu as well as after it
    Added the options to name most, if not all, of the facilities
    Added the option to name the arcology at start and on the Manage Arcology page, changed a lt of the text to display the arcology name too
    Slave information on the End Week screen will be sorted according to the sort options on the main menu
    Organs that are ready in the fabricator will be shown for each slave on the main menu
    Slave health above 10 will not contribute to the beauty score
    Added the option to enslave all slaves for certain events, e.g. the Aid Invitation event for the sake of it
    Added an option to build a curatives injector in the Brothel (probably not needed since the aphrodisiac killing slaves has been fixed but whatever)
    Added a birth week, randomly assigned to a slave, increments every week and increases age every 52 weeks accordingly (credit to anon)
    Added more nicknames (credit for most to anon)
    Changed the event generation so that certain events repeat, e.g. the Lab snatch and grab event
    Added a Cheat Edit Slave cheat menu based on the one from the Dinner Party mod with a few fixes and many more options (credit to Shokushu)
    Added a Cheat Edit Arcology cheat menu
    Added a Cheat Edit Future Society cheat menu
    Added cheat options to change cash, rep and the week number on the main menu

    1. TYVM!:) Cheating is bad, so I love it. Took a few minutes to learn the use of your mod, but now I would not cope without it.

    2. The upkeep goes to $cost or something like that sometimes, making me have negative 0 cash at every end of the week, thus rendering it unplayable. The cheats don't always work, renaming your arcology at the start turns you to a game breaking error and some of the branding options don't appear in the slave description. All in all, this is a great mod that just needs a few bug fixes. I also personally think that FCAuthor should implement some of these ideas into future builds; seeing as they are already implemented in this mod, it's only a matter of coding it in.

    3. Updated to

      Fixed descriptions for the new branding options
      Added descriptions for the new hairstyles
      Fixed the descriptions for the two new clothing options for shoes
      Added an option to disable slave aging
      Added an option to disable curatives having side effects
      Added an option to disable boobs and butt changing sizes based on slimness, diet still affects them!bQQjnYwa!AM8Nuut1O4Zn6ogQUvRq5Ah8XVAXXRtOkTRypSRkEfg

    4. Updated to!jYZXzaDD!geLIrobbrmu8NvufgBDXDgsau376a9THmU7gCtdzin0

      Added some randomness to the Fuck miniscene
      Updated the cheat editing slave options to take the latest changes into account

    5. Great mod!! Small bug were edited face is NAN or just a number in the Description and remote surgery.

    6. File deleted. Intentional?

    7. Updated to!vAwiHSiJ!SEmtBWqoORU3ylhWFTqnICBt9XXmN5cKB43gULgLdLk

      Yes, it was deliberate.

    8. Updated:!aM5AkTba!8umDkT8vrn6yXVZn6GMmxJDyzEfUDMTqi2ghvSrmQag

      Fixed some errors with the Fuck miniscene
      Fixed the Body Mod Rules Assistant piercing settings, setting to none will now remove piercings as well
      Fixed remaining height inconsistencies
      Fixed slave intelligence display inconsistencies
      Added slave nationality to the slave summaries

    9. Updated to 8.1.2!bRBnWAhZ!VY99quxwgOu7DL-RStkw77fwMZQOFOFJjA1Rw7OJCJc

      Added an option to abbreviate slave nationality in the slave summary
      Added a public counter for whoring/public use (not used anywhere except for the concubine, but mildly annoying nonetheless)

    10. Updated to

      Facility names that are blank will reset to the default names on the main page
      Fixed ball gown clothes descriptions
      Fixed a few other bugs

    11. Whoops forgot the link:!fNYnnCAA!qn1YFTcz3nQZts956WZBj9UVHjngGkp_ypcFYJNr9BE

    12. Updated to!TU4jAY4Z!smnTa5pjAx4PLbXdwpF4HeNbutnyURAG7dDjJIJTY4g

      Changed some of the lines for halter top dress and ball gown so they flow better.
      Added an option to set a custom title for slaves addressing the PC.
      Enabled slave braces options when see extreme content is disabled.
      Fixed the NG+ slave importing bug.
      Fixed miscellaneous other typos and bugs.

    13. Updated to fix some errors:!jV4GCQ6Z!J5tWWlMJ_OguZLcB9jxrAdZLdGQWNidasOfx5YZpk04

    14. Updated:!aZhjzQAL!eX3QZ_N7riumGoN_xZ3VrUTXQApeV3FQyoijuXvUlNY

      Fixed subordinate slave task getting unset.
      Fixed organ fabricator ready message formatting.

    15. Updated to!vF5jRYpT!4tV3BHK03TCWhVJwCJoJMX1eLOuKt0PROmgiBBlJy6E


      Added an option for backwards compatibility with older saves (saves from 0.6.1 were tested so older saves may not work I may make it possible to allow NGP for slaves from older saves too)
      Fixed bodyguard height inconsistencies
      Fixed a few errors for Cheat Editing Future Societies
      Fixed a few typos
      Remove the space for default custom label for slaves

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Made a Notepad++ macro to remove abortion references from FC, because that shit is boner-wilting as all fuck.

    If I update it, I will post the new link as a reply to this comment.

    1. Adds origin to slave summaries:

      New link to the abortion reference removal macro:


      Disables emotionally bonded and emotional slut. Grope boobs will remove them from slaves that already have them. Read the warnings carefully.

    3. Adds country of origin to slave summaries:

    4. Changes the English Paternalism honorifics into Japanese ones:

  36. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but after importing it into twine 2, it won't load even if I don't make any changes.

    1. Nevermind, you need the sugarcube format to export the file, the link is above.

    2. I keep getting a "The story format at file:\\\D:\SugarCube-2\format.js could not be added ()" error when I try to install the new format- any idea what I'm doing wrong? I tried installing from my user folder, but that didn't work, and I tried my portable disk (hence the address above), and that doesn't work either.

  37. So I have zero skill when it comes to modding but if I could make a suggestion. I would love for there to be a way to specify slave relationships, that way you can get specific slaves to date/marry other specific slaves

  38. You said you'd link to good mods. Have you received word of any noteworthy mods yet? I can't find any mods for this game anywhere. Also, are you ever going to add any images to the game? Like these banners here on your blog page?

    1. The mod authors who are working with me are having their contributions added into the base game. So, no links.

      No plans to add images. They aren't up to the standard of what I'd consider for inclusion, by a long shot.

    2. I like their style though. Would it be closer to your standards if each part of the image changed based on the slave's characteristics? Kind of like the vector images pack, but with a more pixelated and detailed style. It might be kind of difficult to make, but it'll make FC the greatest NSFW game ever made. Maybe you could work on it if you feel like it when you have nothing else in mind to add to the game in the meaning time.

  39. I'd like the ability to set skin tones for custom slaves built after locking in the settings. I imagine it would function similarly to eye/hair color in that you could choose from a range of colors(being able to have the same eye/hair options when making a slave as using the auto salon would be nice, too) or input your own color.

  40. Slave Image mod NSFW

    Here is a mod that takes the slave titles, and display a custom image of the slaves on the main page as well as the slave interact page. For example slavegirl, MILF, pregnant MILF, all have their own images representing the slave.

    The image are nothing special just random images that sort of fit the descriptions. The point of this mod is to facilitate a way to display different type of slaves. If someone can draw good pictures, they can replace the ones currently in this mod, even different skin tones can be added, so each slave with different titles different skin tones, different races and muscle size can all be added.!E8BnCLwQ!mziSFr12BQcSPl6WZ8YLYteNLwnCLQbUaSLFzFExBq8

    1. This mod is based on v0.8.6.7

    2. You make the absolute best mods Shoku, i'm so glad you are back, I still play your mod. Any chance you could update your Dinner mod+WarRoom to the current alpha? You are the only modder that I know that likes this kink.

    3. I would like more extreme bdsm and the ability to have a little more control with the swx

    4. I might update the old mods once the slave attributes have been finalized. Currently there is too much change going on with the slave parameters. Currently I'm playing around with 3d models, I might replace those pictures with the models I made.

  41. Yes please update the Dinner Party mod

  42. Slave Image mod NSFW 0.2
    This mod takes the slave title and their race, displays a custom image of the slave on the main page as well as on the slave interact page. For example slavegirl white black asian, MILF white black asian, pregnant MILF white black asian, all have their own images representing the slave.

    The images are rendered with 3d models with different poses and different props. If you don't like any of those images you can always replace them with your own. There are current 912 possible combinations of slave titles and races. Because of the large size with 912 images, the file are in a zip format.!RohCjRBQ!12x4bO-wiePZRRxp-iKgFwB1A-S9UyWfv_5GluGtK-8

    If you find a bug please let me know.

    1. Slaves with the title "slave" are getting broken images, such as "/resources/character types/-C.png"

    2. Hot fix: image mod 0.2.1
      just use this html file to run the game. That should fix the issue.!NhICgCbA!UEB5iTlk1Wy22l56evHTxQmc4TNIPiw2UDVI2ABbYxE

  43. Slave Image mod NSFW 0.2 based on v0.9.4.1

    Here is the html file for v0.9.4.1 without the images. You can download the images with the previous link.
    Just put the html in the same folder and you are good to go.!40xQTBTC!NbWFkDSu8gC_mwd7vdi5Dx2W8QalnbGdA1dCzUgO_80

    If you find a bug please let me know.

    1. I was curious as to what you use for the renders? I like these the best since they load fast and look pretty awesome. Though not much variation in skin color or hair color. So was hoping to mod those parts at least.

    2. Nevermind, guess it's just the image packs on the main page of the blog that doesn't have much variation.

  44. Hmm, decided to try my hand at modding this, so to start I downloaded Twine 2 and made a few minor text modifications just to see if it would work. I set the story format to SugarCube and published, but when I try testing the game I get a lot of red errors everywhere. Is there something else I'm missing to get this to work? Even simply opening and publishing without making any changes gets me these errors.

    1. It sounds like you don't have the right story format. FC uses Sugarcube 2, not the version of Sugarcube sometimes included with Twine.

    2. Nevermind, figured it out. Needed SugarCube 2, not SugarCube 1.

  45. Can someone tell me how you open this game for modding have tried Twine and in the correct Sugarcube 2 format but nothing happens 0 stories loaded. It is just the html I need to be opening? I've tried adding the html to stories but just get errors.

  46. Is it possible to convert the Github-compiled html file into something readable by Twine? In Twine, it was relatively easy to tell which passages were connected to which, and related groups were mostly close together. It's a lot more difficult for me personally to tell what parts are related to others in the Github repository, and I'd have to spend a long time parsing through everything before I can reasonably find what I'm looking to change.

    1. You could try importing the compiled html file in Twine.

  47. Hi!

    Since FC has vector art now, I thought you guys might be interested in my new SVG-based paperdoll creation tool. It is designed especially to support lots of different body shapes in combination with many different outfits. Also, it is written in Python :-)

    You can download it here:!kTB2WCRT!-yo-I6u7u4AnGC6n6RbzgCEk7Q48eDZjt8u91kLiH0o

    Github repository:

  48. I've been playing your game for a while, but just found your site here (found your game on F95). I was wondering if there is a place where I could find the Mods people have made so far.
