Monday, October 17, 2016

ALPHA 0.8.9: Foreign Investment

I've been dissatisfied with how easy it's been to change slaves' sexual orientations for a while now, and this update makes it much slower and less random. Sexuality changes now join interest rates as being lower, but still well short of realism. This is still a game, after all. My slowly improving code skills also made it possible to offer more potential changes to sexuality during a single week without slowing things down, mostly because the original code was atrocious.

This update takes another step towards takeovers of other arcologies by allowing the player to purchase partial ownership of any arcology. It's not possible to purchase a controlling interest, and the system is extremely easy to abuse for quick profit; both of these are temporary code limitations that I intend to address as soon as possible. Interestingly, since it's currently impossible to buy enough of an arcology to take it over, buying shares in a neighboring arcology can actually protect that arcology against changes of government, since it reduces the margin other minority actors have to try for majority control.

Download: DropboxMegaSaves from previous versions are incompatible, but 0.8+ saves are eligible for New Game Plus. Latest hotfix is (1315 PST October 21), completely save compatible. fixes
  • Rules Assistant updates and fixes, by CornCobMan.
  • Minor UI revisions and fixes, by Qotsafan.
  • Birth and pregnancy fixes, by Anon.
  • Addressed an issue with hostages in NGP playthroughs.
  • Minor descriptive issues. fixes
  • Backwards compatibility mod updates, by CornCobMan.
  • Rules Assistant fixes, by CornCobMan.
  • Fixed non-lethal pit P-Limbs description error message.
  • Addressed Head Girl's girl error on end week report.
  • Minor descriptive issues. fixes
  • Caesarian section scar removal reaction, by Anon.
  • Unlocking the bunny and Egyptian collars should now work properly.
  • Updated obsolete nurse outfit tags that were causing issues.
  • Error message on sexuality reveal due to permissive masturbation rules.
  • Error message for devoted slaves wearing nice collars.
  • Fixed other minor clothes bugs.
  • Typos.

0.8.9 Changelog

Anon's modding
  • Added Caeserian sections, resultant scars, and removal of those scars.
  • Provided more descriptive support for births, including bad outcomes.
  • More pregnancy and blindness mentions in events.
  • More mental and physical effects from pregnancy.
Sexuality rebalance
  • Made the stats that handle sexuality much more granular and broadened their effective range.
  • At the extremely high end, sexuality effectively has a new descriptive and mechanical level, which is valuable but difficult to create.
  • Reworked the way sexuality is generated to produce somewhat more natural results.
  • Rebalanced all existing changes to sexuality, making them less random and much slower.
  • Reworked existing organic sexuality changes so that they are no longer mutually exclusive during a single week.
  • Added several new organic sexuality changes.
  • Reduced the impact of devotion on changes to sexuality.
Arcology ownership
  • Buying and selling arcology shares will now impact the short term arcology share price.
  • It is now possible to purchase shares in neighboring arcologies, which will produce rent as normal.
  • Holdings in other arcologies are limited to a minority share, a limitation that will be lifted once the game can handle annexations.
  • Defeated rivals will now offer to turn over their arcology holdings in return for being allowed to escape.
Other updates
  • Various improvements and fixes by CornCobMan.
  • Lesbian lovemaking random event for devoted fucktoys serving a PC with a vagina.
  • Alternative milking random event that can handle a broader range of cows.
  • When set to automatic mode, the Rules Assistant will run once at week end, instead of firing constantly on the main menu.
  • Major menial slave purchases and sales will now affect the market price of slaves.
  • Other minor slave market refinements.
  • UI refinements.
  • Bugfixes.


  1. As an idea for future updates. One of the things I'd like to see is being able to adjust the FS of puppet a arcologies so that you can turn them into a source of specific slave types

    1. Will there be any plans for eventually adding a trophy room where you can display possessions and items won from rivals and special event slaves.

    2. That would be a really cool thing to see added

  2. >There are 5 cows in the the Dairy. Fertile cows make you a small profit through contract pregnancies. The Dairy produced 458 liters of milk this week. The machines also managed to reclaim 7 liters of saleable vaginal secretions. These products sell for Ĥprofits.

    The actual money seems to be added, but yeah.

    1. There are a couple of these still hiding here and there. Very strange; clearly some step of the process didn't handle ¤ properly.

  3. Sometimes I wish there would be a lesbian future society option, even though I understand why there isnt any, as acording to the lore, that would be probably only possible through sheer power as most people in power are males in the strict sense. Plus the game is written that way and thats okay. Still always weird as a female PC to take the radical option which always puts the focus on the penis...or one picks religious and goes finishes that, so reputation does not decay.

    But I really love this game so much, when this first started I never thought that I was ever going to like it. I was always impressed, but it never was the content I want. But then around sometime in march I checked back on it and was I found was just amazing. And the way these updates just keep on rolling. This is just impressive and probably one of my favorites things I look forward to.

    You are amazing and the people who help you with their mods and bugfixes are just as amazing. Keep it up.

    1. I too often wish for some sort of lesbian future society option. Don't care so much about the mechanical effects, I just want some (in-game) acknowledgement that I'm /mistress/, not master, and this is ok.

    2. Such a future society option (and the obvious counterpart, a mandatory female enslavement society) are definitely possible, it's just that they'd require a lot of coding. Right now the game assumes citizens, customers etc. will be of both genders, so every instance there would have to be changed. So put that down as a "maybe someday," sooner if someone decides to contribute there.

    3. Did not even consider the coding mess it would be and how much stuff has to be rewritten. Something like the orgasmic marriage ceremony would not work in such an enviroment. And thats just the beginning, yeah it would be a nightmare for most events. So I will understand that it will never be in the end. Hell, when that game started there was suppose to be no female PC option so I am already more than happy with what the game has become.

      I personally did not even see it as a "All male slavary" / "All female slavary" thing(even if those FCs sound rather fun), I thought it more in a Gender Radicalism/Fundamentalism kinda way, as the Radicalism pushes Transgender/Futanari and the Fundamentalism pushes male control and females as breeders. There is not a simple "Women as Women in control and enjoying women". But as I stated I would not even know what the mechanical effects would be. A matriarchy in which women are in charge and only males who prove themselves are allowed to stay in relative power, but cleary in check...for the slaves with a penis they probably would all have to be gelded except if they are in a dairy or arcade? Then again gelding is also already a big part of fundamentalism so I am way to bad to figure it out. Sorry for that ramble.

      But you could trigger EVERYONE by just naming that society something with like "Feminist Ideal". Real hardcore feminists(the core audience of this game) would scream that this isnt what feminism is and a very certain male audience would simply explode that the word "Feminist" is used in a video game. So it would be great fun all around.

    4. Looking at this instead of feminist ideal you could go with something along the lines of ancient greece amazonian revivalism that would directly oppose roman revivalism, it would work well with fitness enthusiasm and possibly a couple others.

  4. What needs to happen for your background specific hostage to appear? A brief overview of necessary events if possible, I've played past the part where you defeat your rival and capture them.

    1. i did like, three playthroughs and didn't trigger too.

    2. Did you buy a new slave before acquiring the arcology?

    3. Is that what we have to do? I normally just bypass the first slave creation so I can still have money to start with.

    4. The hostage is getting created from the best slave you create before you start the game. So it will always be a slave you would be interested in.

  5. I'd like to repeat my request for the abbreviated sidebar to properly display capacity in all facilities, instead of just the Brothel, Club, and Dairy.

    MINOR NEW GAME PLUS BUG: The UI for importing slaves from NGP incorrectly reports all slaves orientation as XY--- XX---. They import correctly, only this display is inaccurate.

    MINOR NEW GAME PLUS BUG?: The game says NGP will remove tattoos, but it doesn't remove tattoos.

    1. The UI on the import screen is inevitably going to produce odd results when an update changes a stat, since the way stats are displayed hasn't been updated yet.

  6. BUG: During new slave creation at the start of the game, it's possible to decrease attraction for both XY and XX so far that the Increase button disappears.

    BUG: During new slave creation at the start of the game, some orientation statuses, such as indifferent, take multiple clicks to get through. It appears that there may actually be three different levels of indifference, but this screen is not making which one is currently chosen apparent.

    BUG: During new slave creation, if the slave is given anal skill and then is set to be an anal virgin, they retain the skill.

  7. Is making a slave pregnant, then removing their vagina so they are stuck with a neverending pregnancy taken into account in the code yet? Something to prevent it from happening, or maybe health concerns until a c-sec is done?

  8. Clinic upgrade price is fixed and most of clinic BUG has been fixed too but now slaves are kicked out from clinic when they reach 1 genome damage instead of after completely healed. Putting them clinic again for additional week is completely healing them. I only checked out this at new game+

  9. weird bug where most of my slaves are now disgusted by boith genders even though i just loaded it, also pregnancy bug

    1. Yeah, same issue, out of 51 slaves, only 7 are not disgusted by men and women and I'm pretty sure that was not the case previously...

    2. Is this a new game or a NGP? If just using an old save you probably will run into issues with New Variables not being initialized properly. You could also try 'Backwards Compatibility' in Options it might work then.

  10. Why slaves in facilities are not used in any events?

  11. I get "Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause (#2): missing ; before statement" at the end of week report for every single imported slave from 0.8.8

    1. fixed by changing their collars

    2. Changing collars doesn't seem to work for me, are you changing to a particular collar?
      (Pretty jewelry was giving me the error, so changed to Satin choker and still got the error)

  12. "Major menial slave purchases and sales will now affect the market price of slaves."

    This creates an endless cycle of instant profit, as bulk buying always makes the price increase, and bulk selling makes it decrease, which means you're making profit each time you click buy/sell all

    1. Known issue. The real life reasons why this doesn't work are more complex than what I've coded in so far.

  13. Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause (#2): Unexpected token )

    i keep getting this error, even with a new game/slaves

    1. Also seeing this one, and it seems related to (sexual) orientation. If nothing is known for said slave, no error.

  14. SO I put 2 slaves into the Master Suite, then I upgraded it, and they disappeared.

    1. So I went through a list of options to find out why this happened, and it seems that when you change the Rules while the slave is in a facility like the Master Suite and the rules say that slave should go somewhere else, that slave will just disappear.

    2. SO I went through some more tests, and found out that manually applying the rules while slaves are in a facility will make them disappear. My total slave count is 11, but only my bodyguard shows up, and it says that only one bed is being used.

  15. Bug with the end of week display and pregnancy code:

    She is proud and confident of the nice clothes she's wearing.
    Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause (#2): missing ; before statement Her nymphomania has a slow but inexorable impact on her sexuality, increasing her attraction to everyone.

    Feeling childbirth approaching, 'Empress' Qiong makes her way to her prepared birthing area.
    She returns to her bed and strips before slipping into it. She makes herself comfortable and begins working on birthing her baby. Her child is promptly taken and she rests awhile before returning to finding new slaves for you. Error: <>: <> must be the final clause
    Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>
    Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>
    Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>
    Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>
    Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>
    Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>

    1. Had this bug as well. The bigger issue is that the pregnancy doesn't end after getting this bug, and she tries to give birth against next week, and then again, and again.

    2. Had the birth glitch too. Only way to fix it is to simply abort the pregnancy ATM. Kind of sad, those pregnant girls are cheap.

  16. Hello, you know how the certain quirks give a boost to different jobs? I figured "Unflinching" might give a bonus to the bodyguard and wardeness jobs, make sense?

  17. I have a small question. is not save compatible with this one, right? And if it is not, are you planning on making them compatible in the future?

    1. Only hotfixes are save-compatible by default, unless indicated otherwise, so no.
      Also it says right next to the download >Saves from previous versions are incompatible

      No, he won't, because that would limit the development of the game. Too many things you can't do because of compability limitations.

    2. Yes, I know it says that they aren`t compatible over new updates. It`s just it is getting slightly annoying having to start from scratch every time. I do understand, however, that he has other priorities right now. Thank you for answering my question, sir. I`d like to wish you a good day, as I have no other questions.

    3. You can of course always try to play with an old save, but more likely than not it will bug out to the point of being unplayable. Unfortunately, your best chance to carry over progress is to use NG+ or the cheat menu. Maybe he'll update NG+ to allow more than 5 slaves and carry over *some* arcology stats, any more than that is just not worth the effort going along with it.

    4. You can try going to Options, and click on 'Backwards Comparability", though I at the moment have no clue if it will work with this version.

    5. It`s okay. Thank you for the answers and I`ll try both options. I guess I just need to wait for more content before jumping to a new build. I`d like to thank both the creator and the people who answered my question and gave suggestions, you guys are the best!

    6. I am also not sure I should post it here, but if the author is reading this comment section, I`d like to ask him if he plans to make more "clashes" with the old world, and I mean warfare by that.

    7. Yes I do. Keep in mind, however, that it's only one item on a list of hundreds of things I'd like to add.

      And to add to the responses you've already gotten regarding save compatibility, your options are indeed limited to restarting, restarting with up to five of your best girls, or finishing out your game on the old version. I've left almost all of the old versions up on both Mega and Dropbox for this exact reason.

    8. Okay. Thanks. If you ever do need a hand call out and if i can help I'll do my best. Your game is awesome.

  18. The RA seems to only be applying to girls not assigned to any facility at the end of the week. I have to go into the RA setup screen and manually apply rules to get it to update everyone.

  19. "Yes Master," she says automatically, and then pauses. "Hmm. I try not to think about back, you know, before." She squeezes her buttocks against your crotch. "But I guess back then I didn't really think about my butthole, much? Like, I went to the bathroom, and washed it in the shower, and that was it. But with the liquid slave food, I don't - sorry, Master, I'm being silly. You know all about that." You tell her to explain it anyway. She looks puzzled for a moment, but remembers she can trust you, and twists around to plant an awkward kiss on your chin before continuing. "Well," she says, with mock seriousness. "Here in the arcology, we slaves eat a very special liquid diet that keeps us healthy and fit and ready to fuck. And, it's absorbed completely, so our butts are always nice and clean. That way, our Masters can -" she clenches her sphincter around the base of your cock - "fuck our asses" - clench - "whenever" - clench - "they" - clench - "want!" She squeals as you use your encircling arm to hoist her torso up a bit higher, and mercilessly fuck her ass. Many of your other slaves came and went during this, and none of them saw anything unusual about you molesting Leah's bottom in a corner of the restroom. Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>

  20. BUG

    The Dairy produced 180 liters of milk this week. The machines also managed to reclaim 10 liters of saleable vaginal secretions. These products sell for Ĥprofits.

  21. Slave prices during initial customization have not been rebalanced for the sexual orientation update. The price of slaves with even a passing interest in either men or women is now PROHIBITIVELY EXPENSIVE. I'm going to assume this is unintended, since asexual sex slaves are not very useful.

  22. Why aren't there random blind slaves yet?

  23. started a new game

    Error You own $arcologies[$i].PCminority% of Arcology X-7. A 1% interest in Arcology X-7 is worth ¤$seed.

  24. Just a few details:

    1)Latin female slave called "Javier". I've seen it a few times already and it's a male name.
    2)One of the nicknames for latin slaves is "Blanco". If the intention was to describe a white woman, then it's "Blanca". Blanco is a male adjective.

    Love your game and keep up the excellent work. =)

  25. Stared a new game, got this error on every slave:

    Your personal assistant monitors her as she gets off, analyzing her sexuality. It seems she is Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: slaves is not defined and Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: slaves is not defined She loves being able to dress herself, and wears pretty lingerie to show off her merchandise and still look a little classy. She wears heels to strut her stuff. She is proud and confident of the nice clothes she's wearing. Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause (#2): Unexpected token )

  26. Probably already adressed but 18 year old slaves still not ageing: "(...) and she's 18 years old. She has been with you 4 weeks (...)"


  27. I've been getting errors involving attaching prosthetic limbs to amputees. At first when I tried to attach combat effectiveness limbs, I got the error message

    Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined

    Afterward, the following scene plays out

    As the remote surgery's long recovery cycle completes, 'Tank' Porcia is carried out of the surgery room. ERROR bad/missing surgery descript Surgtyp: 0 Devotion: 20

    Only, the error is displaying as a pop-up dialog. I took a photo of the dialog and can email it to you if it's needed.

  28. Many times when it comes time for a slave to give birth I will get something like this :

    "Error: child tag << / if >> was found outside of a call to its parent macro << if >> Feeling childbirth approaching, Leslie makes her way to her prepared birthing area.
    She is lead to the auto-surgeon, since she is likely to face complications with childbirth. She is stripped from her clothes and set up on the operating table. She is quickly sedated, and subjected to a c-section in order to avoid potential problems. The surgery is quick, and she is moved to a bed to recover. When she awakes, her child has already been taking away. Error: << if >>: << else >> must be the final clause

    Error: child tag << / if >> was found outside of a call to its parent macro << if >>"

    And then the 'pregnancy status' will not update Example: I have slave that is on week 41, even though she started ( every week) giving birth on week 35.
    And the one with the '41 week' slave is a NGP+ from 8.8.0 .
    But I have a '37 week' slave in a game I made from scratch in 8.9.1 .

    1. I also get a lot of those error: child tags. here's the copy paste.:

      Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>

      Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <> Feeling childbirth approaching, Ananya makes her way to her prepared birthing area.
      She returns to her room's bed and strips before slipping into it. She makes herself comfortable and begins working on birthing her babies. Her children are promptly taken and she rests awhile before returning to managing your slaves. Error: <>: <> must be the final clause (-> this one is about th $activeSlave.assignment is "work in the dairy" and $dairyPregSetting > 0>> )

      Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>

      Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>

      Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>

      Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>

  29. Dairy report still bugged after hotfix

    "These products sell for ¤profits"

  30. Bug: When I try to do New Game Plus from the last version (and 8.7.x as well), virtually all the slaves in the import list are "disgusted by men, disgusted by women." This wasn't true in the original game. Any fix?

    1. Same happend to me.
      Although I didnt think it was an error but rather the "incompatible" part of the new build.

      Besides that I found something that actually said "error" :

      Error: <>: bad evaluation: slaves is not defined

      And the even that happend with it :

      "$subSlave.slaveName has been a very good girl this week, so when her tight anus catches your eye near the start of a long inspection, you decide to be kind to her as you conduct the rest of your inspection with your cock."

      Rest of the event also goes with the $subSlave.slaveName part like 4 - 5 more times.

    2. Stat updates happen after you import slaves into a new game. On that screen, the game is using the new code on the old stats; they'll be updated after.

    3. Ah ok , thanks for reply :)

  31. If i upgrade the brothel with the aphorodisiac do the slaves working there get addiction?

  32. I got a lot error massages:

  33. Dairy slaves dissapear afrter a while in the dair

    1. If your dairy is set to industrial, your cows may become part of the dairy after some time, meaning you won't be able to pull them out or interact with them.

      I'm pretty sure, anyway.

    2. Correct, but this shouldn't happen unless you opt in.

  34. I have been playing with backwards compatibility and i`ve seen no errors until now. If i see one, should i not report or should i report, sir?

  35. Still getting the spam of errors with slaves that are supposed to be giving birth.

    Also getting an error with the slave assigned to the Head Girl suite. Not sure what's supposed to be where the error is so here's an excerpt of the text:

    Nadia resists Head Girl Phoebe's domestic and sexual use, and doesn't free up much of her time this week. Since she is not yet obedient, Phoebe punishes her constantly, training her to be a decent assistant or suffer pain. Phoebe wants to come home to a talented tongue, so she trains Nadia's oral skills. Error: cannot find a closing tag for macro <> Nadia slowly gets used to being tied up and fucked regularly, and accepts that it's how Phoebe sexual attraction to her expresses itself. She begins to enjoy being a sub, especially for Phoebe.

  36. TYPO / BUG - in "PE pit fight", when the opponent is described as "an average looking slave, so frightened there's urine running down her leg", the next sentence should read "She must have annoyed [HER MASTER] to earn this."

    However, if the player chose a custom title for devoted slaves to use instead of Master/Mistress, the sentence will read "She must have annoyed [CUSTOM TITLE] to earn this." This makes no sense, as the pit fight event is supposed to be against a different master's slave.

    My guess is whoever made a pass to modify master/mistress references into flexible ones replaced this instance by mistake.

  37. I brought this up before, but it bears repeating that the prices of new slaves during initial customization have STILL not been rebalanced to account for sexual orientation since the latest hotfix. New slaves with identical stats and sexual orientation as those created on older versions, are now more expensive. I'm not whining about a mere 500 credits either. I've seen the prices of slaves with mild attraction to one gender and indifference to the other increase by up to 5000 credits!

    This is unacceptable.

    We should not have to reduce the sexual interests of our starter slaves to the point that they utterly despise both genders just to afford them. Rebalance this, please!

    Thank you for your time.

    1. Let me rephrase that awkward sentence.

      *New slaves with the same stats and sexual orientation as those created on older versions are now more expensive.

      My grammar is a little off today... my bad.

  38. my rep suddenly went from 20000 to "Rep | unknown ($rep)" for some reason

  39. INCONSISTENCY - a "sister recruitment" event's text claimed that the new slave had "just come of age", but the slave generated was 22.

  40. 892 still have the

    Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>


  41. bug

    Pole Smoker' Battleobject senses that she is greatly superior, and decides to make a quick end before her opponent can try something foolish. She feints high and stabs low; her enemy just manages to parry the low stab, but is so much weaker that 'Pole Smoker' Battleobject simply overpowers her, so that she falls onto her back with the force of the clash. 'Pole Smoker' Battleobject takes one step forward and runs her sword through the prostrate slave's heart. This victory has won you some renown and a sum of money from each of the spectators.

    Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>

  42. V8.9.2 Slaves childbirth is still broken.

  43. EXPLOIT:
    Let's say you have 100000¤. How can you make more without much trouble or time spending?? Easy! Just follow these simple steps:
    1) Wait till price of menials will be less than 900 (800/700/600)
    2) Buy maximum
    3) Sell every menial slave now for... 900¤. Yep, price changed already.
    4) See price for menial again...
    5) Go to step 1

    1. Something similar can be found in "Arcology ownership"/interests, but it's hard to take this much profit just from buy<->sell it.

  44. Dear FC Author (& collaborators), It would be really nice if you could move "Universal Rules" out of the Options menu. It's confusing for new players, specially when "[Restrain/Encourage] slave on slave molestation" is a decision that has a direct impact on slave devotion and trust gains.

  45. Fighting report is incomplete when the killing slave is equipped with highly advanced limbs. It just cuts off at the 2nd to last paragraph, the final one displays normally however

    >Upon your word the two combatants approach each other. Sheba does not carry a sword, raising only her hands, but these are terrifying, modern weapons themselves. Wisfavour tries a probing sweep, but Sheba catches her blade in one hand, slides it down to the hilt with a shriek of metal on metal, and snaps the blade cleanly. Wisfavour watches this, dumbstruck, before regaining composure and taking a fighting stance again. Sheba manages to touch her opponent's bare skin with her own cybernetics, incapacitating Wisfavour with an electric shock. While Wisfavour is temporarily stunned, Sheba strikes Wisfavour on the head with deadly force, crushing her opponent's skull. Though the fight was short,

  46. I'm not sure if this is intentional but on v8.9.2 whenever I edit a slaves values using the "cheat edit slave" option it glitches their gender preferences. It says, 'they find both men's and women's intimate areas quite repulsive...' Even if I go back in and change the values to loves them it still says that on those slaves summery. Is this a glitch or intended to be negative reinforcement for using the option?

    1. It is because those values haven't been updated to the new system. So the 2 setting that used to be max is now low, to get it to work you need to enter a manual value. Setting it to 100 should be equivalent to the old max based on my testing.

    2. Awesomeness! Thxs

  47. Not entirely sure how the rules work. Say for example that I want disobedient slaves in the Penthouse to abide by one ruleset and all slaves in the Brothel by another. How the heck do I do that? I've set up the Brothel ruleset so it works properly, but I don't know how to apply the other ruleset without having it apply to all facilities (since there's no option to specify the Penthouse).

  48. I would guess this is the childbirth error about which everyone talks ?

    Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <> Feeling childbirth approaching, Ha makes her way to her prepared birthing area.
    She is lead to the auto-surgeon, since she is likely to face complications with childbirth. She is stripped from her clothes and set up on the operating table. She is quickly sedated, and subjected to a c-section in order to avoid potential problems. The surgery is quick, and she is moved to a bed to recover. When she awakes, her child has already been taking away. Error: <>: <> must be the final clause

  49. Pregnancy code still broken on v8.9.2:

    Feeling childbirth approaching, 'Empress' Qiong makes her way to her prepared birthing area.
    She returns to her bed and strips before slipping into it. She makes herself comfortable and begins working on birthing her baby. Her child is promptly taken and she rests awhile before returning to finding new slaves for you. Error: <>: <> must be the final clause

    Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>

    Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>

    Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>

    Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>

    Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>

    Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>

  50. I got an idea from the latest changes you made to the time it takes slaves sexual orientation to change. Since it is so slow to do know, even with smart piercings, I would suggest a new facility that could be used to alter slaves psychologically. Imagine slaves strapped to a chair with her view nothing but screens showing things to change them 24/7 with a headset on. Think clockwork orange style. It wold be expensive, and cause intelligence to decrease, but could be a really neat facility.

  51. Having a problem over the last several updates where a new game started (in Google Chrome) from a freshly downloaded version update will save and load correctly until the browser shuts down. After that, however, there are still the same save time/date stamps and same number of save games in the load menu, but loading games inserts random game data and altered state of progress. The game load appears to have the correct number of slaves, but all slaves load with completely different names and properties drawn from game-generated slave data. Custom-named slaves now have name-table random names and random physical attributes. Player data is also altered, including major reductions to esteem and hits to reputation decay, while other things remain the same such as planning to spend the week devoting attention to a specific slave, even though the slave now has a different name.

  52. Sexual functions limbs still not working, giving an error hen i try to attach them.

  53. F.C. version unresolved errors:

    The Slave has string breast implants, and when you try to drain 100cc this error occurs:
    Apologies! An error has occurred. You may be able to continue, but some parts may not work properly.

    Error: SyntaxError: missing ; before statement.

    Stack Trace:

  54. TYPO - old slave "RESS" event, "put the old whore in her place" choice used to ask the slave to "go out and make you 200", but the amount is currently being listed as "?00" instead.

    Cash is being properly allocated, though, as overall value properly goes up by 200.

  55. BUG - please check the remote surgery's shoulder effects for a possible overflow issue.

    Restructured a slave's shoulders to narrow them and she somehow ended up with massive shoulders instead. Didn't notice it right away. Now:

    Surgery says "Her shoulders been restructured to narrow them. Advanced shoulder narrowing surgery"

    Slave description says "Her shoulders and chest are very broad, making her boobs look a lot smaller than they actually are."

    Performing the surgery again doesn't change either one.

    Might be connected to the slave being originally male? The female slaves I've put through the same procedure all properly stopped at very narrow shoulders, and surgery is showing only a "broaden" option for them, as it should.

  56. Gave a slave standard sized implants. Her breasts became super-massive. Removed the implants. Her breasts became even more massive. Version 8.9.3.

    Also, it has perhaps worth noting that I've never once encountered the hostage scenario that was said to be implemented earlier. How rare is it supposed to be?

  57. for some reason all my slaves are Repulsed by male and females, yet when i go to check their preference with the cheat mode on it shows the same stats, and when i go back out it says they don't like either men or female, I'm confused is it do to the cheats being on or am i not the only one having this problem?

    1. Same happend to me what switched from 8.9.1 to 8.9.2.
      All may slaves got "Repulsed by male and females", it helped a bit when I started "New Game Plus" but not 100%.
      Still like 1 slave out of 3 had that "repulsed" status.
      And it cant be because of "cheats" since I didnt use it at all.

    2. It is because those values haven't been updated to the new system. So the 2 setting that used to be max is now low, to get it to work you need to enter a manual value. Setting it to 100 should be equivalent to the old max based on my testing.

    3. Thanks, putting them to 100 fixed the problem

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Is there a way to recover balls that retreated to the abdomen without using cheats? There's some slaves I want ball-less and some slaves with balls outside, and reloading the save file to try and prevent the ball-lessness is rather tiring.

  60. "Start over with random slave" on campaign start screen does not refresh stats below.

    It would be nice to have a way to import/export assistant rules as text files. Filling them out for the 1000th time is annoying.

    1. I agree it would be nice to be able to import and export rules.

      And so did the developer, since it's already there!

  61. I'm getting a bug where slaves suddenly grow maximum sized boobs in one week, like from 880 ccs to 10000 or 25000 ccs.

    1. Hah, that's nothing. After one of my slaves asked for boob injections, she jumped from 900 to 800,200 ccs.

  62. The starting slave creation screen claims, "Slaves created here will be much cheaper than if they were purchased on the market."

    That claim used to be true prior to the introduction of arcology location and their effect on the initial slave market. Used to be the slave market is initialized at 1. So if the starting slave creation screen has the $slaveCostFactor set at 0.9, that is indeed 10% cheaper. But now, the Urban location has the $slaveCostFactor set at 0.7. During the game, it is also possible for the slave market to have a cost factor of less than 0.9. This means that in many cases slaves created in the starting screen is actually more expensive than an identical one bought in the market.

    Suggestion: set the initial slave cost factor to 0.5. This makes the claim that slaves created in the starting section is much cheaper compared to slaves bought in the market true and it also mitigates the increased price due to the change in the way attrXX and attrXY work. Since starting money is limited this will also help newer players who may not know how to min-max the game yet.

    ALSO SUGGESTED: don't bother making buying/selling menial slaves change the cost factor. You're just creating an exploit without adding much to the game.

  63. I suggest you to correct name "Arinotschka" to "Arinochka". Less letters + easyer to read.

  64. Not sure if it should be like that.
    But at some point I lose the option to buy fuckdolls/bioreactors.
    Only option is to sell those that I already had to that point , so I'm stuck with only option to buy menial slaves.
    I've noticed it in 8.9 but didnt really pay attention to much.

    1. Just had a "weird" event , why was it weird ? Well ...

      "ERROR: bad event ERROR: bad event

      ERROR: bad event "

      It happend next week after first "Daughters of Liberty" event , not sure what more could I add to help.
      It was on 8.9.3

    2. I've gotten a similar one between weeks a few times. Never noticed anything effected however. Thinking it's a particular event that is throwing the error, nothing to be worried about as I've ran games past 150 weeks while still having got that.

    3. I believe at a certain point Paternalism keeps you from buying the dolls and bioreactors in case that's what you are seeing. If you aren't getting it from Paternalism then it's probably a bug.

    4. well , I am going with Paternalist , so is makes sense at this point.

      But last time I played without going Paternalism it also happend it was on 8.9 , so maybe at that point it was bugged , no clue.
      Thanks for reply and providing solution for Paternalism way , will check without it.

  65. So I'd like to ask a simple question. The quest to bankrupt the owner of another arcology. What I want to ask, besides getting her as a slave, is there any other "reward" ?

    1. There's a few special scenes, and the way others are worded once your rival is broken and made worshipful. Other than that, aside from her being prestigious, nothing I've found.

      Personally, I always switch my rival out to be my concubine once she's devoted. Watch the rep fly after that.

  66. Possible bug:
    Enslaving the former acquaintance, in addition to the rival archeology owner, broke my cash and changed it to "$cash". Once I sold the former acquaintance, the next day my cash went back to 0.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Same, except in my case skipping the event (went with continue without picking any options), enslaving the rival, enslaving the acquaintance and enslaving both had the same result.

      My money glitched to "$cash", reputation to "unknown($rep)", income in last week changed to "+_TCash2" and in weekly report half of facilities had their income description changed to "$profits".

  67. bug at the endgame

    Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty has dragged on for 1 week. The tone of your arcology is a bit more somber than usual. You have enhanced security in place, and the populace has caught the mood. The latest message from your rival recently arrived, showing $hostage.slaveName Error: <>: bad evaluation: Cannot create property 'trust' on number '0' Error: <>: bad evaluation: Cannot create property 'devotion' on number '0' Error: <>: bad evaluation: Cannot create property 'behavioralFlaw' on number '0' Error: <>: bad evaluation: Cannot create property 'sexualFlaw' on number '0' bound and being introduced to her new lifestyle.


    If a slave neither likes or fears you the game says that she loses devotion, but she actually loses trust (meaning she fears you more).

  69. Dear FCdev,
    There are some simple features that are missing in the custom slave creation at the beginning of the game.

    I don't know how to code twine at all but I managed to code something :

    1) Resetting the age to the first week (would be nice to be able to chose the week also):
    I added the feature in 'more customization options' (line 89563):
    ''Number of week since last birthday:'' $activeSlave.birthWeek.
    [[Set to zero|More customization options][$activeSlave.birthWeek to "0"]]

    2) Changing the skin colour without having to go thought multiple random new slaves
    (I don't know how to do it, would be nice to find it in 'more customization options')

    3)The missing partially inverted nipples choice (exist already on random new slaves though)
    I added this with the other options (line 75884)
    <<click "Partially inverted">><<set $activeSlave.nipples = "partially inverted">><<replace "#nipples">>$activeSlave.nipples<</replace>><<replace "#finalize">>[[Update slave|Starting Girls]]<br><br><br><</replace>><<StartingGirlsCost>><</click>> |

    Thank you for adding it in the future release (or simply explain to me why it shouldn't be added to the code) !

    1. In order to chose the week, the following code work (but isn't protected if the value is over 51) :

      ''Age in number of weeks:'' <<textbox "$activeSlave.birthWeek" $activeSlave.birthWeek "More customization options">>

    2. The code that I posted doens't apear in the form I have written it, I don't know if it matter or not for you (I'm using notepad++ and for instance '>' was originally '& g t ;'(without spaces)

  70. Reputation worked until the end of the arcology war. Then it bugged out. Reloading the game sets it to 0, but after 1 round of rep accrual the next week it will bug out again. It bugs out after the slave summaries.

  71. So, I came upon a bug on the latest hotfix.

    Start new game, create an emaciated slave (with at least DD cups), have her diet on fattening in the first week => She suddenly has 25000 CC Breasts, which immobilize her.

    I think that MAYBE DD-cups are too much for her emaciated body and when her breasts grow thanks to fattening, the game sets them to maximum possible size ? It also seems to only be during the first week and I have the one time upgraded Kitchen as well.
    If I set her diet to build msucle in the first week and after that to fattening, everything seems to work just fine.

  72. Old reputation bug: Upgrading pharmaceutical fabricator (the last 500k upgrade) sets your reputation to 5k instead of increasing it.

    1. Had that one hit my rep hard as well. It seems to be a flat -10k rep, having done it over a few different FC's.

  73. Can't attach prosthetic to a slave at all, even the basic ones. When I click attach in the remote surgeon this is what shows "As the remote surgery's long recovery cycle completes, Flora is carried out of the surgery room. ERROR bad/missing surgery descript Surgtyp: 0 Devotion: 23"

    Also, about half of the slaves I start with consistently start with max breast size, when I'm certain some of them (such as my bodyguard I created who barely has any) have less than 500cc boobs. Odd to say the least.

    In addition, it seems the RA is ignoring specific slaves, even when they are not exempt. I've been able to get around this by exempting them, setting the rules manually for a week or two, then including once more.

    For some reason, if I set the health rule to automatically move slaves under +2 hp to my clinic, it fills my clinic with all my slaves regardless of their specific health level. Even ones in the spa, master bedroom, head girls suite, etc. I've taken to just watching them more. No big deal, just annoying slightly.

  74. 0.8.8 saves is not compatible with 0.8.9 or iv done something horrible wrong, all slaves gets "Disgusted by men, disgusted by women." and never seams to go away. A handful of turns back on 0.8.8 i only had a single slave with disgusted by women. didn't notice until now, havn't played that much only like a turn a day, so i have no idea how or when it happend

    1. 0.8.9 reworked sexuality.
      It now works in a much higher range, say, from 0 to 100, where before it was more like from 0 to 5.
      Basically means all slaves you had would end up with "Disgusted by anything" sexuality and changing their sexuality takes much longer.
      New slaves even on a "ported" save will have varied sexuality, but all your pre-0.8.9 will need training.

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