Tuesday, March 14, 2017

ALPHA 0.9.10: Conclave

This is a small update with a lot of behind the scenes improvement going on, much of which is coming from contributors via GitHub. This brings me to a request for contributions. If you've got experience with a vector art suite like Inkscape, or are willing to learn, please consider contributing parts for the vector art option. It uses .svg files to build the vector art seen in game, paper doll style; thus a contribution as simple as a single tattoo is worth adding to the game. I don't have the time to add the thousands of possibilities it would be cool to see, so if you'd like the vector art option to improve, please contribute. No coding is necessary; I will handle integrating contributed .svgs into the game. The base .svg file including all existing parts can be found on GitHub; email me with further questions.

Saves from versions before 0.9.7 are incompatible, but 
0.6+ saves are eligible for New Game Plus. Latest hotfix is (1645 March 17), save compatible. download without art: Mega.

0.9.8 download with all art options: Mega.

0.9.8 download with vector art only: Mega.
Please update to the latest version by placing it in the game directory. fixes
  • Patched an issue with the submissive fetish that could break image display and many other fetish interactions.
  • Fixed a broken toggle in the accordion report formatting.
  • Fixed image display in the weekly report for the Dairy.
  • Corrected minor text errors. fixes
  • Addressed several issues during world generation that would variously break nationality variety.
  • Pairs of twins created at start will now both retain their twin status.
  • Updated many obsolete stat checks for Milkmaids.
  • Corrected minor text errors. fixes
  • Vector art display tweaks.
  • Fixed an error message when asking slaves about their feelings.
  • Several fixes to the contributed accordion formatting for the weekly report.
  • Addressed the glory hole assignment error message in the weekly report.
  • Fixed an issue with mindbroken slaves' rivalry quashing.
  • Continued facility code cleanup.

0.9.10 changelog

Chattel Religionist events

  • Added a short chain of events involving a religious council that triggers when Chattel Religionism is highly advanced.
  • Following the event chain will create a Chattel Religionist creed, which mechanically is a complex policy whose effects are determined through the events.
  • Unlike most other events, ignoring the council chain will not nullify it: events will continue without the player.
Other updates
  • Integrated an update to the end week report format contributed through Github.
  • New generic random sexual event for slaves who think the PC's lap looks comfortable.
  • Added the intended consequences of revealing the side effects of slave food, which were unintentionally omitted from the update that added that event.
  • Made minor revisions to the way the vector art is displayed; these are not final.
  • Recoding, some contributed, mostly for efficiency and general code cleanliness; some dialog revision.
  • Bugfixes.


  1. Looks like we're still on the black list for dropbox :(

  2. Just tried out the new version and almost immediately got stuck after trying to enable accordion effects on the weekly report. It took me to the options page and there was no way to get out of it so I had to restart. Everything else seems to be good as always.

  3. My Slaves are not being set to lactating by fertility drugs even though the end of week description indicates that they have.

    1. Also the growth hormone setting almost universally removes fertility drugs from slaves who should be on them. Having to reapply 100 slaves manually is a pain. Please for fix this. If a slave is on fertility drugs she should only be put of it after 5 weeks of pregnancy if needed and then be put back on it when the growth drug slot is unused again.

    2. Once the slave is set as "may be pregnant" the growth drugs should start to be used unless the slave is already at growth targets. I just think that Fertility drugs and hormone enhancers should be in a slot of their own so you can still get them looking the way you want while they are still virgins and still get them lactating from the fertility drugs.

  4. The continue button seems to be gone stopping you from leaving certain menus.

  5. Dodging the issue of 1.0, aren't we? :D

    1. Software version control doesnt work like that. It usually goes ..., but it usually varies from Dev to Dev. Build number, if tracked, can on major projects reach into the thousands.

    2. Well that didnt show right. Anyway, go to the Wikipedia article on it.

    3. Who knows it might end up going Beta 0.1

  6. I was wondering your thoughts on adding a counclier/therapist or making policies about treating slave well help ofset the fear in slaves going wild. Even though I have treated my slaves extra well they are constantly fearing me. Alot of the options I have for paternalism seem to improve worshipfulness but almot nothing affects trust/fear.

    Another option I would like to see if its not too much work is the ability to set smart piercings' fetish seperate from sex drive. Currently if I have to manually change them so the rules AI does nt reset them to the single option.

    1. If you have a paternalist society, NEVER build the arcade (that puts fear in all slaves). Slaves that are frightened and in an incestuous relationship will only compound their fears making it really hard to build their trust up. I usually have to set them to fucktoy and personal attention to build devotion to overcome their fears because even the spa won't help at this point. And even doing that takes a LONG time to get them over their fears.

    2. Never built the arcade, but ever since I started the fear they gain from other slaves that fear me out weights any gains I can get from personal touch, or Head Girl help. The main fear builders I have are fear of punishment, fear of being seperated with the person they chose to love, fear of slave diet, and other slaves fear me. They are all Worshipful - Terified slaves and setting like nice clothes, rooms, healthcare, and paternalist options quickly build devotion but almost only 2 options build trust. Having tons of money at hand seems like I should have a simplier spend money fix to this issue.

    3. Resting, curatives, wearing a leather collar and some quirks can help for building trust. So does personal attention.
      If you already have terrified slaves, then you should just give them a new flaw for now which you then soften, so that they receive bonus trust on fucktoy duty or whatever. After all if you put everyone to rest you'll go bankrupt. And yeah it will be a very long and slow climb, the more lsaves you have. But it will progress faster once you got more slaves trusting you than fearing you.

  7. Any chance for the chastity belt bug to get a look at? Please.

  8. Can we get an implant option for hyperlarge dicks that keep them artificially erect permanently?

    oh, and a Reward assignment for good slaves, where they orgasm almost continuously without mindbreaking.

  9. Having the same issue as the last version when trying to create twins as starting slaves. Still only get one of them as a twin.

    1. Same issue here. When I create a starting slave, confirm them and select to create another slave based on them as a twin, the first slave gains the twin status but new slave doesn't.

    2. Same. Works with Sisters and Mother/Daughter combos, but twins are bugged.

    3. Still having this issue with 9.10.1

    4. I guess it really only is Twins then, which are bugged in general. Even if you later on purchase Twins it is bugged as hell. The game can't keep them appart anymore and changes made to their individual rules (no rules assistant) don't get saved properly. They always get applied to only one of them, while the other one remains unchanged. They also do not get the Twinstatus.

  10. This game is getting more updates than most AAA games. Sorry to hear about the latest issues, as I'm unavailable to actually test them myself.

    However, I wanted to ask if the author would be willing to add some updates to the way you can deal with your slaves(how he put it himself - "some more updates for those who like to pet their slaves on the head")? Currently, there is no way to get closer to your slaves once you break them and the flavor text pretty much remains the same after a while. What do you think?

  11. Found a bug that popped up when the event for sissy sister and older sister (that was selling sister) came up and I tried to enslave both. Can send the bug report that popped up.

  12. Hey, when you decorate your servants quarters in the Roman Revivalist fashion, it says (emphasis added), "The Servants' Quarters are spartan, yet functional. At one end of the long dormitory there is an alcove with a shrine to the Roman goddess of domesticity."

    Maybe you'd consider changing that to Lares, since that seems to be the Roman equivalent of such:

    1. The goddess' name can be lost in translation depending on the primary language of the country of the player so using the description is better.

  13. I really hate the BlogSpot comment system, by the way. It's really hard to figure out how to make something a new comment instead of a reply to something else, because when I hit add new comment, it adds it as a reply to the last new comment for some reason.

  14. TYPO - RE recruit, captured daughter of a wealthy businessman event.

    1) Second paragraph ends with "She's gagged and bound to a chair. b"

    2) Slave's custom description shows up as 0: "Before she was a slave, she was the spoiled daughter of a wealthy old world businessman. 0 It is fairly prestigious to own her."

    SUGGESTION - IMO this event should have at least two extra choices:

    A) Ransom the captive back to her family. Higher $ gain than just selling her immediately on the open market, but with a rep hit.

    B) Buy the captive, then release her to her family free of charge. Obvious $ hit, but a big rep gain.

  15. When decorating the clinic in the Gender Radicalist fashion it describes it as: "The Clinic is comfortable and feminine. Its curving walls and soft colors are designed to present slaves coming out of anaesthesia with an impression of girlishness."

    Anesthesia is incorrectly spelled as "anesthesia"

    1. Bleh. Incorrectly spelled as "anaesthesia." Screw autocorrect.

  16. So getting futas and slaves from everywhere when I selected none and continental.

  17. Continentally restricted slave trade still doesn't work in

  18. A potential oversight: It is possible to gain a 1% interest in the arcology by spending reputation, but doing so does not increase the value of the next step up - when I noticed it, a 53% stake in my arcology was worth 31k, and after acquiring the 53rd percent, the value was still 31k. If one uses reputation to buy interest, and then immediately sells that interest, the value of the arcology would appear to go down - but the marked GSP does not, only the price. The only reason I didn't submit this as a bug report is because I didn't know if this was an oversight, an error in the algorithm, or intended behavior to stop people from turning rep into cash.

    To see this in action: Get 10k or more reputation, spend rep to get 1% interest, sell that interest, repeat.

    1. It is intentional. The player gains diminishing returns by doing that repeatedly. The 10k additional cash to buy a share is there to prevent players from using using rep to buy a share, sell it to get money and then buying the share back at a reduced price (selling a share reduces the price to buy it back). While this can be done to keep reducing the cost of the shares, you are better off just keeping the shares you buy with rep because that increases your rental income at the end of the turn. The more you own of the arcology, the greater your share of the rental income. The only reason to sell a share is if you are in debt and need the extra cash to prevent a game over. You get a warning when your debt is too high at the end of turn. The next turn if you are still in debt you will lose the game at the end of the turn if you don't pull yourself out of debt. Just make sure you are still majority share holder otherwise that will also cause a game over.

    2. oh your right, so if you use rep to buy 1%, the money cost stays the same but if you sell you gain money and the cost goes down, meaning you can in fact turn rep to money but only for so long till the cost goes to low. so if you have rep but no money this is a way to get some money

  19. I'm getting tired of putting an Anal Chastity belt on a slave just to have their anal virginity taken when trying to build their devotion. I mean what's the point of putting the belt on if they lose their anal virginity anyway?

    This happens to all slaves that have lost their normal virginity (excluding slaves without a pussy) and to all slaves that are into any stage of humiliation. This needs to be fixed and I don't know enough about how you are coding this to fix it for you but any slave with a chastity belt should be protected from losing their virginity. I mean c'mon, that's it's purpose.

    1. FINALLY ANOTHER voice to speak out! It may seem petty but I haven't played any of the new versions for this very reason. Hoping a fix soon thought.

    2. A lot of those issue was fixed back in the summer with virginities being taken when they should not have been, and being taken but remaining a virgin. But now with the combined chastity belts and anal chastity belts I guess not everything has managed to get switched over as of yet. I also noticed that the combined belts don't seem to be working right as of yet.

  20. A bit of an odd question, but does anyone know where the variable slavestatschecker is? It used to be under the Story Javescript in Twine, but now I'm not sure where it is after the transition to github.

    1. Nevermind, I managed to find it in the sugarcube userlib.js

  21. I'm getting art errors for each slave being milked in the dairy on the weekly report, says it can't read the 'customImage' property of undefined. Errors happen for both art types.

    1. Does this happen only for slaves that are being milked in the dairy? Does it work if the slave is taken out of the dairy? If a slave that has their art working elsewhere is put in the dairy, does the art suddenly not work?

      Your answer will help pinpoint the bug.

    2. Yes, the image errors are only for slaves being milked, it works just fine for them as soon as they're removed and happens again when they're put back in. Error is only attached to the dairy and moving them gets rid of any errors.

  22. hey um i've been keeping with this for a while but recently i have found two problems one is the every time i get to the arcology update screen during the end turn my reputation score beomes $rep and i go from max to 0
    and the other is when i try to buy a slave from my own corporation te price doesn't appear and it says i can't buy a slave

  23. Would you consider implementing Hormone Blockers or something? I'm getting tired of muscular women losing their facial attractiveness (boobs and ass make some sense) because their fit bod is affecting their levels.

    And I'm not finding anything that suggests that workouts work this way, short of actual steroid injections which I don't use for that reason.

    1. A temporary solution to your problems if you're willing to get your hands dirty is downloading the github repository and changing the saHormoneEffects passage manually, then recompiling.

    2. I'll give that a shot, thanks.

    3. Welp, that doesn't work or I'm messing with the wrong numbers.

      Honestly, workouts shouldn't be affecting this. I'm not using any hormone supplements or steroids.

    4. It was under saLongTermEffects.

      At least I fixed it, now if only I could figure out how the fuck to trigger an XX Rival instead of XY...

  24. Tattoos and brands on my slaves with them aren't showing up in their description (despite being noted properly in their little appearance summary things on the main page). No error message or anything, they're just... not there.

  25. Everynow now and then I get an error for all my slaves saying that they're mute in events and some sex scenes, when in fact none of them are and have permission to speak

    1. An actual error, or do you mean they don't talk when you expect them to?

      If the latter, there could be a few reasons. Slaves have a variable that they check to see if they can talk in events. It is true, meaning they can talk, unless 1. They have lips that are too big (Greater than 95, so Facepussies) 2. They are actually mute because you cut their vocal cords or something 3. Their accent is too strong (Greater than 2, which is Not Fluent)

      However, not all events check this variable, because they were made before this variable was available, or even perhaps before you could render your slaves unable to speak. So sometimes there will be inconsistency where even if your slaves would normally not be able to talk, say because their lips are too big, they'll still talk in this one-off scene which gives the misconception that your slave should be able to talk in other scenes.

    2. Also depends on if they are given permission to talk or not also. ie: rules.

  26. Ok, there needs to be some changes to hormone or diet management in the dairy, because the cows always become overweight and the milkmaid becomes a muscle slave. Also, if there was a way of capping the cows breast size without going full slimness FS that would be nice too.

  27. I just saw an event where a pair of siblings (maybe twins) who offered themselves as slaves as my arcology encouraged incestuous relationships. A few problems

    a) they both had the same name
    b) one noted the other are sister and lover
    c) the other did not list this

    When I tried an option to fuck then with their lover/sister there was an error shown noting an ID was undefined

    1. I was just about to report that same bug. Always good to know you're still alive, Slave Maker person.

  28. BUG - I think the "disproportionate body part" flags for Transformation societies have been flipped.

    Previously, slaves would show up with disproportionately large butts UNLESS Transformation Fetishism was enabled. In the current (10.3) version, the red "disproportionate" text was missing from the main page summaries. As soon as I chose Transformation Fetishism FS, the text appeared.

    This is contrary to the game's intended effect - disproportionate parts are supposed to be unappealing until TF FS is enabled.

  29. These two posts almost sound like they're from the same person.

  30. Error when opening up the collapsed brothel report:

    Error: <>: errors within widget contents (Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: State.variables.args[0] is undefined; Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: State.variables.args[0] is undefined)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Is the girls in the club meant to be strippers or something? I don't really understand it. Is it a strip club? Also I think there should be a casino facility for you to run, there was already one mentioned in one of the events. Then you can have girls work there as cocktail waitresses. And then maybe add a robot body for your personal assistant like EVI from Mass effect. Or just add in sexbots in general since there are already drones. Also being able to customize your bodyguard's weapons and armours would be cool too.

    1. That's a lot of stuff, but to answer the question, they're club girls. They manage a club, "entertain" the patrons, and spread the good word about the arcology owner. The Club is to Public Service what the Brothel is to Whoring.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Is there a way to train a slave into or out of emotional slut status? I have a mother daughter pair and one is bound to me and the other is a slut, but I want to pair them off, so one will have to change. Also, is there a reason why the milkmaid keeps switching her diet to muscle building when I want her to slim down?

    1. I'd check your rules for the second part, though some of the facilities do have their own settings that they go by. For the first question, you need to reduce their devotion and trust, then increase it again while doing a job that keeps them close to you. So, fucktoy or something.

  34. Getting an odd bug in the rules assistant regarding diet. For some reason one of my slaves is overweight, but the rules assistant keeps setting them on a fattening diet. It doesn't matter what I change the rules assistant setting to, even if applying it alters the diets of other slaves, it simply fails to recognise that this one slave is overweight.

    1. Also, many of the growth drugs are weight dependent. Under 'Slave diets" there is " Diet support for growth drugs" which tells the RA if it should override the diet settings in favor of the drugs or not.

  35. Is the slave in a facility? The dairy for one will set gain muscles if they are less than 35 I think or maybe it's 50 overriding what you want. That was added in last update.

  36. Is it just me or does importing rules not work properly anymore? Whenever I import rules for the new rules assistant, the browser gives me an error and the rule shows up with a lot of errors. For importing older rules, a lot of options show up wrong and the autosurgery is just all errors. It would be real nice to not have to manually create all the rules every time a new update comes out.

    1. I just use new game plus to import rules, works every time

  37. You should seriously consider using this framework for Vector Art. It is much more featureful than the one currently in game and could really help with realism. It's honestly very well programmed and written entirely in Javascript. https://www.tfgamessite.com/index.php?module=viewgame&id=868

  38. Is there a way to change corporate slave training policies after you've set them, or are they stuck forever?

  39. So Rule Assistant says sex drive has to be 100 for the Nympho status, but it's actually 96+. Took me a while to figure out why it doesn't work.

  40. Not sure if this has been brought up before now or even if this is the correct place to put it but... Is it possible to make it so you can alter the appearance of the PC similarly to the way you do the slaves,{example: using the fabricator to create genitals that weren't applied at creation for what ever reason. Or changing appearance to match societal changes} It seems kinda illogical to me that you would have all the resources at your disposal for it and not take advantage of them yourself.

    1. I'd quite enjoy this if it were possible. If I can make my slaves into bimbos why can't I become the ultimate one myself :3. This is assuming of course that it is possible with the coding and such and also a feature the dev thinks is worth adding. I too don't know if this is the correct place for such questions. Fantastic idea though!

    2. I asked your question on the reddit (I credited you) If i get an answer I'll make sure to give a reply here.

    3. Ty both, for the compliment on the idea and for passing on to reddit ( didn't know about that since I'm new here ) I hope it is possible I'll be watching for replies :)

    4. It's in the list of content that'll never be added. It would add difficulty to the coding beyond the dev's ability and probably resources as well given this is a part time thing.

  41. Hi guys,

    Does anyone know if it is possible to configure the body size for the Rules Assistant?

    To further elaborate, the 'Girlish' option is too small for me and the 'Stacked' option is too large. I would like a happy medium XD.

    Is there any way to do that? If there isn't, then could I beseech the creator to do this? Perhaps allow us to pick the options just like during the slave creation at the intro?

    1. Related, I'd like to be able to set the goal at fashionable feminine ideal when I have the related fc.

  42. I've been having a recurring issue in starting the game where after inputting a custom origin for my starting slave, I am unable to return from the menu to continue editing her or even finish and/or continue.

  43. >Orifice tightening: none.
    >Your personal assistant, ordered to apply surgery, gives Léa a restored anus and a restored pussy
    -This was a problem, like 20 updates ago... and it still is one ? What ? This is rather frustrating.

    Also, speaking of the Rule ''Assistant''... It just plainly doesn't work. -_-
    Whatever you're using the 3 sets of rules, or just 1, or ANY combination of ANYTHING in them... The game decides *always* to do whatever it want, it seems. Or rather, it does randomly only 'half' of what you want, some of what you don't want, and the rest gets lost in the woods.

    I hadn't touched a new version of that game in quite a while (around update 0.8.something)... But, I must say, the Rule Thing is even worst than it was back when there was only 'one possible set of rules').

    1. Oh, also you cannot set an Headgirl, right now, it seems...

      I literally created the perfect person for the position, but the game refuses to acknowledge ANY person for that position.
      When clicking to 'Select Headgirl', the only option is *always* : None.

    2. Again... one more thing. Sigh.

      >Appoint an Agent from your devoted slaves:
      -Nothing ! I have 3 slave that aren't doing anything special AND are Devoted and Trusting, yet... ''Nothing at all''.

      Seriously now, I'm starting to feel like I'm only playing half the game there, with the other half either broken/unresponsive/seemingly missing/or doing whatever it wants.

    3. might try sharing your save and try downloading the newest version of the game again, your copy might have gotten corrupted. I've been able to do all of the thing you just mentioned with version 9.10.3 and had no troubles with the RA

    4. Have you made certain that the slaves are capable of speaking? I know a few people were having trouble with this a few versions back, only to realize that having "facepussies" made the slaves in question incapable of carrying out Head Girl or Agent duties.

    5. Well fuck -_-... That might be it. The ''we don't really explicitly/directly tell you on screen it's interfering'' facepussy weird limitations.

      There really, **seriously**, should be a line telling you ''X cannot become Y because Z'' for it in these menus. I mean, there are for other jobs, like the Milk Farm and etc, so why not these too ?

    6. But, the ''Rule Assistant'' is still a broken mess, I do have to still point out.

    7. I personally am not having any trouble with the rules assistant in this version, but I do remember a problem I had with it when I started playing FC again after a long hiatus. I only ask because it's really easy to miss, but are you making sure to hit the "Save rule 1" option at the bottom after modifying the Rules Assistant? It's a bit unintuitive because editing individuals never needs to be saved.

    8. Yes, I always click on 'Save rules', then 'Apply' them, while making sure to have set the ''Specifically include/exclude person(s)'' properly (for example Rule 1: Always, except Steve - Rule 2: Only allow Steve).

      I try very carefully to set the ''boundaries'' of the rules too... Like the Rule 1 is for 'everyone above or equal to 20devotion except Steve, and Rule 2 for people with weight lower than -10 or above +10, but is ONLY allowed for Steve(Bodyguard: average weight, smaller breasts, etc).

      But the game almost then never properly give the right commands and stuff... Or spontaneously decides it wants to ''Restore anus/vagina to normal'', despite being set to DON'T TOUCH THAT! ...frustrating, since forever.

      I could probably type a whole page of bad experiences I had and still have with that damn ''supposedly helpful assistant thing'' -_-.

    9. There is one issue I found after tinkering with it a bit: the "Activate Rules Assistant" button on the main screen does not work. Applying the RA to a slave in their individual screen does work, as does the "Apply Rules Assistant at week end", which is what I always use because it can then respond to changes in slave status, such as devotion level. I haven't yet playtested the orifice tightening function, though, as my surgery is not advanced enough yet and I hate playing with a debug start.

  44. Uh, just got an error from the Dom & Sub wives event. The relationship was incestuous, when the event started the dom's image broke and didn't have a working link on her name. She only had the basic tier fetish, but the sub might have been transitioning between tiers. After the event the dom duplicated.

  45. Bug report ( Letting slaves self-assign a week's task doesn't seem to work? In the weekly report, my slaves seem to select a task according to their personality, and then immediately take the week off to rest, which becomes their new assignment.

    I encountered this problem when I tried to let my 20-odd slaves self-assign all at once, but reproduced it even with individual slaves. I've only attempted to reproduce it on one save file, though.

    1. I'm encountering the same problem.
      No modified RA and facilities offer enough room to house all slaves.

  46. I can't put any slaves in the cellblock beside assigning a warden. Am I missing something here?

    1. From my experience, the only slaves that are eligible for the cellblock are those that are hateful/frightened and sometimes those that are resistant/frightened. If they're terrified, you can't put them in the cellblock and if they're resistant sometimes you can't put them in either. It seems to be quite finicky about which slaves it will accept and which it won't unfortunately.

    2. Here's the conditions for putting a slave into the cellblock.
      (Devotion < -20 and Trust >= -20). Or (Devotion < -50 and Trust >= -50)
      Not sure as to why she has to be trusting of you a bit. but once inside she loses trust but gains devotion.

  47. Would it be possible to detach clothes and lingua franca from the revivalisms? Or splinter them.

    It really bugs me that they come as a complete package and you got no choice. Want a society that likes incest? Egyptian revivalism. But you hate everything else about it? Sucks to be you!
    Ancient Egyptian? Dead language. Haitstyle? Clothes? UGLY.

    If I were to truly make my own society, then I should be able to be more rational about it. Revival doesn't mean I have to revive EVERYTHING (why not be picky). Doing so may boost acceptance, but it shouldn't hurt my reputation if I don't want bedlams or anient egyptians. Same for all revivals.

    So, Lingua Franca - you get the option to change it to a revival one, but don't have to.
    Society clothes - you get to choose.

    I want a society that approves of incest (but no homo buttfucking), wears togas, uses a mix of roman and medieval architecture, uses chivalry, doesn't change the native language. In the game as it stand, it is not possible.

  48. FC author you are an amazing person for creating this game, thank you.
    If i may ask will there be any plan to add a hybrid future societies that you will only get access if you fully focus on two FS first(like an evolution of culture that get melded over time creating a completely new culture or in this case FS)? Also can you let us chose more than one revivalism i kinda like the concept of edo-roman revivalism or a mix of every revivalist culture only that the player chose only giving the positive and negative of each and the more you chose the less impact you have compared to only focusing on one. It might look like the same as multiculturalism but the difference is that the player don't accept everything like multiculturalism do only specific ones.
    TL;DR it was basically much more specialized/unique revivalist and future societies system/mechanics that the player can mold as they will rather than accepting everything like multiculturalism.
    Thank you for creating the game.

    1. I partyally agree with the previous commenter.
      It might be worth allowing implementation of SMR/Laws from other societal vectors. Simplest example being brodinismSMR being surprisingly compatible with pastoralism - sure, those are mutually excusive SocVectors, but bulked cows can keep tits of greater size, and, as far, as i remember, milk production correlates with said size. And so on.
      Obviously, i quess, it would be nessesary to put limitations. For example, it will require atleast one degree of multiculturalism per SMR/Law, and/or some amount of "unburnable" reputation (might actually decrease this amount, or even the maximum amount of such "unburnable" reputation) and, should PC implement to many of them (with both SMRs AND Laws counting for total) giving a weekly reputation decrease (kinda like with incompatible language, etc.)

      Also, might it be worthy of an idea to change genderRadicalism titles? "defier of morals" - "redefiner of morals" - "father of the city"
      Logic is quite simple: first PC defies the established socNorms, then PC redefines them, and, finaly, PC end up being the most powerful (thus, the most masculine, in GR-socium) figure, effectively making PC a father (male parental figure) to PC's arcology. And since GR defines gender around power, PC can be petite, with boobies and awesome booty, even pregnant as fuck, but being the most powerful member of society makes PC the malest of them all, leaving title "mother of the city" obsolete, even contradicting the arcology's moral.

    2. Not sure about the mixed culture FS, sounds a little hard to write specific to what someone has envisioned. But the mix of FS is a really good idea.

      For example, I like to go with Gender Fundamentalist and Paternalism, aka intelligent breeding moms who are useful to society. If the two combined and then created a new society where all of my slaves taught children how to be smart and efficient slaves, that would be awesome and feel like a natural progression, right?

  49. Greetings this is a great game.

    If i may, give some suggestions.

    As a fan of Warhammer/40K i propose a unique revivalist that need requirements such as the chattel religionist and roman revivalist to evolve into a new revivalist that believe in the god emperor of (insert race) or the king god of (insert race).

    Although i think this is almost the same as egyptian huh? well at least it was an evolved form of the combination between chattel religionist and roman revivalist.

    Thank you for reading.

  50. have you ever thought about making a version for android or ios mobiles

    1. It's in html. It's already playable on both iOS and Android. Just use a browser that can handle Java.

    2. It's not really optimized for mobile. It works, but could be better. It would be a crap ton of work I imagine, so I'm not gonna suggest anything be done about it.

  51. I hope we have another update in the pipeline soon. I'm sure a lot has been happening behind the scenes, but we haven't gotten a real gameplay enhancement since 9.7. I've got my fingers crossed for a little more late game/end game content, but really anything sounds good at this point.

    1. As the game nears completion, there's going to be more polish and fewer major additions. Nature of things.

  52. Hey FCdev,

    I think it would be nice to give the rules assistant a tune up. I would like more control over a slave's growth drug treatments. instead of just "girlish" "stacked" "huge" or "unlimited" I think it would be nice to specify which assets we'd like to grow, and how big.

    thanks for all your hard work here!

  53. any news from FCdev?

    1. Well, looking at Github we can see that the code is being updated every few days. On the other hand I see that a lot of the code had to be reverted, which meant that one of the new features ended up really buggy and the contributors ended up having to rewrite it. Maybe that's why the next release takes longer.

    2. FCDev got drunk and reverted and already existing update, readded that update and tacked on the update he originally intended to. Given the size, that's a pretty big oh shit. It'll take a week or so, I think.

  54. Hello FCDev great game.

    How about Spartan revivalist culture or Greek revivalist culture?

    Will there be such a thing?
    as a thing that i mention above this thing.

  55. Hey, so I'm not here to complain or suggest anything, I'm wondering if anyone has heard from the author in the past couple weeks?

    1. I'm good. If you're ever concerned, check GitHub.

  56. D E D

    G A E M

  57. The game's not dead. The dev's last activity on Github was 12 hours ago. Calm down.

  58. This game has grown into a real jewel, i really hope to see it frow further and further as it could reach eternal glory in the history of adult games. The amount of work the dev has done on it is just astounding to the point that i'm starting to doubt all those devs on Patreon: they get money (some of they too much of it) for their projects development and still the results are are not even comparable with the ones FC dev has reached. For example, until a few months ago, every few days there was a fresh and sparkly update with bugfixes, new content and optimization; i dare you to name another adult game dev with such consideration for both his/her game and community.

    So go FC dev! Go contributors! And make FC even better! Yes we can! xD
