Tuesday, July 18, 2017

ALPHA 0.10.5: Percent Complete

I apologize for the lengthy wait between updates. I've had the time to work with contributors on GitHub and create a little content myself lately, but not much to support a public actual update. That means there's quite a bit of new stuff here that's built up since 0.10.4, including quite a few really nice quality of life improvements from contributors.

This update makes a small change to the disposition of slaves' children, which is based on a player suggestion that I thought did a good job of addressing player feedback on having all children born to the PC's slaves remanded to slave orphanages, while also keeping depiction of underage characters out of the game. It's now possible to pay to have slaves' children raised as citizens, or schooled privately. Both child-rearing options remain completely offscreen, as before. Their only in-game impact is their cost, their understandably major impact on the slave mother's opinion of the player, and their predictable reputational effects with Paternalists and Degradationists.

I would like to emphasize that the game does not track the children in any way, meaning that the child-rearing and the associated expenses have no end date. This would occur after a monstrous 936 turns if I were to depict it, however, so I don't think it's a serious deficiency. If I had the free year, the team, the art budget, and the requisite insanity to create Free Cities 2, I'd probably set the turn length at two to six months, to allow simulation of slave breeding and succession within a reasonable number of turns. There are definitely some other fun long-term ideas this would allow, as well. But that's air castle building. FC is meant to depict a moment in history and the PC's role in it, for a couple of years, and the weekly turns work well for that.

Saves from previous versions are incompatible, but 
0.6+ saves are eligible for New Game Plus. The vector artpack has received a minor expansion with version 0.10.4.

Latest version save compatible

Artpacks please download and use the latest .html above fixes
  • Restored the bovine tattoo options and integrated them with this update's UI and descriptive changes.
  • Addressed an issue with amputees under the new body modification UI.
  • Corrected body modification omissions in the long form slave description.
  • Addressed problems with sexuality display in the new slave summary code. fixes
  • Fixed the upkeep issue for new saves; firing Backwards Compatibility will resolve this for existing saves.
  • Much better randomization of slaves for many existing two-slave events.
  • Fixes display issue caused by virginity and other statuses with summary display.
  • Certain future society specific events not involving slaves should now direct play appropriately.
0.10.5 changelog

Rules Assistant growth targets
  • The Rules Assistant can now be given independent and customizable growth targets for breasts, butts, lips, and, if present, dicks and balls.
  • Provided a set of convenient shortcuts that replicate the preexisting growth regimes by setting the new growth targets to the values that system used.
  • Slaves in the penthouse with multiple body parts targeted for expansion will get injections for the part that is farthest from the growth target; the RA report reflects this.
  • Slaves in facilities with with multiple body parts targeted for expansion are managed with simpler, faster logic that concentrates on one body part at a time.
Disposition of slaves' children
  • The player may now intervene when a slave gives birth, sending the child to be raised as a citizen or raised privately, or allow the child to go to a slave orphanage as previously.
  • The two new options will incur recurring costs, please the mother, please Paternalists, and displease Degradationists.
  • Greatly increased the mental effects of allowing slaves' children to go to a slave orphanage as previously.
  • This system does not track or depict slaves' children, and nothing will change after 936 turns, or 18 in-game years.
New events
  • Three new two-slave events: begging for sex, incestuous nursing, and cockmilk interception.
  • New acquisition event in which a slave sold earlier escapes and returns.
  • New individual event involving a gagged slave, by FreeCitiesBandit.
Other updates
  • Made slave summaries partially persistent, slowing initial slave summary generation each week, but speeding all subsequent slave lists.
  • Added a late game raiding policy that unlocks targeted enslavement events for the mercenaries, by FreeCitiesBandit.
  • New eye color options, tattoos, tailed plugs, highlights, and other style choices.
  • Split the wardrobe off into its own submenu to reduce individual menu clutter and provide for more options.
  • Made relationship names links in slaves' individual menus.
  • Slave art will now be displayed in appropriate individual submenus.
  • Added tabs to facility menus and generally improved submenu organization.
  • Provided a new inflation focused slave induction option when a Dairy is present.
  • Provided better slave induction options for cumsluts.
  • Slightly revised Head Girl attention logic, and made it more efficient.
  • Revised encyclopedia navigation.
  • Better lisping in many scenes.
  • Numerous minor content expansions and revisions.
  • Bugfixes.

As always much of this content was contributed via GitHub, and is not attributed without permission.


  1. First for praise dev, for he is risen!

    1. BUG - first week upkeep is listed as "¤$costs", which turns wealth into "¤$cash" after 1 week.

    2. A little further down in the comments (https://freecitiesblog.blogspot.de/2017/07/alpha-0105-percent-complete.html?showComment=1500457300250#c3089748545887478883) FrozenDiego has suggested a solution that works for me at the moment.

  2. Thanks! I always get excited when there's been an update!

    Couple bugs to report,

    Sames as DrPill, first week upkeep is listed as "¤$costs", which turns wealth into "¤$cash" after 1 week.

    Virgins and anal virgins, have the text '.lime;' rather than color lime in the summary. For example,
    'Slavegirl. Indo-aryan. Bangladeshi. Light skin. .lime;Virgin. Age 22. Attractive [20] sensual face. Normal lips [16]. Soft [0].'

  3. Where can one find mods of the game at? I remember downloading a mod before that had some different things on it, but I don't remember where I found it at. I didn't see any mods at reddit and github confuses the hell out of me.

  4. NOTE: Not friendly environment, heavily NSFW, cancer every 5 posts-average.
    Its 8ch(dot)net(slash)hgg , find the newest FC thread (multiples due to how BBS works).
    Updates are hourly/daily/weekly. Consider them semi hot-code (bugs expected).
    Has its own git for contributions / modding.

  5. It seems surnames are disabled in this version and the only option is to give them manually, is that intended? Kinda miss them to be honest.

  6. Love the update.


    All in all, childbirth was painful for her, though not abnormally so, and damaged her health.

    Childbirth has greatly stretched out her vagina.

    Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: State.variables.slaves[State.variables.i] is undefined The child will be raised privately, with expert care and tutoring, an expensive proposition. Error: <>: bad evaluation: State.variables.slaves[State.variables.i] is undefined

  7. I would say that 3 months would be the perfect amount of time for a turn... So that each turn would be a Traditional season and an year would be 4 turns... Perfect for Free Cities 2.

    1. I love that idea as well.

    2. That would be quite nice. I think six months or a year would work better if you'd like to make intergenerational slaves though ie mother daughter grandmother etc.

    3. Actually, a month or two at a time is far more then enough, since neglect for too long without intervention will have so many slaves die. (can't rely on 'assistance' aspect to auto correct, cause it's been notoriously buggy for me)

      Even better, an option to where it can be toggled what time method will be used, that will allow for some scaling to let auto if things are good then dial it down when things are uncertain.

  8. Once again unplayable, because Upkeep is "¤$costs", turning available Cash into "¤$cash" as soon as the game starts. Can you please stop adding more and more features and instead get the game running again first?

    1. go to game options and do the backwards compatibility and it should work again

    2. Thank you very much.

    3. People complaining about new releases.

  9. The colours for some of my slaves' summaries are messed up, either using the wrong ones or nothing at all

    1. "Oral[41] Omni! [100] .green;SD+[100] .red; .red;Ideal .green;Sinf .lightgreen; Chattel habit. Gold collar. Flats."

      Confirming that this is still happening in 5.1.

  10. Problem with the dairy: "she produces $milk liters of milk over the week. Her milk is sold for ¤$milkSale."

  11. Bug Report-
    When a slave gives birth, if you try to do any of the extra options, this pops up

    Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: State.variables.slaves[devotion] is undefined

  12. When applying a tailed plug, get pop-up with:
    Apologies! An error has occurred. You may be able to continue, but some parts may not work properly.

    Error: <>: no elements matched the selector "#buttplugDescription".

    Stack Trace:

    1. Experienced an identical issue on the wardrobe page with a regular butt plug. In fact, EVERY butt plug setting - including "none" - results in the same error.

      The wardrobe page does change to reflect the applied setting, and the plug is present in the slave description on the slave's individual page.

  13. FS failure is still immensely annoying. It never warns you that it's about to fail, when it does, it doesn't tell you why, and even entrenched Future Societies that have been maxed out can still fail, despite the entire arcology being remodelled to support it.

  14. You should try getting funding for Free Cities 2. You've proven your skills and game making abilities, people will probably be willing to give you money.

  15. For some reason the vector images don't want to work on my phone? I've downloaded and enabled them but the space where they should be is blank.

    I am using chrome.

    Any solutions?

    1. First, make sure you have desktop mode on. On mobile mode Chrome often turns images off. If that doesn't fix it check the directory name. Touch and hold where the image ought to be and open the blank image in a new tab. Make sure the directory name matches where the images are actually stored. We try to make sure to use a generic default path using the OS setting but maybe we missed something. Anyway, if the directory is different, rename/move the directory where the vector art is so it matches with what you see on Chrome.

  16. BUG - wardrobe references extremely tight corsets locking into the slave's corset piercings even when the slave isn't pierced.

  17. BUG - the future society shops can only be decommissioned if turned into club/brothel first. This costs extra $, but more importantly, cannot be done altogether when both club and brothel already exist.

  18. I'm getting an error when i try to start the game in chrome.

    Unexpected token @ in JSON at position 0

    Any help would be appreciated.

  19. New clinic display is confusing. With a nurse appointed, I see the same slave twice - once as a nurse, second time as available to be sent into the clinic for care - and I do not see any slaves currently assigned to the clinic unless clicking on the "take a slave out of the clinic" link.

    Exiting and coming back into the clinic page normalizes the display, but having three links on the same line (change/remove nurse, send slave to get treatment, remove slave from clinic) may confuse players, especially when clicking "send a slave to get treatment" brings up the current nurse as a valid option for being sent into the clinic.

  20. BUG - choosing to raise a child privately a) doesn't list the mother's name, the way the other option does; b) turns rep into $rep the week after.

  21. INCONSISTENCY - military background or training can give the option of a strike team for rival arcology owner. Despite the text of the option referring to the hostage as "package secured", the hostage never shows up.

    1. Correction - the slave finally showed up, but it took 7 weeks or so. This fits the "tracking down a bounty after a drawn-out money war" flavor, where the rival has time to disperse assets out of spite, but contradicts the expectation arising from the text of the military option.

  22. Impossible to play these new version. The RA is full of bugs, the RA is ending the drug treatment without permission.

    1. Ya, the RA keeps ending growth drugs with no setting selected related to it..

  23. BUG: The "age lift" hyperlink in the remote surgery doesn't work. You can't click it.

  24. Dude, I checked the github repo for the game, why did you make it GPL?

    I understand this is your game and all, but it is one of the worst licenses out there due to being viral. Mit, ZLib or even LGPL would've been a much better choice.

    For example if someone wanted to make a 3d frontend for your game, they would have severily limited options due to GPL viral nature.

  25. BUG: When you select "Bleached" from the list of tattoo options it charges you and then charges you again when you select "Asshole"

  26. BUG? My money jumped randomly by about 7000 when the random event "Slave trading house goes bankrupt" kicked. Not that I'm complaining, but I don't think it was meant to happen.

  27. BUG: Something is going causing my rep to become ($rep). It happened like two turns after I created the corporation late in the game and after I sent my first kid to private care.

    1. I get the same thing just by hitting next week. it breaks my game and i can not get pass a certain point. i do not that my rep will keep jumping up randomly

    2. Just happened to me as well, the rep bonus paternalism gives for childcare is borked.

  28. When having the hostage rescued at the end of the rival arcology plot, instead of going from the end of the page where you recruit your rival when it's supposed to go to the page for recruiting their hostage, it instead goes to the "Buy a Slave" page. You can just continue, the game doesn't get stuck, but you don't get the hostage.

  29. Getting the following error using vector art during inter-arcology war weeklies.
    Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: <>: bad evaluation: can't assign to properties of (new Number(0)): not an object)

  30. ERROR: AS Dump, activeSlave invalid, returnTo is 'RIE Eligibility Check', previous passage was 'REFS'. Please report this.

  31. There's a some bugs when starting a game and editing a slave. I didn't experiment too much, but it's possible to make fetish and sexuality known and have no cost pretty easily by selecting and deselecting. Not sure if this bug is already known or not.

    1. I did notice while creating some slaves that price didn't update properly but would charge (I'm assuming) the correct amount when you confirmed it.

  32. As far as I can tell it's IMPOSSIBLE to raise demand for prostitution by altering slave/citizens population. With all 4 pop policies, Paternalism, Chattel, and all dense apartments I couldn't get the number of slaves lower than citizens. I also tried sabotaging my own prosperity by not upgrading the arcology and starting economic warfare, but it still didn't alter the ratio enough to matter.

  33. i have a bug with rep. it somehow goes to ''NaN'' and makes me unable to get any rep. i also have found a spelling mistake ''The terrible combination of anal pleasure and degradation breaks her will ''amd'' fills her with humiliation.''

  34. Bug: I got a random event where one of the mercenaries I hired wanted to buy one of my slaves to free and marry her for 200k I accepted and was still able to click her name which brought me to her character screen. When I left the screen the event restarted but instead he was offering 300k now even though I still kept the 200k from before I was able to grind this event for infinite money by repeating the process.

  35. found 3 bugs

    when more than 1 slave gives birth when you click on the how to raise them for the 2nd slave on down they glitch. also can multi click with out calculating right.

    on turn 10 on 1 slave i switched from gain muscle to loose fat and heavy female hormones. when i returned to main screen it still said gain muscle. tried reboot ect, no fix. but if i continues till next week, it rights itself. only on the 1 slave, who was the one you get from the whorehouse on turn 4 w 1000$ and meets you on street on turn 8 or so.

    the nurse from raid did not spawn. i always play that rout. i reported this last spring also, but had not happened again till now.

    1. I too am having this issue when multiple girls give birth. I don't get any error but I can only click one choice then all other choices for the other girls don't work. Nothing happens when I try to click any of the other links.

  36. ERROR: AS Dump, activeSlave invalid, returnTo is 'RIE Eligibility Check', previous passage was 'REFS'. Please report this.

  37. Awesome update, great work! I'd like to point out some strange behavior though- If the Rules Assistant is set to put slaves on fertility drugs as well as growth hormones, in the weekly recap it mentions fertile slaves will have their growth hormones treatments suspended until the fertility drugs are no longer needed, but even after the slave is impregnated and the pregnancy is confirmed the Assistant doesn't put the slaves back on growth hormones and keeps them on, now useless, fertility drugs indefinitely.

  38. Is the new begging event working? I can't seem to get it.

  39. Just wanna report something.

    I created 3 slaves at the start, made them all have 90~ish devotion and trust. Naturally, they all became emotionally bonded to me, since I set the relationship thing to restrictive. Now here's the problem. Although they're all "Emotionally bonded to you", I only have the option to "Talk to her about relationships" on two of them. I can't marry one of them, and can't choose her as a slave wife for some other emotionally bonded slave. What now?

    1. Choose the option "Talk to her about relationships". Bond two slaves together. With the last one, just get another slave and bond them together if relationships are what you're after.

  40. I opened Firefox today to play and noticed that my vector images aren't working/not showing. Also noticed a cash bug. Redownloaded the vector art, restarted the game and. . . the art still isn't working. And yes, I have gone to the options menu and chosen the right settings. Am I the only one with this problem?

    1. Playing further into the game, the penthouse report is no longer expandable and shows me everything, and the financial report no longer has the special box, allowing me to click between all of the reports. What's going on?????

    2. Yet another UI bug in this update. It has nothing to do with your browser.

  41. RA "Pubic hair style: waxed" (I'm assuming all stylings do this, but haven't tested them) removes the effect of RS "Remove body hair".

  42. Any chance of including something like ponygirls? Just delving a little more into the BDSM world. We already have the bit gag, would it be all that hard to include the heeled shoes shaped like hooves and plugs with horse tails? It could be a fun option for players to have a stable of ponygirls and be able to hitch one or more to a carriage and go through the arcology in style.

    1. I'll fifth that. Also, there's already a tailed plug, which doesn't specify the type of tail, just that it "dangles from her rear", so the only clothing needed is the pony boots. Possibly could do ponygirl-drawn chariot racing as something to make them more than just aesthetic clothing.

  43. What is the nursing event, and how do I get it?

  44. I know author is aminig for new stuff, but... I think it is high time to correct some logic mistaces that kept piling up from version to version.
    For example, if the girl is in confignment, why is she gratefull for meds?! Or just now my rectuiter found me a virgin prostitute...

    Other than that, there been good changes lately, love the economy overhault especially.

  45. Any chances for a clothing editor inside the game? Give it a name, then add a description, and select between harsh, nice and slutty categories. It seems similar to what we already do on custom hairstyles to me, but I don't code so, I couldn't tell how hard something like this would be.

  46. Hmm, there is actually a really small impruvement that can be done to enhance our gaming experience. Simply remove inteligence description when buying/adding new slave, so, basically, we would not know what kind of smarts this girl have for us. I mean, it's not like you can interveiw girls we are buying, right? And most of them are havelly drugged anyway, ffs! What we have is:

    + Easy to implement. Literaly just delete the line with inteligence description from buying description.

    + Entire shopping experience change. Right now, at leas for me the shopping process is like this: stupid->look at another one, idiot-> look at another one, briliant -> oh, good, what she can do? Hmm, spa attendent... not what i want, but... she is smart so i can put her in any hole in my economy and she'll do. This whole process is wrong, becouse we should make our decisions based on different factors: how she behave(fear/devotion), what is her history and WHAT ARE HER LOOKS (mainly, duh!)

    +- This is where it gets confusing. Mainly, this change is a role-playing enhasment, where knowing her intelligence is metagaming. And many will chose convinience over how it should really be. Let me give you an example: you are serching market for a shcoolroom teacher. You don't need stupid teacher who does halfassed job an takes half as much time as smart girl to teach things. So if you see stupid in the description, you just click on "see another slave" not even bothering to read anything else. This saves time compared to buying a slave, founding out that she is actually stupid and then selling her somwhere (loosing some income in the process).

    - Basically, it's better to make different templates for description for slave markets and schools, becouse school can actually provide you with documents for the slave where you can read all this information (as far as i can understend right now we have only one template for all events, where you gain new slaves). But it will be one huge pain in the ass.

    - I myself would prefer if intelligence was actually a hidden stat altogether. Like this you'd have to make your own guesses based on weekend reports, wich make you more involved with them. But again, it will require changing a lot of stuff in the weekend report so it is another pain in the ass.

    Now that i think about it, everithing from above can be applied to everything that is not a phisical description (like skills, fetishes, sexual orientation, etc.) More than anithing this will make players go to higher costing stuff, like schools. Which are in my opinion not working right now, exept for maybe futa-school, becouse futas are rare, everithing else can be made by your own hands easily. Which brings me to other point -> MAKE OPERATIONS COST MORE!!!! Otherwise there is no downside to using them. And on the contrary to what you may think, not having a down side is A VERY BAD THING IN GAME DESIGN!!! Actually, that may have been the whole idea of my post: have more downsides for your players in using one thing over the other. Trust me, having a cheat items is only fun for a while, it quickly gets boring.

    Don't get me wrong, i do not critisize becouse i think this game is bad. I played it tens of times, been coming back from time to time for new versions, becouse i was curious how it is evolving. AND IT IS EVOLVING GREAT! That is why i critisize - so maybe you hear me, understend what i'm saying... and do stuff your way that is far more amazing than anithing i can come up with.

    1. Sorry to say I wholeheartedly disagree on each and every single point you just made. Changing the game so the INT stat becomes hard to actually gauge, or even worse hidden completely would simply be a detriment to the game experience. Much of my enjoyment of the game, and I suspect I'm not alone in this, comes from trying to raise and groom the "perfect slave" and the "perfect Arcology", which may very well mean different things during different playthroughs, and the more 'hidden-stats-you'll-never-know-or-be-able-to-change-but-they-affect-everything-about-your-slave' there are, the less my agency as a player matters and everything slowly drifts toward being a random mess without much purpose.
      Sorry to say this, but I simply hope nothing you have described ever gets adopted in the game as I strongly believe it'd simply worsen the experience.

    2. Inteligence already has it's advanteges and disadvantages. Surprise!
      Some other stats (fetishes etc) are already usually hidden at the beginning.
      Schools work just fine. Not perfect, but fine. Custom shop needs more options though...

      Hidden stats or just hidden inteligence will break most things.

    3. Really dissapointed people took the wrong thin out of my message. The point was not about hiding stats, i just said that me, personaly, would prefer that option. Not that it should be like that. I even marked it as a minus myself.
      The point of the message was to encorage making thing more logical and make players use their brains more, not just clicking on stuff.


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