Tuesday, August 8, 2017

ALPHA 0.10.6: The Nuclear Family

This update integrates Extended Family Mode, a major mechanic from PregMod, a long-running modification of Free Cities. I'd like to offer thanks to the mod's author and to the other contributors who helped facilitate the integration. Put simply, Extended Family Mode allows slaves to have any number of family members. This is an extremely invasive modification to integrate, and serious bugs are inevitable.

As such, what you can do with Extended Family Mode is currently very limited. The primary way of building large slave families is to create them at the start of a new game, and there are limitations on this; in particular, complex parentage structures aren't currently possible. If this feels limited, that's because it is; more ways of collecting many interrelated slaves will be added as the system matures. As provided, Extended Family Mode is an extremely robust system, which I was grateful for as I created the starting slave creation code for it.

On a less mechanically radical note, this update also adds a significant story expansion, involving an old world peacekeeping force sent to stabilize a war-torn area near the Free City. Events involving the peacekeepers will take place alongside the existing story events rather than fitting in before or after them, and the peacekeepers can in fact play a minor role in several existing situations. The presence of the peacekeepers presents the player with a choice: work to undermine and eliminate a powerful old world presence near the arcology, or accept the threat and seek to take indirect control of it?

Finally, a contributor descriptively named prndev has done impressive work with the vector art. Not only is it now integrated into the code, making separate resources unnecessary; but the art will also now display much more efficiently. All in all, I've been getting some outstanding assistance with FC lately; my thanks to everyone who's been contributing.

Saves from previous versions are incompatible, but 0.6+ saves are eligible for New Game Plus. The vector artpack is no longer necessary.

Latest version: 
MegaDropbox. save compatible

Rendered Artpack: Mega. please download and use the latest .html above

0.10.6 changelog

Extended Family Mode

  • Integrated Extended Family Mode from PregMod, which supports multiple family members at the cost of increased performance demands.
  • The Extended Family Mode integration was provided complete with a toggle at game start, which is recommended for players not using large families due to its performance demands.
  • Provided limited support for Extended Family Mode during starting slave creation; for now, this feature makes some assumptions about family structure in edge cases.
prndev's vector art integration
  • prndev integrated the existing vector art into the game's code, making the vector art resources unnecessary and improving performance.
  • Provided continuous scaling for several body parts, replacing the previous separate .svgs; this is in an early state and may result in excessive boob.
  • Created a proper, flexible color system, replacing the previous separate precolored .svgs; this system is capable of recognizing any HTML-compliant color name.
  • Added a shine effect to latex.
  • Documentation for the new vector art code is included at \artTools\README.md; contributing vector art is now much easier.
The Peacekeepers
  • After the player defeats the invasion from the collapsing old world nation, a surviving old world military power may now dispatch a peacekeeping mission to stabilize the area.
  • Having such an significant old world military presence near the arcology will cause a minor but continual drain on the PC's reputation.
  • The peacekeepers, led by a named general officer, may appear in some or all of five events, offering various tradeoffs.
  • The PC may pay to foment opposition to the peacekeeping mission in the forces' home country, eventually resulting in their withdrawal.
  • Alternatively, the PC may support the peacekeepers, potentially leading to their becoming an independent client state of the PC's arcology that offers menial slaves as tribute.
  • The PC may further improve their relationship to the peacekeepers by providing them with sex slaves, which can lead to them developing specific tastes in that regard.
Cosmetic surgery
  • Revised the existing facial cosmetic surgery stat to track how facially artificial the slave looks, with all facial surgeries contributing.
  • High facial artificiality will directly reduce beauty; Body Purism increases this effect, while Transformation Fetishism eliminates it.
  • Upgraded surgeries and PCs with surgical skills will both reduce the artificiality added by each facial surgery, effectively raising the facial surgery cap.
  • Age lifts' effects on beauty are now increased and decreased by Youth and Maturity Preferentialism, respectively.
Other updates
  • Significant encyclopedia revisions and additions.
  • Numerous minor content expansions, descriptive improvements, and UI tweaks.
  • Bugfixes.
As always much of this content was contributed via GitHub, and is not attributed without permission.


  1. Thanks for the new update! So far I've seen a few reputation $rep bugs at Ending a week, but since I've got the extended family mod enabled, I'm not sure if it's due to that or not. Going into cheating/debug mode, I've noted that when I attempted to start Paternalism (FC started out with Asset Exp) and it wouldn't upgrade for a few weeks, even after cheating and going from 1k to 10k devoted to society. Apparently it was at NaN progress.

    I believe it has to do with the code, rather than a single slave or that Paternalism variable, because even after cheating and setting the reputation to 20k, when Ending the week, it would reset to $rep before showing the week's results of training the slaves. That OR selling my soul all those times, in all those versions, is finally catching up to me. XD

    1. Same anon :/

      When checking the arcology itself, I don't know if the Paternalism NaN influenced it or was influenced by it, but both the Citizen count & Slave count were at NaN. Of course, being the current cheater I am, I did purchase every upgrade to the arcology I could aside from expansions/arcade/pit(gladiator arena), and 'naturally' through creating loads of money, rather than through the debug menu directly.

    2. Played without the mod - after giving the worshipful HG's child the most expensive raising option, it doesn't give an error like previous versions, but the turn after that, arcology citizens turn into "An indistinct gushing noise is coming from somewhere below the plaza. $ACitizens citizens and 164 slaves live in Arcology X-4. Most citizens shine with youth and enthusiasm." Already have 5 fully implemented Future Societies, and Drones were armed 2 weeks ago on Week 24 (yes, cheating again to see if I could catch the bug in action). The turn after that, both the # of slaves turned weird, as well as the rep going to $rep (and after entering/exiting a menu back to the main menu, goes to 0).

      As everything was going well until then, I believe it was the expensive raising of a child that caused the Bug.

    3. If its the error I was looking into its in the citizen orphanage stuff in reputation.tw that things go awry. The FSChange call can't handle the $privateOrphanageTotal*2 meaning that $args[1] is invalid and the NaNs spread form there.

    4. I got $rep too, i think its after giving birth a child and choose to take care of child, after go to next week i got $rep, hope this will fixed soon

    5. $rep after that "take care" thing and nocitizen arcology. No cheats + FS: Paternalism, purism, gend-trad, multi-advance.

      It need to be fixed, or add option to shut it, until new release with bugfix, olease.

    6. I've encountered the same sort of problem. After choosing to raise a child privately (500 a week option), When it goes to the end of week archology summary rep changes to NaN or $rep. It also stops and removes progress on paternalism social future. Its rather frustrating as it means I cant progress. I hope you can find a fix for it.

  2. The Worshipful bonus on reputation is still way too strong once you get to a decent number of slaves (I have 13 right now). Every week, I lose 600-700 reputation because my public servants can't keep up with the reputation growth from Devotion + Trust. And still I get about 1000 reputation every week. This basically renders Edo Revivalism near impossible to achieve until I get enough slaves to stay at max reputation, during which all the other arcologies blast out their Revivalisms no problem.

    1. Having played a little longer, the effects seem to have normalised after about four weeks of consecutive massive reputation boosts. No idea why I got those huge boosts multiple times in a row. I suggest just putting a cap on the maximum reputation growth by Devotion + Trust. If it can't rise more than 500 points, then natural reputation decay will keep it relatively static and in control.

  3. Great work - moreso than usual, because it took me a long time to come across any issues.

    BUG - amputee slave's surgery options still show a "shorten tendons" link, which performs the surgery as normal. The next surgery screen shows a "replace tendons" link, which performs the surgery as normal, and so on.

    While we're at it, slaves can have their major bones lengthened/shortened to increase height. A slave who is turned into an amptuee afterwards will retail the height increase/decrease. If this is not working as intended, it's probably a balance issue rather than a bug.

    Personally I would suggest tracking height changes via limb size/state. This will probably require reworking how the game tracks height, but would allow the game to recalculate height based on what limbs are "equipped" - regular, surgically shortened/lengthened, longer/shorter prosthetics, or none. This way, the game could stop telling the player an amputee (who is now mostly just a torso) is still 2 meters tall.

  4. INCONSISTENCY - RESS event for a servant scrubbing the floor, second choice (give her a bigger mess) ends with this sentence:

    "She had fun, though, and her trust in you has increased."

    The text between "trust" and the end of the sentence has the same reddish color as DEVOTION gain, instead of the bluish TRUST gain.

  5. Rule assistant keeps stopping growth hormones with no default setting selected for all rules, deleted and remade all rules problem still happens, was occurring in previous version as well.

  6. the RA settings for growth hormones appear to be broken; if you have it set to "no default setting" the RA will persistently take your slaves off growth hormones.

  7. So not sure what caused it but everytime I do a new game plus (I have done it twice, both were from the 0.10.6) the girls that are transferred end up hugely muscular.

  8. Game FAQ states, that owner marriage option should appear only after adopting Paternalism. It was open for me from the start, and if i recall correctly that was not the case in several versions agom thought i think in previous version it is like this too.

    1. It is available to all, but only with advanced enough Paternalism does marrying your slaves NOT lower your reputation. Helps when you're doing a New Game+ and importing slave wives, if your chosen new arcology doesn't have Paternalism already.

  9. I would very much like to see the slave fight system expanded upon.

    Here are some things i would absolutely love to see implemented:

    Make combat experience a 0-100 stat

    Keep record of individual slaves wins losses and kills

    Multiple fights per week

    New facility: Arena
    For hosting the general public of your arcology and charging admission to see gladiatoral contests. A typical day of events in the Arena might include a few non-lethal fights to begin with. An execution or two of criminals or political dissidents. A couple lethal fights. And finally a main event which could be: A team fight, an asymmetrical fight, or a lethal fight between undefeated champions.

    Return the Pit to the penthouse and have it act as a Ludus, the training ground for your combatants. Slaves assigned to this facility will have the primary purpose of being gladiatrices. They will train and spar with each other and occasionally have sex with VIP guests after they win or lose if you allow it. Entertaining guests with sparing matches and gladiatrix sex of course should grant some reputation gains.

    New job: the Doctore, who is a combat experienced slave that will oversee the training your gladiatricesin combat and obedience. Maybe even train fetishes, quirks or even instill flaws.

    Continue to allow slaves in other jobs to participate in fights but not against true gladiatrices. That would be too one-sided. Although it could be interesting to use some slaves to be training dummies/punching bags for your fighters. For me that would be the violent criminals i enslave. The same ones i assign to be a hole as punishment.

    I know this is all too much to implement. I'm just venting my thoughts on the topic. Really think the slave fighting should be expanded upon though, at least a little bit, if even only allowing multiple fights per week.

    Please comment if you like or dislike any of my ideas on this or with ideas of your own.

    1. It does seem good, but especially with the terms you've chosen, perhaps it should be a Roman Revivalist-only option.

    2. Someone's been rewatching Blood and Sand. I agree though that slave fights should be expanded upon. TBH though I don't see the need for a Doctore since you could probably just give that responsibility to a head girl or bodyguard and the Pit is fine where it is imho.

    3. "Someone's been rewatching Blood and Sand"

      Nailed it. That definitely heavily influenced my thoughts on this. Highly recommend that show and the first season of Spartacus to anyone who hasn't yet seen it. Awesome show.

      If the fight system is expanded to the point that we actually have fighting slaves that are primarily dedicated to fighting as their job, then some sort of trainer and discipliner of fighting slaves would be a worthwhile addition. The job of Doctore (or whatever title it should be given) will also be a full-time job. Your other slaves in leading rolls have their hands full already, especially the Head Girl and Bodyguard.

      "perhaps it should be a Roman Revivalist-only option"

      I would hope it would not. Having a robust slave fight system shouldn't be limited to one future society. But i can certainly agree that Roman revivalism should grant some nice perks to it. The Roman terms (Doctore, Gladiatrix) could be Roman Revivalist exclusive and have generic terms (Trainer, Combatant) for anything else.

      A more robust slave fighting system like this would also make the Physical Idealism FS more appealing.

    4. To further emphasize my perceived need for an expansion of slave fighting i'd like to point out that the Pit takes up a large area in the arcology. In my mind when looking at the space it takes up in the graphical diagram of the arcology it must be taking up about 5-10 stories vertically and one fifth of the horizontal space. All that space dedicated to just one fight between two slaves in an entire week. I'm assuming of course that when the Pit is built it takes up the entire sector and that their aren't any stores/markets remaining around the Pit within that sector.

      I'm sure just increasing the number of fights is enough to have it make much more sense.

  10. Any chance we could see the number of transferable slaves for New Game Plus, possibly up to 10?

    1. I second this. Would also like to be able to export characters to a file for importing into a new game without newgame+.

      I could use a higher rules limit too. I use up most of my rules just dividing my slaves into ranks based on devotion. These ranks i create determine the privileges, clothing and accessories of my slaves.

    2. Exporting/importing of slaves is possible without NGP. Turn on cheat mode, then open up a slave's page; the import/export options should be at the bottom, where the sell/discard links are. If the slave you are exporting is specifically included or excluded from any RA rules, leave out the RA-specific code when importing (at the end of the code, you will see "currentRules: 0, 1, 2, 3..."), or you will run into bugs.

      As for NGP import and RA rules limits, they are very easy to edit if you are willing to go into the game's code. Limits should be in the NGP.tw and rulesAssistant.tw files, but don't quote me on that.

    3. Great information. Thanks

    4. Exporting girls to a NGP is a cheat option, but it helps to get some money when you jump to a new version. There is no need for this, if you don't want to cheat.

  11. BUG - a mute slave with max size lips just triggered the "tell her you love her back / tell her she's a good slave" event. During this event, the slave spoke with a lisp.

  12. Found a bug. When the General of the Peacekeepers considers splitting off from his old world country, you get a bad "if" condition. You wrote "if $cash >= ¤250000". Gotta erase the ¤.

  13. BUG: If you pick up a future society at like 10k reputation, it defaults to $rep.

    1. Got the same issue. Rep shows as $rep and using cheats shows as NaN.

  14. BUG: I just got the "mother sells herself for her daughter's education" event, and she's a virgin. I suppose she adopted?

    Another bug, whenever you click on "Bleach" in the tattoo menu you get charged 50 and then charged again when you choose "Asshole."

  15. POSSIBLE BUG: After I create the corporation and set a specific race, such as white or latino, to be their race of choice when training I still see a lot of the other races appearing, sometimes more than the specified race. During one run I chose latino as the preferred race for my corporate slaves but i got more mixed/indo-american/black/etc than I did latino.

  16. BUG: v

    Slave Market pricing for menials, fuckdolls and bioreactors.

    On the main menu that lists all the slaves in the penthouse, the market for slaves can be listed as 'Bear' or 'Bull' with 'very low' or 'very high' prices. When you enter the slave market to buy slaves, the market is then listed at 'bearish' or 'bullish' with respectie 'low' and 'high' pricing, with pricing not varying from 900-1000 for menials, 1600-1800 for fuckdolls and a similar variation for bioreactors.


    1. Z is saying that on the main archology management screen, the slave market is stating that it is a bear or bull market which should have very high or very low prices but when they go to actually buy slaves it is stating it as bullish or bearish which have only a minor change in prices.

  17. SUGGESTION: Any chance for more shop blocks or being able to reconstruct some apartment blocks to shops, like 1 per apartment level instead of all 3 just at the top?

  18. BUG: In the slave summary when creating or buying, the final paragraph is missing any descriptions of the penis/vagina unless they've been drugged.

  19. BUG: Starting to see the following bug appear for 3 out of the 4 other arcologies in my game:
    You visit the slave markets off the arcology plaza. It's always preferable to examine merchandise in person. You're in the area of the slave market that specializes in slaves from within the Free City, viewing slaves from Arcology X-2. Some were trained there, specifically for sale, while others are simply being sold. Fertile slaves from there almost never appear without swollen bellies and sensitive nipples. Lactation is nearly universal among them, sometimes in ludicrous quantities. They tend to have huge udders, as well.

    The offered price is ¤. You lack the necessary funds to buy this slave.
    Decline to purchase her and check out another slave

    I am unable to purchase individual slaves from 3 arcologies but when I use the x5 purchase option I get the following text but am able to purchase:

    Your delivery of 5 slaves arrives from Arcology X-3. With all your discounts factored in you got a % discount; You spent ¤$spent on your new slaves.

    1. After purchasing the slaves using the x5 option my main screen funds sections looks like this:

      Week 42
      Week of November 2, 2037 Apply
      High Heat

      END WEEK [Enter]

      Cash | ¤$cash
      (+_TCash2 since last week) Apply
      Upkeep | ¤133495
      Total Sex Slaves | 46
      Penthouse Beds | 8/100
      Luxury Rooms | 3/50
      GSP | 22m (100%)
      Rep | unknown ($rep) Apply

    2. The purchased slaves also show Wor[NaN] VTrust[NaN] for their worship and trust levels.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hey guys, I'm kinda new to this and to be honest a cheater through and through...I love the game but I like tweaking the slaves to my every whim. (I dunno I get off on it...) Anyway, I'm not entirely sure where to post this or who might be able to get back to me on this, but neither the in game mechanics body modding, remote surgery, cheating mechanics, or anything I know of seem to enable me to edit "analArea". Something that keeps getting bigger via use but has no means of resetting it. Anal virginity reset doesn't change it and I was wondering if there would ever be a way or if that's just something I gotta live with. Thanks again for your time.

    1. TL;DR: Why can I edit the AnalSize but not the Area?

  22. BUG: Training engineering doesn't seem to actually lower the costs of any upgrades.

  23. I don't think this would qualify as a bug, but at the beginning when creating a slave, the fat and emaciated options are backwards. She gets skinnier in the vector art when you click fat and vice versa.

    Minor issue, but still an issue that my thin girls have thunder-thighs.

  24. So...I was playing with making a new slave for a new run aaaaaaand... did you know you can make a slave 273cm tall? Isn't that...like way too much? I get it, it's the height of the talles MAN to have ever lived but it's way too much for a woman and the guy that was that tall, yeah, he kinds, sorta, really needed metal braces around his legs to walk. just saying...

    1. >>did you know you can make a slave 273cm tall?
      Did you know, it's an old as fuck feature?

    2. i don't understand how old a feature is affects it in any way.

    3. So what? It's the future! 273cm tall women are both possible and no longer need leg braces! If some people are into that, who cares?

  25. Question:

    The dairy keeps 'fattening up' my milk cows, even when I set their diet to 'lose weight'. Is that as designed? I would think I should be able to dictate their level of body fat, even if it is not optimal for milk production.


    1. I've been getting the same result when I send the first girl and change zero settings. They reach mammoth proportions: tits, ass, and waist.

  26. INCONSISTENCY - upper back tattoo for several styles does not show up unless the shoulder tattoo is in a matching style is also applied. In some cases, the upper back tattoo does not show up at all. When going from one tattoo style to another, sometimes the upper back tattoo line is blank, while other times the upper back tattoo doesn't change from the shoulder's style when a new one is selected.

    Similarly, for several configurations leg tattoos refuse to show up.

  27. I've gotten a bug in the last two versions of the game: around week 73 (after the daughters of liberty) when I end the week the first page (slave detail) is fine but once i go to the arcology readout (second page) my reputation gets becomes unreadable by the game. This happens regardless of what number my reputation was before I ended the week.

  28. Got a $Rep error when doing the religion convention before having any encounters with the DoL.

    1. Seems this may only be an issue on NGP when importing from a prior version (10.4 I believe is where it happened from). Clean new game hasn't reproduced yet.

    2. got the error on a new clean game but I managed to 'fix' it so far by going to options, reset rep, save, close and reload the game.

      Mind you it may reappear down the line but so far it hasn't bugged out again.

  29. On the new occupying force event, the potential warlord one, I get the money and decline options as well as "Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: Invalid or unexpected token"

  30. Anybody knows what to do?
    every time I try bug report after enabling debugging I get this error
    "Apologies! An error has occurred. You may be able to continue, but some parts may not work properly.

    Error: cannot execute macro <>: Util.diff is not a function.

    Stack Trace:

    1. hmm. maybe a different browser will work?

    2. Nope happens in both firefox and chrome ... :S

    3. Wanted to get the debug log as I was lucky enough to save just before end week caused the $Rep when switching from slave page to acrologia page .... and through variables I found out that not only rep but: number of citizen, slaves, opinion and my FS acceptance all turned to NaN at the same time ...

    4. Yea, enabling debugging has the same effect on me

  31. It's not a bug, but...

    "She was a princess of a royal kingdom, till her family was overthrown and she was sold to you in exchange for aid. Before she was a slave, she was a princess. She was the princess of an ancient kingdom."

    I wonder if she was a princess.

  32. When do you get the girl from the "Bankroll the snatch and grab" event? I'm not getting her ever. I though you got her in the very same week.

    1. Well, after a lot of save-scumming through 3 weeks, the girl finally showed up on the week following the event. Weird.

    2. You're supposed to get the girl the week after bankrolling the heist. It takes time to both reach where she is held and slip through the security of a top-secret facility to get what you want after all.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. This is not a game bug but I am unable to access any of the left menu page - when I click on them I am again and again taken to the blogspot content warning page :S

  35. Some of the Daughters events really need some work. While I am quite sure one of my industrial cows sure as hell wants to be freed there is no way a Daughters agent got into my dairy to talk to her and even if they did somehow I seriously doubt a mindbroken slave with a bloody tube down her throat managed to carry on a conversation with them let alone remember it. The event really should be limited to public slaves like club sluts and whores and have a option for devoted/worshipful ones to tell the agent to piss off.

    1. I have seen this also with someone in a glory hole and someone trapped in a cell in my penthouse. Seems unlikely that any communication would be possible for those two slaves when that has been the only job they have had since arriving under my care.


  36. That skills system doesn't makes sense.
    I trained more than 200 slaves and I did not learned nothing about slavery by myself?
    I'm a fucking Corporate Titan but one time more, I did not learned nothing by myself.

    That shit simple doesnt makes sense. Please, FCDev, consider some changes on that system.

    1. My assumption on the concept is that if you start as a slaver, you have put YEARS into learning the trade, and have focused wholely trained thousands of slaves. Thus, in the two years during the game, you are not focusing wholey on training slaves, your running an arcology, dealing with politics, meeting with security, merchants, residents, visitors, etc. So, if you do not start out as a slave trader, and want to learn to master those skills while running an arcology, you get someone to teach you in the most time efficient and intensive way possible (which is why it takes 10k a week to pay for it) and several weeks to get there.

      Same thing with being an Arcology Engineer. If you start with the background, you have spent years training for it and performing it. If you don't start with it, you need someone to educate you to a master's degree level of understanding in the architechture and mechanics, etc. of being an engineer. Let's face it, not everyone has an understanding of physics, calculus, differential equations, hydrostatic analysis, material analysis, and the dozens of other skills necessary to design, build and maintain an arcology.

      Just my 2 cents.


    2. Its that because i not mean engineering, medicine and others shits, but slavering and trading are things that u can learn by yourself if you work with it every day, like on this game

    3. So basically you should never get slaving and trading at the start because your character can develop them naturally?

      In my opinion, gameplay should trump realism.

  37. Found out that I can sell my Shops share for 97k and buy them for 91k repeatedly.
    Sorry if this is well known already.
    I remember seeing this was addressed in a past version but I could be wrong.

  38. Arcology changes it's name because itself has it's same name.
    "Fuck High, your neighbor to the southeast, has an estimated GSP of ¤5m, about as prosperous as the rest of the Free City. It resumes its original name, Arcology X-5, since the arcology to the southeast of yours is also named Fuck High."

    1. Hmm. Apparently the neighbor to the North of my arcology changed it's name to Fuck High, and that's why arcology x-5 resumed it's original name. Still weird i guess.

  39. How long till next bug fix???

  40. i am the only one that gets this bug where reputation suddenly changes to unknow and doesnt get raised anymore?

  41. I'm still using v0.10.5, and I'm having a bug where my slaves are getting gigantic asses in little time with little effort. With my Rules Asst. I am giving them some butt injections, but not much. I'm a boob man. But after a matter of a short time, their asses are maxed out when they should be just "plump." Any thoughts?

  42. And oral pregnancy for the alien fans ?

  43. Could it be possible for a slave to have more than 1 lover ?
    Could a wife have lovers ?
    Could a wife help to train slaves ?

  44. When there are simultaneous births, you can set an option for the children of the topmost slave, others get the same option (so 4 slaves each birthing multiples resulted in almost doubling weekly upkeep :D)

  45. Nipple pregnancy for those who can dream REALLY BIG.

  46. I've been receiving a $REP error when I continue on to the Financial Report screen. I would make a point to check my rep at the End of Week Report, but once continuing on to the next screen my rep goes from 20K to $REP. I don't know if it has anyting to do with the fact that part of my reputation is permanent now.

  47. Question:

    Has an emotional status been created for trust and devotion extremes other than Worshipful and Profoundly Trusting? (You either get Emotionally Bonded or Emotional Slut) I know it was in the plans several versions ago, I just don't know if it's been implemented.

    For the firs time I haven't gone all Paternalist on my slaves and I have three girls that are Worshipful and Abjectly Terrified and two that are Extremely Hateful and Abjectly Terrified and I'm wondering if they have a chance of triggering a status change.


  48. I can't seem to get this bug report to 'stick' on Reddit, so here goes

    version 0.10.6 build 1019
    If I try to take a slave who is encased in a Fuckdoll suit to the wardrobe room, I get
    Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause (#1): Unexpected identifier

  49. Just started playing again for the first time since 10.2, started a new game. I'm fiddling with the Rules Assistant Options and I noticed something. How come only anal virgins can get tailed butt plugs?

  50. When you choose to support a specific training school within your arcology, and your reputation drops below threshold, you can no longer by slaves from that school. I can understand loosing access to all the other schools, but the one you paid money to bring into your arcology? I think that one should have the threshold significantly dropped, or eliminated because you are a patron of the school.


  51. Is it just me or is Paternalism bugged? (I use the extended family add on, which is the bomb). Reputation freaks out and it doesn't "progress" normally.

    1. I seem to be encountering a similar issue. Resetting it in the options fixes it for a turn, and then it breaks immediately upon a rep loss/gain.

    2. i'm not using the adddon, and Paternalism worked fine for me all the way through

    3. The reason reseating it does not help is that it should not be just the rep variable that got scrambled, when it happens to me all of the following became scrambled:
      population: citizen - city slave - opinion and paternalism rep all became bugged

  52. Don't know if its relevant, but I can't check the list of known bugs or where the game world leads to links on the right side of the site. It goes to the verify age page but constantly reloads to the same page. I also thought I'd add that my rep keeps getting reset to $rep, which causes it to default to unknown, after getting the end of the week status updates to produce more rep than it can handle. Great game all around, though.

    1. links to the right work for me

    2. "
      AnonymousAugust 29, 2017 at 6:09 AM

      links to the right work for me

      I can confirm the issue as well. the comment before me what browser are you using - for me its both in chrome and firefox.

    3. It's Chrome for me. Haven't tried Firefox.

  53. "Legese is studying in the Schoolroom.
    She takes courses in slavery, using the Schoolroom's improved educational materials, under Ruby's supervision; she is such an obedient slave that your assistant mostly encourages her. and obedient to you, and she is perfectly studious this week. Having completed the basic sex slave curriculum, she studies intermediate prostitution, including how to stay as safe as possible and maximize her efficiency. Having completed the basic sex slave curriculum, she studies intermediate prostitution, including how to stay as safe as possible and maximize her efficiency. Having completed the basic sex slave curriculum, she studies intermediate prostitution, including how to stay as safe as possible and maximize her efficiency. She now has some skill as a whore, and knows how to sell her body at a good price. She makes some progress towards a basic education."

    I think "Having completed the basic sex slave curriculum, she studies intermediate prostitution, including how to stay as safe as possible and maximize her efficiency" was supposed to happen only once.

  54. How long till the next version?

  55. Whoever thought it would be good idea for a Worshipful and Profoundly Trusting slave to crawl back to the paternalist arcology after being sold to a degradionist society is wretched. That scene broke my heart and guilted the fuck out of me.

    1. Oooh, that sounds cool. Do you know of any other scenes like that? I'm gonna try to get this as soon as I am able.

    2. As heartbreaking as it is, it means you can keep selling them off for lots of money and they'll crawl back every time. It's great for the economy!

  56. where does one get the pregmod it looks interesting and would like to try it

  57. Will it ever be possible to increase the size of Penises and Balls on slaves past their current limits or remove the blood circulation restriction after certain sizes?

  58. Is there a way to let your slaves bang the female/futa MC? All the options i've found so far let you bang your slaves with dick/strapon but not the reverse.

    Is this option implemented at all?

    1. Don't think it is implemented at all. I think the only way for female/futa mc to get banged is by a event where a person approaches you and you can choose to fuck them privately,publicly or not fuck them and that random person has a chance of being male.

    2. I understand the whole idea of "The leader is the one that does the banging", but in a game with so much options and possibilities it's strange that this isn't an option. There are a lot ways to implement this (for example a non-transparent room for privacy) but i can't find such a suggestion in the mod ideas.

    3. I know for sure Pregmod has that event btw, I don't know about vanilla Free Cities. I get what you mean dude, it was actually a major reason I downloaded Pregmod in the first place, because I heard you could get banged as a female/futa MC. It's probably a case of unless someone writes some scenes or something then it probably won't get added in, I don't think there is enough demand for it.

      It's extra weird because it's not like, just because you are being fucked means you have to be submissive, powerbottoms exist goddammit!

      Maybe someday when FC Dev's workload is smaller...

      Where are the mod ideas btw?

    4. My thought exactly! Not being on the top is not meaning of submissiveness at all. I've done a quick run trough with pregmod on cheat mode: futa character with 5 futa slaves, after few in game months i still didn't get this kind of event in the weekly events list. Are there any requirements for it to fire up beside a female/futa MC and slaves capable of getting a boner?

    5. The regular version of the event is called 'citizen hookup' which will always be a female citizen and then sometimes you should see a event called 'male citizen hookup' which is the exact same event but with a male instead and you can get fucked by him, in public or in private.

      There is also a male version of the arcology owner event, I believe you can also get knocked up in that event as well.

      I think you may have to have brought the Regular Entertainments policy, where you host regular parties for prominent citizens. I'm not totally sure though, sorry.

    6. Back to work then! Thanks a lot.

    7. No worries dude, I hope it works for you. :)

  59. ok so i want to try the pregmod but i have no idea how to install it and the readme doesnt help me. heck i cant even figure it out by lookin around. does someone one have a easy to follow step to mod it or know where i can just download it already in free cities?

    1. https://8ch.net/hgg/res/119980.html

    2. hey anon do you have a working download to the pregmod? the one on the thread isnt working

  60. There seems to be a bug in the creation menu for your starting slaves, as there is no description about the created slaves vagina.

  61. I think I ran into a bug. There's a point in the game when a group of citizens from the failing city near your arcology sends you a message asking you for rescue. In my case I got a message from a convent and my VTOL kidnapped a whole maternity ward (O_O). I'm not sure HOW or WHY the change of plans came about. You might wanna look into it.

    1. The group of citizens was the ward, and you must have clicked the paid option to kidnap them instead.

  62. God bless author 4 new version

    1. If by new you mean "month old" then sure. No bugfix either which usually comes within the first few days of the new release but apparently rep glitches are just fine!

    2. If you want bugfixes, you'll have to switch to Pregmod, I guess.

    3. How? Where?? Who said unicorn???

    4. Oh, okay, just founded it. Thx)

  63. Bug V

    When starting a New Game Plus, slaves trained up to Masterful Sex Slave status display in the list of slaves to add as being skilled equivalently to the advanced education received through the school room. They also seem to display their beginning flaws rather than the ones softened during play.


  64. seeing as how it has lost its primary function due to dietary changes, the problem of a toxic environment is mostly negated. However, a womb in the ass would require technology beyond the organ fabricator. Most likely, for such a thing to happen, you would need 1. the assumption that today they hold back biological findings, 2. that transformation fetishism really took off during the 20 years till you take over, 3. A Massive budget, plenty of science mcguffins to find, escort missions, and the like to actually get it working, and finally 4. Someone willing to code all the relevant quests, which would take at least an in game decade to finish.

  65. There's a new commit to the free cities github by FCDev. Rumors of the game's demise have been highly exaggerated :DDDDDD


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