Wednesday, October 28, 2015

ALPHA 0.3.10

This is likely to be an unusually buggy update, since the number of possible rules settings for each slave has gone from 3 to 12. Please report anything that seems illogical about the rules in addition to outright bugs. The most major change is that it can now be advantageous to restrict masturbation even at high obedience for certain assignments, since a horny whore is a popular whore.

For now, the speech rules have relatively little impact. However, restrictive speech rules prevent many common random events, and do not negatively impact devoted slaves. If you're tired of some of the "Master please" events, shut them up.

The cutoff for age bonuses in leadership positions is 35. The otherwise insignificant breaking of "in her thirties" into "early thirties" and "late thirties" should cue the player whether a slave will receive this bonus.

Download: MegaPrevious saves will not work.
Tip jar: Patreon.

0.3.10 Changelog:
  • Next and previous links to permit rapid cycling through slaves from their menus.
  • Massive rules overhaul, with the old rules replaced by living standard, speech and masturbation rules.
  • Options to toggle each Head Girl training behavior.
  • New options for nice clothing: business attire and bodysuits.
  • The Stewardess, a new position to lead servants.
  • Expanded descriptions in some vignettes.
  • Slave cost balance changes: the impact of various physical traits has been rebalanced, and the average cost has been increased.
  • Beauty (and hence sexual effectiveness) balance changes, tending to decrease beauty.
  • Rare health bleed for old and very healthy slaves, stopped by preventatives.
  • Bugfixes.


  1. Somethings that I'd like to see at some point:

    -- An option to change a girls race, at least cosmetically.
    -- Glasses. I'd like to be able to force a girl to need glasses or repairs their eyes to not need them.
    -- Did I see an option to blind slaves somewhere? If not,that'd be nice.
    -- The ability to give a girl born a girl a penis would be great. Even if it's just like a fake penis with the ability to add someone elses sperm or a sperm like substance.
    -- The ability to alter a slaves hands to give better hand jobs?
    -- A permanent sterilization option for girls would be nice.
    -- A high tier upgrade that allowed you to program/hypnotize girls with skills would be cool
    -- Perhaps a way to send your bodyguard or another slave out to capture new slaves for free? That'd be really hard to train obviously.
    -- Slaves as militia? A way to add to your rep? Could remove limbs and graft weapons to them (ala Planet Terror)

    Not sure if any of these can be done, but I figured I'd share some ideas!

    1. Courtesans add to your reputation

    2. The business attire comes with glasses it seems.

    3. Here are two more suggestions for a future patch:

      -Bitchsuits for the masters who want to render their slaves incapable of bipedal locomotion without modifying their bodies.
      -Chastity devices that can be worn in addition to other clothes.

      Thank you very much for taking the time to work on this game, FC Author.

  2. Ohhh I like how you put the buy and decline at the top so it stopped moving around. Thanks!

    1. Yes that was a very welcome change.

  3. Does the Living Space intend to say Sparse not Spare?

    1. No. Spare can refer to a Spartan, minimalist lifestyle.

  4. Redundancy in the slave description at the bottom.

    "Raven walks past your desk with the tiny swaying steps she must take in her high heels. She is on her way to clean up after your other slaves; she rushes by, hurrying to her next task. Her pretty necklace can hardly be called a collar, but it's just slavish enough to hint that the throat it rests on is available. Her face is pretty. Her lips are healthy and normal. She is unskilled at oral sex. She's wearing minimal makeup. She has a simple lip piercing. Her tongue bears a single stud, so oral sex with her is a bit more fun. She is wearing a pretty slave collar that can almost be mistaken for jewelry."

    TTDR: It mentions her collar twice.

    1. Part of the text for impregnating a submissive always felt awkward. It makes sense, but just doesn't read well. Maybe it's just me though.

      "She comes submissively over, smiling a little submissive smile,"

  5. The Encyclopedia Pages for the rules needs to be updated now that masturbation, living conditions, and talking have been separated.

    1. I like how the entry for the Stewardess tells you what three traits benefit the position the most. Not that I've tried it out yet. The other positions seem to have a hints, or out right say it, as well. Except for the Milkmaid which suggests the opposite unless the bonus got changed this patch. And the Madame doesn't seem to have a hint for that last fucking thing I don't know. Excuse me while I go bang my head on a wall.

    2. Encyclopedia Pages? Where?

    3. There is an in game encyclopedia accessible from the sidebar.

  6. BUG: shemales on hormones still get hit with ball & dick shrinkage, but the lowest dick size displayed on the slave page is "nice" rather than one step below that as in previous versions. Hormones keep trying to shrink the dick below "nice" and the weekly update shows them succeeding, but the slave page doesn't reflect the success.

    I'm guessing dick size isn't being updated, because hormones keep triggering without effect.

    1. BUG: (Name) and (Assignment) sorting options are still showing ASCENDING order when DESCENDING is selected, and vice versa.

    2. BUG: on individual slave pages, the sentence referencing rules reads "is allowed to ask questions, and is allowed to masturbate if she likes." I'm guessing it's missing a reference to the living conditions rules, which is where the capitalization ("She is..." etc.) happens.

    3. BUG: butt reduction/implant removal text has been replaced with a copy of butt growth/implant increase text.

    4. TYPO: tight steel collars come up in the weekly summary as " \ The tight steel collar she's wearing..."

    5. SUGGESTION: behavior modification. The master should have an option to train the slaves to act a certain way, outwardly. This would allow introduction of pet-play with cat/dog-like behavior, or let the master create cows who only moo instead of talking. Slave behavior would either appear forced (if they're performing assigned "roles" out of fear) or eager (when they're devoted enough to WANT to please the master).

      This would probably take a lot of coding, since you'd be adding another variable to every slave and hooking it up to devotion mechanics.

    6. Just to clarify the above, "behavior modification" can be used as a catch-all for more than just pet-play. Mechanically, I'm picturing a few sentences referencing the "role" the slave is playing and how eager she is to do so. Thematically, "roles" can be anything. Off the top of my head, besides pet-like behavior the master could train slaves to act as if they are:

      - furniture (immobile, wordless, allowing others to use them as such)
      - employees (maid and secretary immediately spring to mind, performing their duties perfectly without acknowledging their actual attire doesn't fit the job)
      - tenants (dress and act like free women, but drop to their knees before master at the snap of his fingers)
      - sluts (begging the master, visitors, or any person they see as part of their job assignment to use them)
      - doms (acting like they are in control, attempting to verbally force others into sexual situations, etc.)

      Actually, the more I think of it, the more I realize this would impact other parts of the game (as certain encounters automatically assume all slaves are behaving in a particular fashion). If you like the suggestion, maybe it would be better off put on the back-burner.

    7. Good suggestions, most of which are long since on the long list of things to add. I am but a man.

      I think you and I are understanding descending and ascending differently. For devotion, for example, I use descending to mean devotion descends as you go down the page, e.g. the slave at the top is most devoted.

    8. I see your point now. NAME>DESCENDING is in ZYX order, as in "descending down the alphabet from the highest letter # to the lowest".

      I'm still having an issue, but I suppose it's an interface one. All I did was click through the sorting options, and then was greeted by a "backwards" alphabetical list, so I immediately thought something was wrong with the setup. Maybe if ASCEND/DESCEND option was on the left of the SORT BY options, it would catch my eye first and make me consider fiddling with those two first. (I'm thinking out loud regarding the perspective of first-time users experiencing the interface, I guess.)

  7. Something annoying that seems to have just started happening since the last few updates is when you make changes to a girl, eg. change her shoes, and the page jumps to the top every time, so you can't just click, click, click to make changes, you've got to click, scroll down, click, scroll down, etc.

    1. It only started happening recently because the text was made to account for choices in real-time (as soon as they're clicked) rather than after confirming and exiting (which used to require coming back to the slave's page to see the post-choice status).

      Personally, I find the ability to see your choices' impact as you make them much preferable to backing out of and then coming back into the slave's page each time choices have to be saved.

    2. Yeah I see that as a feature not a bug.

  8. Forgot to say, using Firefox 41.0.2

  9. Woo, just saw I made the credits on the last update! Which suggestions have you used?

    On a related note, I completely forgot that shemales can get the pregnancy fetish when I made those suggestions... a few for them:

    - Preg-fetish shemale (non-snipped, obviously) comes to you with another slave and asks/begs you to let her knock the other girl up. Devotion gain for shemale, other girl guaranteed pregnant.

    - You discover one of your PF shemales has gone behind your back and convinced one of your other girls to go off contraceptives and let the shemale get her pregnant. You can be chill about it (or maybe even reward her for her passion for pregnancy, if you're feeling generous), or punish her - sexually, physically, or even geld her if you're feeling vindictive (maybe even abort the other girl's pregnancy in front of her). In any case, the second girl is now pregnant.

    - Gelded shemales should have something too, but I don't really know what. Since they only take, maybe some sort of play where they ask you to knock them up when you assfuck them? Hell, could even have an "'impregnate' her" action that initiates such play

    1. One thing that really comes to mind regarding gelded PF shemales is cuckoldry. As in, PF geld wants a kid; master sets her up with a fertile female; lets the geld and the female go at it; when there is obviously no result (because geld is flaccid or, even if she gets it up, because geld has no balls), master basically tells geld "Let me show you how it's done" and impregnates the female himself.

      The other option is that the geld asks the master to indulge her preg fetish, to which master responds by bringing in a non-geld shemale and having her "impregnate" the geld (a-la impregnation play in your suggestion), possibly throwing in a line about the two of them having to go at it again "if it doesn't take after the first try."

    2. Eh, I would think a girl without balls would kinda already *know* she's not gonna be knocking anyone up, heh. That does bring up an interesting possibility if FCA ever decides to add slaves' spouses as an acquisition option, though: a PF geld asking you to knock up her wife since she no longer can.

      And yeah, your second suggestion is basically what I was talking about before, I was just thinking about having it be done personally.

    3. Some cuck action would be great. How about a couples combo acquisition much like we already have for mother + daughter?

  10. When you do the household liquidator, having twins appear makes the options jump to the top, but normal sisters and the mother/daughter have it go back to the bottom.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Old saves are often automatically broken in updates because newer game versions have too many variables compared to the old saves. This update was one of them, as indicated by "Previous saves will not work." right next to the Mega link.

    3. Yeah, I worked 13 hours that day and just plugged old save in new version. without thinking about it that's until I went to lay down and had face to palm moment. lol that's why I added the reply after my post.

  12. The masturbation rules seems to not work as it should. Under [Rules Assistant Options] the masturbation rule is applied to every good slave regardless of assigned job. On the main menu using the [Activate Rules Assistant] with sapphic chosen makes all good slaves to change to sapphic rules. If the rule is set to restricted, the slaves on sexual jobs goes to restrictive, but all the others toggles between permissive and restrictive.

  13. So since this is a single html page, how about using github or something similar that has a page generator system and more basic features ( It's not like NSFW content is banned I believe:

  14. Would love to see an intelligence variable with option for drug therapy to reduce intelligence leading to bimbo status with bonuses to whoring, glory hole work and devotion gains or improve intelligence with a reduction in devotion gains making it harder to get to devoted or worshipful but gains to effectiveness as a servant, trainer and head girl roles.

  15. Dear author. Looks like here bug in your code. Please look into "Body Modification" node at this line

    Her anus is tattooed with $activeSlave.vaginaTat.

    I think here must be "Her anus is tattooed with $activeSlave.anusTat." instead
    Best regards

  16. Some bugs I noticed

    buttsluts don't get devotion increase from butt surgery

    when degrading bodymods are done, pressing continue skips to main menu rather then slave summary

    tattoo slutty ad gives demeaning inscription for all types in the bodymod screen description

    tattoo slutty ad and demeaning inscription don't show in slave summary when applied individually,
    only works if done with "apply full-body"

    a bleached anus blocks "apply full-body" anus tattoos except for cow pattern (and lewd scenes which have no anus tattoo)

    "apply full-body" cow pattern overrides face, butt, boob, vagina and anus tattoos
    unlike other full-bodys which check each individually

    can "apply full-body" when no face, butt, boob and vagina tats; ignores other tattoos

    in body mod list when anusTat is applied it shows up as current vaginaTat

    in body mod list typo when have arm tattoo "Her arms aretattooed with"

  17. I'm starting to get the impression we aren't suppose to be getting every slave up to worship

    1. It takes a long time, but you can if that's what you want.

      Also there's a short cut if you can make your slave get a pregnancy fetish you can in one turn get them up to worshipful, and then you can quickly shove them into one of the other slave ares so they don't get the rubber band of balance to shoot them back down.

  18. 2 things
    First is a bug where the anus tattoo seems to take its information from the abdomen and genital tattoo description. If the anus is tattooed and the abdomen is not it shows up as

    Her anus is tattooed with 0. Remove tattoo

    Second is a feature. Can we get a "remove all tattoos" option up with the apply full body option. Easier than clicking remove for each of the now nine areas for tattoos to be. This could even be a remove all standard tattoos option or something if you want to preserve custom tats

    1. Very minor grammar note, for tongue piercing it says

      Her tongue is unpierced. Pierce them

      should say "pierce it" like for navel

  19. I had a idea for something. Slaves that have the max size for breasts can get spine reinforcement surgery to better accommodate their new assets, and those they don't get it will randomly suffer minor health drops, since funbags that size and dangerous

    1. I'm going to approach this through musculature instead, since some real-life women with very large fake tits have stated they do special workouts to build the necessary muscles.

  20. Odd wording

    Lexi walks past your desk with the tiny swaying steps she must take in her high heels. She is on her way to whore; she rushes by, hurrying to her next task. Her bodysuit shows off quite a cameltoe as she moves. Her bodysuit gives her quite the cameltoe. It's reasonably tight, with pink pussylips. They are moist with arousal. She's waxed and smooth. She is a vanilla sex master. She has a smart piercing in her clit. Call her over

    Basically says the exact same thing twice about her bodysuit and the cameltoe.

  21. in my case, the tattoos aro not being correctly displayed in the slave description, and the "remove all tattoos" option is not working.
    pls look into it, i was really excited by this update so if you could release a hotfix i would love it.

  22. I have seen a bug with nicknames; sometimes the nickname displayed when the random event occurs is "$nickname." I will post more specifics if I see it again, since I can't remember what the specifics were.

    1. The number of possibilities is huge, since the nickname event is quite long and considers all possible nicknames for a slave. If you can post a save for me to look at, that would be really outstanding.

  23. A suggestion for the 'tanning' option in the auto salon: I may be off on this but some races don't really 'tan' like caucasians do. At least, black people don't AFAIK.

    I'd suggest instead of it being 'tanning' it could be 'skin treatments' or something similar, and instead of going from tanned-lightened-pale it would just be a range of that race's skin tones. So for black slaves it would be black-brown-light brown, for latinas it would be brown-light brown-olive, and dark-light-pale for asians and arabs.

    I'd also probably change caucasians to be tanned-fair-pale, since being white with 'white' skin reads strangely in some events.

    This also has the advantage of letting players tailor their slaves in ways they can't right now other than repeatedly refreshing the slave markets or similar tricks - there's no way to get many of the non-caucasian skin tones other than the slave being generated with them.

    As a totally separate thing, sometimes the main screen and long form slave age numbers don't match up - I don't have my notes here at the moment, but one of the hardcoded slaves, Eryma, I definitely remember as being listed as 'mid twenties' in one list but 'early twenties' in the other.

  24. So I found a pretty major bug: having mindbroken slaves assigned to gloryhole will, when the "doesn't understand what she did to deserve this" thing comes up, become un-mindbroken. Also, the "$nickname" thing is happening for nicknames of any category, not just one.

  25. Found another: Bodyguard nicknames showing up on slaves that have never been Bodyguard, nor or they muscular or have combat training.

    1. You have a talent for finding strange bugs. A couple of these are really very odd.

  26. FC Author, the pace of updates you are keeping up really is impressive. I can't think of any other game that was ever this alive. You must be really into it, and I can't blame you, the game sure is fun.

    There is one more thing that I'd like to suggest. When playing for a while and accumulating a lot of girls, I often have no idea who exactly it is that the event is referring to. At other times, also, it's difficult to visualize at a glance what a girl looks like. You have to look for key pieces of info in a page of description.

    It would be really nice if any time a girl's name is mentioned in the game it was followed by a very brief list of key data about her looks - stuff you would immediately notice while talking to somebody. For example:
    "Ava (blonde, white, 20s, C-cup) is passing by your office ..."

    I think it would help the player better visualize what is going on, the game flow easier, and help make it more personal.

    1. I'll be pushing 0.3.11 shortly and it goes one better.

  27. Girls can be virgins and still skilled at sex. same for anal virgins - anal sex. Probably shouldn't be possible.

  28. can we get a warning for the RE vocal disobedience event that if you do the public use on the slave they will lose virginities. I know this is present on some other events and its helpful when you have 5+ slaves and can't remember the statuses for each.

  29. Incredible mountain of progress! Truly impressive.. and to say one thing, TITS, omg.
    On the other hand, I am also very fond of fat butts and bellies, lol - but seriously I am truly thankful for FC Author's great work! Skill and motivation combined. Wouldn't have believed if I hadn't myself seen this happen.

  30. Breast implants in some of the premade slaves are off - for instance, Kai has 4cc implants in 1000cc breasts.

    Bodyguards don't have a line for cleaning up and going back to work in the walk past scenes, neither do the girls in the promenade/dairy/brothel/servant's quarters.

    The girls from 'RE businesswoman malefactor' and 'RE posh mother daughter' should be wearing business clothes for the initial description, before the player decides whether to enslave them.

  31. I was wondering just how short petite is. I can guess very tall is somewhere around 7 feet but petite is below short in terms f size so its hard to put any kind of number value to it

  32. Wishlist: Further break down the Head Girl training options. Instead of 'Train Skills (Yes/No)' break it out to 'Train Sexual Skills', 'Train Whoring Skills', and 'Train Entertainment Skills'.

  33. Minor bug: When you hire a younger sister from the older sister's request, the younger sister will say that "She has been with you X weeks." where X is the older sister's time, not the newer sister's.

  34. I'm not sure if it's intended or not, but the improved hormone treatments for asses at least seem to be rocketing a girl to huge ass territory in a single week, regardless of their previous size. Reductions also seem broken, so you can't even easily trim them down to the proper size without what I'd imagine to be a rigorous starvation diet.

    1. Not intended. Hilariously, if you extrapolate the numbers to an actual size, one week of bugged butt injections was growing asses to the size of a small car. Butts go from 0 to ~10, and this was punching them out to 50 at minimum.

    2. Knowing the Internet, there are plenty of inflation fetishists who would consider that a feature, not a bug.

  35. Could you please check if there's anything wrong with cum (oral) fetish nickname triggers? I've seen them pop up for nymphos (who get EVERY fetish nickname trigger) but not for cumsluts.

    1. Also, please check the rate at which subordinate slaves (not sex toys) are upping their sex counters. From the looks of it, they're servicing multiple partners orally each week, which leads to quick millennials and nympho conversions.

    2. SUGGESTION: Nympho's supposed to be "every fetish +" right? Maybe it should generate the lines in individual slave description about the slave struggling against a quirk?

      It would probably be easier to have a single catch-all sentence about the slave's sexuality making her exhibit the quirk less often for all that apply. I'm thinking specifically of arrogant/submissive and bitchy/exhibitionist. (Can't say I've ever gotten a "no anal" or "no oral" slave up to nympho to check whether those fetishes go away due to inner conflict.)

  36. BUG: slave with altered tendons (but no heels) who was listed as "crawling" on the main screen got hit with the "living on all fours turns her into a sexual submissive" line in her weekly update. On next week's main screen, however, her fetish was set to VANILLA instead.

    1. BUG: the small splash page that shows up after applying a smart piercing exits out to the MAIN page instead of the SLAVE or the BODY MOD page.

  37. Would it be possible to add separate clit and dick piercing slots for herms?

    1. I think it was decided some time back that herms, due to having artificial vaginas, are not supposed to have a separate clit.

      That said, I remember reporting an inconsistency a couple of versions back where herms could possibly spawn with both a dick and an obvious clit (equivalent to one stage of enlargement for a muscular female). It was probably unintended and I haven't tried to replicate this recently, so I don't know if this is still in the game.

  38. would it be possible to upload with anything other than MEGA in the future? it's pretty much impossible to download via mobile and many of us don't have access to computers. Dropbox would be great!

    1. I use the mega app via google play store, but it is a little troublesome to retrieve the file.

  39. if possible I'd like to see an option in the rules assistant to auto bleach anuses
