Sunday, October 4, 2015

No patch today

Nowhere have I committed to a patch schedule, but I have had a lot of time to work on this project lately, and that's meant nightly patches. I've seen several posts here and elsewhere looking forward to the nightly patch, and since I've punched them out nightly for more than ten days in a row, it's understandable that players may have gotten used to that pace. So, fair warning: no patch today.


  1. Honestly i'm kinda glad there isn't one today. Simply because i think you need a break dude. Gotta say though your game is awesome dude. Looking forward to your next patch.

  2. >Catering to fans of denial

    Thank you based author

  3. I've definitely gotten used to daily patches by now, but man you gotta keep yourself from getting burnt out... Thanks for keeping us all informed and all the effort/time you put in to make this great game.

    Have a great Sunday.

  4. Take it easy my man, the game you're making is the one I've been waiting for all my life, much props.

  5. better that you take a break for a day or two every now and then, and just finish the game a few days/weeks later than otherwise, than burning yourself out on the game and leaving it half-finished forever

    take yo time

  6. Replies
    1. Hahahahaha!

      On a different note, can we get a description of clothing within the game's codex so that the players have an idea what they are and possibly their effects *before* locking it in for the week? Thanks either way. ;)

    2. Ooh, this. I've played quite a bit, but it's still not entirely obvious what effects stuff has: a codex entry on slave fashion would be much appreciated!

    3. There already is: it's called "Slave Couture." Let me know if it's not clear enough for you.

    4. It's not very clear. A couple of examples (using just the options available and the Slave Couture info):

      Slutty Jewelry - Does the slave even *wear* clothes? What *kind* of jewelry? Like, everywhere possible? Or like, y'know, hoop earrings? Same with the C.Belt. What other clothes is she wearing, if at all? Depends on obedience level?

      Uncomfortable Straps and Harem Gauze - Mechanically different, yes, as they affect obedience levels differently, but how does a player know what they look like beforehand? They sound like they look the same at first glance; at least, to me.

      Took me a little while to figure out that the Slave Gown isn't the same as Harem Gauze. There's just no info going *in* beforehand to know the difference.

      Great game! Would like to see backgrounds take some role in the game - businessman, strongarm, & gambler (i.e., a few unique random events if they're not already present).

  7. >no patch

    Thank god, maybe I will finally have a chance to experience all the events.

    Seriously though you've been too good to us.

  8. I was honestly just thinking about how it was ridiculous the pace of updates was. You seem like a human being again now. Keep up the good work!

  9. Take a break, stave off the burnout. You've earned it brah.

  10. Take your break, Im just glad you told us whats going on. ( usually my fears about abandoned games starts 1-2 weeks after the last post so no worries there).

    but I have a small Suggestion: since I got a shemale slave with a pregnancy fetish I have got the Idea about a "Pregnancy-Implant" with 5 stages, while the first 4 stages increased the size of the belly the last stage implants a device thats simulate babymovements. Does that fit in that "possible future/universe" of yours?

    1. It does, but the coding effort is pretty high versus the content delivered. Every idea I have or suggestion I receive has a lot of competition.

    2. Different Anon here: Fair enough. Thanks for your efforts! Cool stuff!

  11. do you not realize how much work you put into this? it's pretty unreal, so having one day without a patch doesn't really bother me.
    you deserve a day off.

  12. Request: Slave endurance.

    Reasoning: I find it slightly strange that a zero sexual encounters slave can engage in just as many sexual encounters as the whore who's been doing this for ten years.

    Proposed mechanics: Some hidden endurance stat that grows (or even shrinks) as the slave engages in more (or less) sexual encounters. A slave that engages in more sexual acts than what her endurance would allow will cause mental, and eventual physical harm. A slave's willingness to push past her normal endurance levels might be affected by her devotion/sexual appetite. This mechanic may replace or alter how the gloryhole currently works, in terms of negative effects on the slave.

    Of course this "small" mechanic involves quite a bit of math and careful balancing. Thoughts?

    1. I'm working to handle this through the health mechanics. The sad fact of real-life situations like this is that slavery like this really is bad for one's health. Physically difficult tasks will result in greater health loss the lower health is, and lower health loss the higher health is.

    2. Awesome! Glad to hear it! I really enjoy the game so far.

    3. In many areas the game is actually more complex than it appears. You may have seen that girls sometimes lose health when assigned to tough jobs. Whether this happens depends on a lot of things, but health is a big part of it. Over a certain health point, they're considered so robust they'll almost never be hurt; below a certain point, they're so sickly they'll be badly injured.
